


 After crying for a longtime , I thought I should just find a way to walk away from the house, I know I am not ready to raise a baby on my own but at the same time, I am scared of abortion.

Many thought began to work in my brain.

” What if this abortion was done and I never get pregnant again? What if I lost my womb in the process? Although I have heard my colleagues when I still work at Kunle’s parent mansion that there is safe abortion that someone should avoid a quack doctor but above all abortion is wrong.

 I have heard many of them have abortion and didn’t see it as anything anymore but what if during mine a mistake occur, professionals make mistakes, no one is perfect, I thought.

I have to go away before a doctor is brought into this house, I have nothing to take but too bad I have no money on me and I am going to loose the deal of me bringing out myself and family out of poverty.

Where do I even get money to return to the village? I thought and I look around the room, nothing was mine and I turn to my bed, selling my phone came through my head and I said to myself.

” This one is mine, he bought this for me as a gift and it’s mine, I can sell it, it might has lost value because it’s a used one but it won’t loose total value, I haven’t used it for long, I can take it to computer village but where do I even get money to go to computer village? I thought.

” I could just pick a bike, cab or tricycle to the computer village and will ask the person I want to sell to that he should borrow me some money to pay the driver” I thought and I thought again.

” Some people might recognize me and it will make Kunle trend for the wrong reasons, I will tie a scarf, I think that should make me look different from the normal face I wear out when we go on official outing” I said.

 I quickly began to search through the wardrobe for a scarf and I found one, though, it’s not a scarf for the head , it’s something I was supposed to throw around my neck when I am wearing a particular dress in my wardrobe but at least it will serve as a scarf for me.

I quickly tie my scarf and look into the mirror, I slowly open the door and peep if anyone is in the hallway, there was no one coming and going and I slowly tiptoe towards the stairs and I heard a voice I do not like hearing.

Kunle’s mom’s voice. I closed my eyes and stood still and she walks closer to me and she stood in front of me, she scoffs.

” Where do you think you are going? I swallow my saliva because I didn’t even know what to say about this woman, she has always wanted me out of her son’s life and now she is stopping me from running away.

”Are you deaf or you think you are in my son’s house and you can count my voice? You are still my maid until you no longer work for any member of my family that you are no longer a maid” she says.

” I …. I am …..trying to…..do something you have always wanted” I said looking down with tears running down my face.

” Wow! She scoffs. “ Someone’s got guts right now, she now replies me in a stupid manner anyways , so tell me what is that thing I have always wanted that you are talking about? She asks and I gave her the reply she wanted to hear.

” Walking out of your son’s life, I want to walk away so that he would do what you want” I said and I was about walking away and she pulled me back.

” Thank God you know what I want and you even know what to do but you are going nowhere until that thing you are carrying is evacuated from your stomach “ she says firmly and I quickly crouch down on my knees.

” please ma, I can’t stand abortion please, just let me walk away as I won’t come back” I said weeping profusely.

“ You could stand my son coming in and out of you because I watched that clips, you so much enjoy my son and I am sure if I watched further you would be the one even asking for more because you knew your plans but you never knew I would be a tower behind him that would ruin every of your plan, anyways my dear fake daughter in law,you cannot go anywhere because you have to be here to go ahead with the plans because my family cannot loose power because of you and as for that thing you are carrying inside you stomach, the doctor will be here to flush it away” She says to me.

 I thought as I weep and on my knees that why does this woman want to get rid of my pregnancy, why is she so bent on getting rid of my pregnancy.

” Please ma, I promise to walk away ma” I said still on my knees.

” So that you can come back in future and cause another scandal for my son? Why are you so bent on ruining my son’s life? She asks and I couldn’t control my tears.

Anyways the doctor will be here soon to help to

“let me go ma, I promise never to come back, I promise never to show my face again” I said pleading.

“I am not my son that falls for your cheap tricks, your crocodile tear, your pitiful face, all these can’t even make me change my mind on what I want to do not even my son” she says.

At this point, I knew nothing would change Kunle’s mom’s mind, she hates my gut infact everything about me.

I stood up and walk back into my room sluggishly, when I entered into my room, I was surprised to find a bouquet, different colors in my room with a big I am sorry, the bouquet were in Rainbow colors, they were all arranged according to how rainbow colors are in line, I quickly open the door and I didn’t see anyone. 

I walk towards the bouquet and I smile, I picked one up and smell it, it really felt nice and I really love it.

“Where did the person who brought the bouquet pass? I and Kunle mom was on the staircase, maybe there is another entrance? I said to myself, it’s possible since I haven’t even try going round the house since I started staying here.

I checked into every bouquet and it all has “I am so sorry, forgive me” I felt happy that he apologized and not just the apology but the way we had this misunderstanding and have it settled feels so beautiful.

This is one this I have always wanted , an understanding man, that knows how to easily resolve things, I believe things that make marriage and relationship survive is , True love, trust,understanding, tolerance , faith in one another and maturity to resolve issues. In every marriages and relationship is bound to happen, resolving it now depends on how matured we are to resolve the issue, how much we can tolerate our differences and iron out our issues and with this it would be hard for third party to come in between and this is one thing my parents lack.

I was so little that my parents has always disagree on everything and till I grew into a lady I am it is still the same thing.

My dad has always seen my mom as a bad luck because my mom has a job and he has none, my mom never disagree with him but he disagree with everything my mom says and this would always end up in argument and next he would start beating my mom like a kid, marriage is not supposed to be that way, marriage is not supposed to revolve around just one person, it is supposed to be an understanding between the couple.

My dad is suppose to understand that they were raised from different homes, he is suppose to talk to my mom with love whenever he wants something but no, he would command her claiming to be the head of the house and since I had come to understand marriage is about compromise ,I prayed for a man like Kunle but will it work between us because of his mom.

I know Kunle is trying to force this relationship even I want this relationship so bad, every girl wants to be pampered and loved but one thing I know is if a mother in law doesn’t like her daughter in law it takes the grace of God for that marriage to survive.

I took all the bouquet one by one , I felt happy that he felt sorry for not believing me , I also want to apologize to him for not telling him that I had nausea while taking the pills, I wish I could run to his room and embrace him but I haven’t entered into his bedroom before , maybe I would have love to meet him in his office and just appreciate him and apologized but his mom does not want to see me anywhere close to him.


That stupid girl thinks she can come here and leave without cleaning up her mess? On top all she is claiming to be pregnant, I just can’t wait for the doctor to be here and I need to find a way to convince my son to go out.

“I should call the chairman that he should invite my son over for maybe one or two hours by the time he comes back the baby would have been evacuated” I said to myself and I walk into my car, I told my driver to excuse me.I brought out my cellphone from my handbag, I dialed the chairman’s number and it began to ring.

“Good morning, my future in law” The chairman says over the phone.

“Good morning sir, and please when you are addressing me remove that future from that in law because Juliana is already our wife and no one will take her place” I said and we both burst into laughter.

“Concerning the issue of that girl, the girl that almost ruin my son’s career, she is claiming to be pregnant for my son and I want to get rid of the baby, I have already spoken with the doctor but my son doesn’t want to get rid of the baby and if I do not get rid of that baby a girl as intelligent as this might come back to cause scandal for my and Juliana in future, so I want you to invite my son over to your place, make him spend up to three hours at your place by then the evacuation of the baby would have been done” I said.

“Alright” the chairman says.

“I know he would be mad at me but I am still his mother , we would resolve our problem when he is finally the governor of this state” I said.

“You deserve a reward for thinking this far, you will receive alert in your bank account right now” he says.

“Thank you sir” I said, yes my husband is a billionaire and I also own my money, my monthly salary as his wife but that doesn’t mean I will refuse any money I am being given infact I am always happy when I hear the sound of give her money.

I was still putting my phone into my handbag when I saw the alert of Two million naira, I dial the chairman’s number on my cell phone to appreciate him but he was on another call which means he is on the phone with my son.

I quickly got out of the car to confirm if my son was receiving the chairman’s call, I increased my pace  and as I climbed the stairs up I saw him, walking towards his office, and he was saying something like “Yes sir” I knew it was the party chairman.

He returned to his office and and came out speaking to Bassey on phone , he walk toward the stairs and he turns back and goes towards the stupid girl’s room, he knocked on her door, he turn to his side and he saw me and he didn’t even care that I was standing there, the stupid girl opens the door and he enters into her room.

My phone rang and the party chairman told me he had called him and he said he would be with him shorthly. I thanked him and we hanged the call.



I was on my way to Shade’s room when the party chairman had called me and told me that he wants us to discuss on some projects that he thinks we should talk to people about in our next campaign rally.

Immediately I drop the call and I called Bassey to get ready to follow me and that he should tell the driver to get ready.

I had gotten to the stairs before I thought of going to apologize on my own and also explain to her where I am off to.

Afterall we are officially becoming  husband and wife soon and I don’t think I will divorce her for any reason and I want us to be transparent with each other, I want as my wife to be she should know my whereabout, this is something I have learn from my parents marriage over the years.

If my dad goes somewhere and you wake my mom while sleeping she would tell you where my dad is, they are so lovely, they argue like kids and settle it, since I was a kid till now that I am grown, my Dad has never raised his hands on my mom even if my dad is so angry, he would just walk away lock himself up to calm himself down because my mom can be troublesome sometimes but at the end of the day they will talk it over and you know what they call makeup sex would always happen, I know because the door would be lock then and everywhere will go quiet.

This is something I want to practice in my home to and I want to start as from now on, we have the third person joining us soon in eight or nine months time.

I knock on her door and she opened the door and she smiled at me , I entered and close the door and she embraced me.

“Thank you” she says.I AM