

“I am so sorry mom, I was scared to tell you that I was pregnant" I said.

" I thought it was the best to do when I know our condition here" I said.

" That is why I told you to play safe" my mom says, she drop the drug and pull me into her embrace.

I wasn't expecting it because she is that typical Nigerian mother but today she was calm with me, she sat me down, she looked at me.

" You will have this baby and we will raised this baby together in this family, there must be a reason God let this happen" my mom said..

I wept on my mom's shoulder.

"Am I really a bad person mom? I asked my mom and she broke the embrace, she looked at me uses her hand to held my chin.

" You are a good girl, I train you well and  I am really proud about that" she says.

" Where do you think I had wronged Simi that he abandons me, he promised me that we would be together, he promised never to leave me, he promise to be there forever for me but he left me" I weep, my mom

 helped me to dry my face.

" I want you to know one thing if what will be will always be, if he was yours he would have married you, I believe there is someone out there that God has specially designed for you that will love you more than Simi does" she says.

" I love Simi" I said.

" He loved you too but the differences, we are from a different world, he couldn’t fight for you like Kunle fought for Shade” my mom says.

” If I had Kunle’s line maybe if I call him, he would have been able to talk to him I would at least know what the problem is “ she says.

” If you are meant to be he would come back to you” my mom says.

” I thought you and dad would be mad at me if ou find out I was pregnant “ I said calmly.

” yes I am not happy about it but I won’t push you away from me and as for your dad he would be disappointed but I will talk to him.


It was amazing entering into a flight for the first time ever and a private jet for that matter , I looked around inside the private jet, I felt happy.

I was in his arm all through, it’s the first time he is letting me be in his arms but he was mooy all through, well I get that because he gets mood swings almost everytime.

we landed in Paris almost mid night so we couldn’t go around, we go straight to our hotel, I was still feeling happy looking happy when  he drag me to be. I wasn’t in the mood , he forced his way into me anyway have sex with me , he had sex with me just like he always like it, he did it just as he wants it, all my body hurts after the sex.

We ate and I wanted to watch TV, he said no, That I should sit with him in the bed. I wasn’t happy but who am I to complain, I knew all of this before going ahead with the abusive relationship.

The following day we went sight seeing and at night, he told us to have a dinner at the rooftop, we went there and it was a beautiful atmosphere just us , the everywhere decorated, I stood when I saw Ayra starr performed for us live, I have never been to a live performance but one was performing for us live, he didn’t go down on one knee , he stood and held my finger slip the ring into my finger, I loved it even though he didn’t go down on one knee like I wanted.

:I know you love her song so I flew her down here for you” he said.

“Thank you” I said happily and embrace him and kissed hi.

It’s fine , I kissed him, he smile at that, we both sat down and the waiter came to serve us , I was happy at the whole scenario after Ayra starr performed  for us I stood up to embrace her we had little chat, Ayra starr left and I turn back to his, I could see that he was furious , he wasn’t eating again, he was looking down furiouslyI knew what this means, I was already shaking, You see felix is a very hard man to understand, I don’t know what I will do that will get him angry at me. I wonder why he was being this way. He stood up straighten his dress and left, I wanted to call his name but I do not know if will get him angry more.

“He could have let e enjoy this engagement night in peace” I said, I followed him, we enter into the elevator differently, he was already inside the hotel room, when I got out of the elevator , I walk slowly, I knock on the door , he came to open the door and drag me in with my hair, he lock the door, he already had a belt in his hand , he threw me to the floor , he began to hit me , not with the belt but the belt buckle, I beat me till I had no strength in me ti stand to my feet.

I wept so hard on the floor, he began to go mad , angry at himself for beating me. He crouch down beside me.

“I am so sorry, if you have asked me for permission before going to the music star, I wouldn’t have hit you this way” he says.

He carried me , cradled me in his hand, bathe despite knowing I was weak from his beating , He said I should stand holding the wall that he wants to have me from behind, I fell to the ground while he was doing this , he didn’t stop he continue as I lie in the floor until he came , he bath me and took me to bed.

He cuddle me with the pain I am feeling till the next mornig, the pain was so unbearable by the next morning and he always like the early morning sex, I tried to have a conversation with him this time and he started yelling at e that who am I to stop him, I got double slaps again, he had his way on me  and was still mad at me , I had to beg him.

I slept off again until he came to wake me up that I should help him prepare a hot water bath, I manage to stand up because I don’t want to be hit by him again.

I manage to help him make the hot water bath, he goes to take his bath after taking his bath, I went to take my bath after my bath, I became ill, I was shivering, my fiancée never tried to notice me I wept and IU thought to myself.

“ Is Shade going through all of this? I asked myself. I go to him to ask for money to get drug and he ordered for it, that was when he noticed I was ill. 

The drug was brought to us, he didn’t help me with water, I manage to get some water to use the drug after taking the pills , I go to lie down , I slept off, I woke up about five hours he wasn’t around I was feeling better, I sit up and reflect on every thing , I cried, I look at my all my body, I was very angry at myself I felt like walking away from the relationship, I felt like returning the engagement ring but I thought about the luxury I am currently enjoying, I do not want to go back to my old life and moreover many people already know me that I am going out with Felix, I use things none of them use, I live a life they are not living, I will remain with felix, I can’t let people make jest of me and I can’t let Shade keep winning over me everytime.

I didn’t enjoy my trip to France at all with him, we returned back to Nigeria, Our engagement was announced, my mom was happy, his parent had nothing against our relationship, wedding date was fixed.till after the election.

I loved it that way because it’s going to help get me popular, both of us sometimes follow them on the campaign rally but the abuse kept increasing day by day.


After the engagement my mom thinks we should pick a date but I and Jessica had a discussion to give ourselves time to learn about each other for a while , we had the same discussion with my parents, my mom was being adamant about the whole thing and Jessica for the for the first time I had known her flared up that they should let us made our decisions that we are the one getting married.

They left us to make our decision and we decided that after the election we would  fix our wedding date.




I have become a laughing stalk in my area but it is fine, my mom and Dad are trying their best for me, They have raised some money for me to go back to school after putting to bed.

My dad said he wants me to prove to people that having a child out of wedlock isn’t the end of the world, that it is better not to push away the child when it happens rather than embrace such child and help her get through life and make her a better person.

I am so grateful to my parents for this, they did so much for me .

I was beginning to feel the labor pain, my mom wasn’t around but I can still manage myself to the hospital, I went to the hospital myself, I call my mom, she came straight to the hospital, help me brought some things to the hospital. I am having a baby boy because I already know from the ultrasound.

I didn’t labour for so long before being taken into the labor ward , within Thirty minutes , I had my baby with resemblance of Simi.

I was given my baby, I weep so hard, I was happy and I was sad.

I was happy that I had my baby naturally  , we didn’t spend extra money because that was another fear we have so that we won’t touch the money I was supposed to use to go back to school.

I was sad because Simi wasn’t here and that my son might never know his dad.

I have decided to go to a culinary school but it’s a new culinary school owned by one of the hotel staff. My mom got that information through the headmistress of the school where she sweeps. 

She was told  that once we graduated, the top five we would get to work in their hotels as a cook with a better salary while other’s will work in their fast food. 

She already got the form and the school will be starting three weeks after I put to bed.

I want to put my all in all into this because I have a responsibility, I do not want to think of Simi, I want to take my mind of Simi.

I want to be among the top five , I want to make my mom and Dad and myself proud by coming out as the best student in the school.

After few hours at the hospital since I had no complication , I was discharged.



I was eating when I felt my water broke , my husband has gone for his last campaign and he would be going for a caucus meeting because the election is just in a week. I dropped the food in my hand as I was feeling like I wanted to go to the toilet but I already knew what it was because we have been taught all of this in our ante natal.

I shut my eyes trying to with held myself to get some things , it wasn’t easy, I screamed out and stop, I manage to stand up but my feet were heavy, the housekeeper came to me , she wanted to call some of the maids , I stopped her, I told he to get the driver ready which she did, she helped me into the car, told some of the maids that she is going to the hospital with me.

She called my husband and he says he will be there, as our car parked at the hospital, his convoy also parked at the hospital, he quickly came to help me out of the car, he wanted to help me in but a wheel chair was brought to help me in.

I kept breathing in and out as the pain would come and subsidize, he kept telling me sorry, when my pain subsidized, I will laugh at him that I am the one carrying the baby, he is the one worried, that my husband , he would always carry the burden of my pain on his shoulders.

I was taken into the ward, a special ward, a Vip ward , that was what my husband demanded for.

I was checked and I already dilated to 8cm, I had lie down and the midwife kept checking me, my husband was with me holding my hands.

Few minutes later , the pain became unbearable and the nurses came to me , my husband told them he wants to be there when I put to bed.

My bed was wheeled to the labor room.



I was in a meeting when I got a call from the housekeeper that my wife is in labor, I excuse myself immediately and go to the hospital, I met them on their way out of the car and I quickly help her , a wheel chair was brought to her , she was placed in the wheel chair, I helped her to the ward because I asked for a special ward.

It feels like I was the one feeling the pain, the way she would hold me , laugh, pinch me  whenever she feels the pain when it subsidized she would laugh at me.

I stood there while the doctor and nurses ask her to push, I could feel the pain she was using to push with all her force, I held her hand calming her down, giving her random kisses, I wish I could help her push out the baby.

After pushing for about six times, she pushed our daughter and she felt relieved.

“Thank you baby, you are a queen an iron lady, you women are great and you should be respected for that”I said and kiss her.

“I love you so much, you are also the best man ever and I would never stop loving you” I said.

Our baby was clean and I collect her , I cradled her in my arms , tears escaped my eyes, I am happy that I am a father.

“She’s beautiful and she looks exactly like you” I said, I took her to her mom, placed her on her on her body, my wife was cleaned and taken back to her ward and there so many thank you hug around .