

My wife asked me about what I and my dad discussed I told him it's the business and my wife told me that I should help bring back the family business to his feet while she will be handling our investments.

I know she can do it but I feel it will be too much for her to handle but she kept assuring me that she will handle the business that I should help out the with the family company.

I agree to do it all because of my wife.


I went back home and I walk to my bedroom, I drop my hand bag thinking back

to many times I have seen the pregnant lady with Deji.

"'I have always meet that lady whenever I go to Deji's house and when I asked he would say she is a maid but come to think of it , can any sane man in his right frame of mind employ a pregnant woman? I asked myself.

" That is not possible that Deji would employ a pregnant woman to be a maid, I think there is more to the whole thing because I do not think any sane person would employ a pregnant woman as a maid, I know there is more to the so call maiden stuff or something, If I find out she and Deji are dating and Deji is the father of that kid inside of her , She will regret ever dating the man I loved.

But come to think of it , that pregnancy is almost due for birth while I and Deji had just been together for just four months and that pregnancy looks like someone who will put to bed soon, does it mean this two had been in a relationship before I came into his life or what exactly is going on? I sit on the edge of the bed and think.

" I can't back off now, I do not care if she had been in the life before I came into life all i know is I have come into his life and she has to take a walk and if she doesn't want to I will show her the way to her grave " I said  to myself.

I pick my phone and tell my PA to help me call my trusted guard for me, I walk to the living room and I sat in one of the couch with my leg crossed.

My PA return into living and not long my bodyguard arrived.

" Yes na, you sent for me" He says standing.

" Yes , I sent for you"

I replied.

" I want you to help me with something, I want you to help me make gather some information about Deji, I need to know what he is up to, that is why I call you" I said

"Alright ma" he says.

"I want daily reports on his movements and other things" I said.

"Yes ma" he replied.

" You can go"I replied.

" Yes ma" he replied and took is leave and I stood up, I walk to the bar feeling frustrated. I brig out a glass of wine, I pour some wine for myself, I strode back to my living room carrying the remaining bottle of end and wine glass in my hands.

" why am I always unlucky ? I said to myself.

" If only Deji knows I am a crazy girl he wouldn't think of toying with me" I said to myself.


It's so distracting in my condition being confine to lying down in the bed.

I stare at the TV and watch some parties campaigning, tears dripped down my face , I don't have my legs to achieve my dreams and go around for my son again.

Look at what we started now there are now more of younger people going into politics and that is when my son is backing off, my son is supposed to be the one in the shoes of that Deji but I still have that hope that he would still become the Governor of this state, I will not give up, I will do my best for my son to hold that power, my family needs that power and I know with Shade beside him he will become powerful in this state.

Shade is already a power woman that people loves already, she is the woman of the people  and my son is the man of the people and I know he won't loose even if he goes for presidential election.

My husband enters and kissed me, I gave a faint smile.

He sits beside me holding my hand.

" I spoke to Simi about coming to take over the company and he says I should give him sometime but I just hope he agrees and comes to take charge of the company" He says.

"I hope so" I replied even though that wasn't what I wanted to discuss about.

" Honey what do you think about we starting our own party, you know it is now easy for us to start our own party because Shade is a power woman already that can bring a lot of people to the party with the power woman she is now and our son already has the people behind him, think about it , we can form our own political party and I am sure we would win the race on our own this time" I said.

" Honey please let's think of how to bring this family into becoming one, I want our family unite again, we have done enough in our own lives, let us leave our children to make their decisions, look at what this political stuff has cost our family, I wan our children to do whatever they want and be happy, I do not want to point out what they should do for them, we have done enough in their life" He says.

" But honey, creating a political party can even bring the family together" I said.

" Just stop! It's okay, I am not forming a political party and that is final, let the children be and stop dictating their lives! My husband says and stop up beside me and walks out of the ward.



My bodyguard has been getting me so many vital information about Deji lately and it shows that this guy wants to play his game.

From all the details gathered , the pregnant woman he has been calling his maid was his wife and she is carrying his baby and that they were married before we met.

When I read through all the gathered information, I laughed so hard.

I picked my call that we should meet in my house so that we can see the projects I am talking about.

He agreed to come over to my place at night while I order my men to find a way to get that woman to my house" I said.

By evening they had the woman and she was brought into my house with her eyes blindfolded

I told my men to take her to one of the rooms.

She was taken to one of the rooms , she was pleading as she was taken away to one of my rooms.

I told my cook to prepare me a special dish for I and Deji.


I have been trying my wife's line for sometimes now .

I was worried but not so worried because if she dies I have nothing to loose, I even want her to die on her own so that everything she owns will become mine.


I told my men to fix a camera in front of her because I want Deji to see and know that I already know the truth, I want him to know that I am not that kind of woman that he would play and go scot free.

Few hours later his car drove in, I stood at my balcony dressed with a wine glass in my hand as I watched him as he got down of the car and he straightened himself while I smile , I sip out of my wine, after he was done straightening his suit, he walked into my living room holding his car keys in his hand while I walked towards the staircase, I climbed down the stairs. 

We embraced and kiss, I held his hand abs we walk to the dinning area.

My waiters comes to serve the food and we began eating.

" About the project ? He asked me, I smile.

" Yes the project" I said and bring my phone, I unlock my phone and give the phone to him and he sees his wife on the phone and he was shocked and he looked at and look back at me

I picked up a glass of wine is smile and sip the wine again.

"Why....what.....I ? He says staring at me.

"Why are you stammering Deji? I asked in a soft voice.

"Why did you capture her? Can't you see she is pregnant! He says.

" Yes, I know she is pregnant, I am not blind " I said softly.

" Listen let her go" He says.

"Your wife? When we met didn't you say you were married, you said you were single, how come suddenly there was a wife in the picture because if I could remember she is just a maid isn't it? I asked smiling.

" Listen Juliana I can explain" he says.

" Expain what! I hit the table hard.

" What do you think of me? That I am

Someone you can toy with? You just toyed with the wrong person because I am going to kill that woman and you will do only what I want you to do and that is it but as for that  woman over there I will send her to where she belongs! I said.


I was so happy inside of me that everything is falling into place just as I want it.

I can't wait to see her kill my wife so that I can inherit everything that belongs to her and after that when I become the governor of the state I will be the one to dig out how she killed my wife and by then I will be free to get rid of Kunle and make Shade my wife.

I stare at her pleaded with her, I went down on my knees like I care.

" Baby, I had to lie to you that she isn't my wife because if I had told you she isn't my wife you wouldn't have agreed to be my second wife, baby God knows I loved you, I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just tell me what you want and I will  do it but please don't hurt her, the truth is I never loved her but because of my baby that she is carrying that is why I couldn't let go of her" I said.

" You know what I want divorce her before our marriage" she said

"That's is where the issue is , our marriage is not even up to a year and I cannot divorce her according to the court of law in Nigeria, we have to stay up to three years before we can get divorced " I said.

" Forget about the court of law , my dad knows how to get you and your wife divorced" she says.

" I felt happy to hear this but what I want is how she will die, I know my wife will never agree to divorcing me and I know she won't agree as well and I know she would want to kill her which is exactly what I want.

" Okay since your dad can divorce us , no problem, Let's do it that way" I said and wanted to embrace her and She move back annoyingly.

" It's fine, You have every right to be angry, I am so sorry" I said.

Anyways let's talk of my upcoming project and our next campaign .


The divorce paper was ready, I was invited to sign the divorce paper inside her father's house which I did.


I made sure he signed the divorce paper in i and my Dad's presence and I also made sure his wife still remain in my captive.

I took the divorce paper to her in the room she was thrown into.

" Your husband has signed his divorce papers sign on the divorce papers too" I said.

She laughs out loud.

" Are you kidding me? What makes you think that my husband will divorce me just take this rubbish papers out of my sight and let me go

" You are going no where except you sign this documents and that is it, you have to sign the divorce papers" I said.

I dial Deji's number and put it on speaker .

Deji picks the call.

" Hello" Deji says over the phone.

" Baby, I can't believe you will leave me for a whole one week and not care " his wife says.

" No baby, I have been trying , I was on your side but it just seems not favorable, you know to save you I take the hardest decision of my life which is what I have done, I am so sorry" he says sobbing.

She was shocked and surprised that he was the one who signed the divorced paper.

" So you actually signed the divorce papers, I thought you said nothing can ever come between us ? I know the law , I know we cannot get divorced except after three years and I do not agree to this divorce, I do not agree to this divorce" she says and collects the divorce papers and she looked at me and she tore the papers, I was so pissed off and I hit her hard on her face.

" You tore the paper i worked hard for, if you won't accept in the easy way, you will agree in the hard way! I yelled and all out of the room.

I walked into my room picked the wine that was on the table in my bedroom, I didn't even pour it inside the glass, I just took the bottle and place it in my mouth and pour wine into my mouth .


I and my wife were dressing up to go and meet with the contractors for our projects when my PA knocks on the door and my wife goes to him.

" I am sorry to disturb you ma, the caller says the call is urgent that is why I came knocking on your room ma" he says.

" No problem" I came behind her fixing my sleeves.

" Sir you have a call"he says.

" Thank you" he says.

He collects the phone and place it on his ear.

" Hello"my husband says.

"This is the FGP Chairman , we would like to meet you and have some discussions that will benefit us, we would like you to be our presidential candidate".