

I was about giving my speech when she came into the gathering bold and powerful, I couldn’t even start my speech, seeing her alone got me smiling and the way she arrived in style bold and powerful made me proud of her.

I love the statement of her outfit.

All head turn to her and I step down from the stage and I walk to my Ebony beauty and I held her hand and she smiled to me beautifully and that smile alone captured my heart , I could see my mom fuming, my Dad wearing an angry face, Lara  also in anger and Juliana puffed her cheeks

I held her hand with care looking into her eyes smiling and she was also looking into my eyes smiling .

We climbed to the stage and she stood beside me and camera’s and photographs and even guest took out their cellphones to cover us and when we got to the stage I gave her kiss on her cheek and I place a slight kiss on her lips and she smiles staring at me and I also smile and I gave my speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I Kunle Smith is assuring you all under this political party and even those who are our supporters that I am assuring you all that if I am vote a governor , I will make this state a better place to live for everyone, less tax, less bills , free education for young and Adult because I believe no one is too old be in school in addition with vocational training, we will link our schools with all companies so that as our youths are graduating they will be employed straight into the companies and those who didn’t get a job will be offered supports for their talents to invest on so that they can showcase their talent from Nigeria to the world , employ and train others to and I believe this will help the state so much and we won’t have lots of people on the streets. 

We will reduce hawkers on the street of Lagos because I believe those children hawking should be studying at home while parents hawking will be supported with money to go off the street, if they have a place to sell like stalls and shops they will stay off the road and it’s what the government can do from the taxes being paid by the individual which we will do, we can always put some shops close to the roads and they will sell there , free health , reduction in cost of living and also the government will own It’s own companies that will employ our indigenes and the working  hours will be split so that the everyone can be employed.

If you vote for me , I promise to do beyond those few things listed by me that I will do, let us vote for a new beginning of this state and a change will come to this state, Thank you” I said and Everyone clapped and she come to embrace me and she whispers to my ear.

“ Can I also speak? She asks and I look at her and smile and I kiss her on the cheek and I reply.

“Okay” I said and I move aside for her and she steps to where I stood to give my stage and she said.

“ I and my fiancée here are very happy to have your supports and we are calling on every one who haven’t gotten their PVC to get their and vote for a new beginning of our state by voting for my  fiancée and when he is a governor I also promise to help women fight domestic violence because a lot of women go through this and I want to help women fight it and not just fighting it but see to people’s good health, support women in different areas be it education, trade and Vocational classes and also help support them with some money, my Fiancee is the man of the people, he doesn’t discriminate between poor and the rich and the poor which means he see’s everyone being treated fair and equally, vote Kunle smith for a beginning of our state , Thank you” She says and everyone clapped . She really surprised me with her speech, she did that out of her own head, she is really intelligent and really fit to rule along with me if I become the governor , no matter what I will do my best to keep her beside me.

I walk up to her and I held her smiling and I stare at her, I forgot about everyone watching us right now, it feels like the world belongs to just us at that moment and she looks at me and she shyly to look down and asks,

“ Did I try? I smile and I lift her chin with my finger and I lean and kiss her on her lips and I deepen it a bit.

“You are the best, thank you” I said and we turn to the people and they were all clapping for us and we wave our hands to them and I could see my mom not looking happy while my Dad just stood staring at us .

We climb down the stairs of the stage down and we walk to the midst of the invitees and guest holding hands and people camera’s were still taking pictures of us and I kept looking at her face how she keep her smiling face and we had few discussions with some party members  even with the party chairman even though he wasn’t wearing a smiling face.

Many people commends both of us for our speech, soon the party was over and we walk towards the car holding each other’s hand and my mom came to us  and she looks around and she pulls out Shade’s hand out of my and she was glaring daggers at her.

“Mom, we do not have to do this here , we are in public please” I said.

“Maybe you should stop showing too much of affection out there! What’s all about the kisses and the show off and you?! She says facing Shade who has her head down. 

“Were you not suppose to stay in the hotel room and not come down from the room? ! she asked.

“I pleaded with her to be here , please mom don’t even start this now, as you can see we are so tired and we need some rest from today’s activities” Kunle says.

“Are you trying to disrespect me because of this girl? My mom asks.

“Shade please go into the car I will join you” I said and she walks into the car.

“Mom, I am not trying to disrespect you in front of my……in front of Shade” I said.

“You said my……..your what? I asked.

“That was a slip of tongue” I said.

“You were kissing her son, I saw that look on your face towards her , you know you shouldn’t be flirting around that girl in a gathering like this, your fiancée is here and you should respect that! She snaps at me.

“Juliana isn’t my fiancée and I know what I am doing, you and Dad wanted this and I am doing it, you want us to play couple in the presence of people out there and we are doing it and you are still complaining about us being lovey dovey in public” I said.

“I didn’t say you guys shouldn’t be lovey dovey in public but it is getting out off hands, I want it tone down “ my mom says.

“Mom, I am feeling sleepy , I need to get ready for tomorrows campaign rally, Good night” I kissed my mom on her cheek and walk to the car.

When I got into the car she rest her hair on the chair and she had her eyes closed, I guess she was just too tired from today’s activities . I smile staring at her and I use my hand to carress her hair and the driver starts the car engine and she opened her eyes and she turns to me.

“Hey! I said softly.

“I didn’t know I slept the deep that I didn’t know when you came in” She said.

“I can see you are so tired, you can go back to sleep , I will wake you up when we get home” I said.

“I am not feeling sleepy again, my eyes are wide open” she laughs. I held her hand , look into her eyes .

“Thank you” I said.

“Why are you thanking me” I said.

“For your support, you gave a powerful speech that is enough to put on that seat,I……..thank you” I said.

I wanted to say I love you but I quickly said Thank you, I do not want it to be as if I am taking chances because she decided to support me, I want to respect her for who she is just as she respect me for who I am.

“ And I haven’t complimented you , I love your dressing, you made all head turn when you came in and I am really proud of you my Ebony beauty” I said.

“really, you mean I look that beautiful the way I dress? She aked.

“yes and came along with the intelligence that no one ever saw in you or the one you never had the opportunity to showcase to the world, you are beautiful in the inside out because I have seen the outer of you, you are an Ebony beauty and the inside of you is pure and intelligence” I said and I felt like placing a kiss on her lips but you know what they say respect is reciprocal.



God! Did I just turn all heads around because of my dressing, I just wanted to make Lara and Juliana jealous because they did not respect my presence in the life of Kunle, yes , I am a fake girlfriend but if you are some side chick or Ex or future arrange wife , you should respect that. 

I might have come from the slum but I am human and I get jealous, I love this guy even though I know our chances of forever is so slim but let me just enjoy the moment.

Lara who is an Ex trying to seduce Kunle back to herself and Juliana who is yet to be in is life wanting to start playing the role of a wife while they try to sideline I who is being call fiancée in the public, I won’t take that, if in real life I end up with Kunle and those girls come along I will fight for what is mine that is if we still share the same feelings because if we do not share same feelings I won’t force myself on a man because I am not ready to deal with domestic violence, I have seen my mom go through emotional, physical abuse from my Dad and at the end he left her after spending all mom’s money with years of my mom struggling to be with him just to put it out there that we are a perfect family  but at the end he left her for another woman that has money.

I am never in support of a woman remaining in an abusive marriage or relationship because I am a victim, it doesn’t affect the mother alone but what about the male child that keep watching the father abuse the mother or what about the daughter who get mentally hurt or traumatized from this abuse, what I am saying is that the only thing that would let me not fight for a man that I love is domestic abuse but just some women trying break us apart, I will fight for what is mine.

I was surprised to see Kunle said “I have to do this , women deserves respect” he is right that we deserve respect and I salute him for always respecting women be it young and old and I know that is one of the reason the party chairman wants him to marry his daughter.

He climb down the stairs of the stage and he held my hand passionately, looking into my eyes and we look like those gorgeous political couple, well let me say we look like the obama’s but that isn’t her style though.

Michelle Obama has always been someone I adored so much and I dream someday to be like her but I never thought I will be doing such thing as a fake future first lady someday but I feel great for the privilege and this opportunity will somehow change my life.

If I can’t support my Kunle as his wife in his political ambition just as Michelle Obama did, I will support him as a fake fiancée and I will be glad I accomplish something I have always wanted to do in my life.

He held my hand to the stage and I made sure I scan through the crowd and I felt happy to see Lara, having her hand folded across her chest, she couldn’t even hide her anger and Juliana puffed her cheek and she couldn’t hide how crazy she was going in the party, I felt happy that I was able to hurt Juliana than the way she hurt me with the words of her mouth and as for Lara , I was glad she couldn’t stand my personality because I do not think it is necessary to intimidate by being Childish , she stretched her leg to fall me down just to embarrassing me  and I intimidated her with my personality and style and my power speech.

Lara and Juliana left the party immediately after Kunle’s speech and I embrace him and he kissed me on the lips , I thought that was all and he shocked me by kissing me on my lips and it felt really beautiful and I felt we like we are real couple. He made me love him more  because he said things I wanted to hear him said , he had the common people , the needy and the poor people in mind, he had everyone in mind equally and I thought of not just standing on the stage beside him alone , I should give him my support and I ask him if I can speak and he said yes.

I gave my speech and I was surprised I got same claps and cheered by the guest just like Kunle got clapped and cheered.

I just stole the show and I am happy about it, I never thought I could do this but I pulled through and with the support of the love of my life if only we would someday end up together.

After my speech , he didn’t just embrace me , we forgot all about the people and think about our own world, he appreciated me and even kissed me not just a peck on my lips as usual but he deepened the kiss this time and I was shocked but I loved it, I won’t deny that.

He took me round the people he hasn’t had time to introduced me to , we even got invitations for interviews and after an hour we decided to return home and his mom came and she was like we were being lovey- dovey but that isn’t my fault, he was being lovey dovey with me and not just that but that was part of the whole thing and it’s not our fault that it’s going to another angle.