
Her Lost King

19 year old Freya Bale, daughter of the 3rd warlord of the underworld, is the perfect combination of beauty and fearlessness, and she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind. When she attends a royal ball hosted by the ruthless king of the underworld, she meets an enigmatic man and a fire of love and lust sparks between them. Little does she know that he is none other than King Adrien himself, the formidable King of the underworld. Despite her father's opposition, she falls in love with, and begs his permission to marry when Adrien asks for her hand. Her world crumbles though when Adrien abruptly vanishes after the birth of their son, leaving the underworld without its ruler and Freya without her King. After 5 years, she finds him spelled, and on earth and unable to remember her or his life as king. As Freya struggles to reclaim her lost king, a looming evil responsible for his disappearance threatens them all. She fights not only for her love, but to uncover the body behind this evil while keeping her family safe. Her fight for family takes her down roads she least expects and she uncovers secrets that threaten everything she has believed in. Love, lust, pain and betrayal clash and in the end, is love really enough?

fatimatusman2000 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 6

Freya's POV

I felt his fairly large body hover above me, before gradually lowering himself and capturing my lips in a searing kiss. We kissed each other like it was a race. A race that didn't have an end. I could feel his hands roaming around every part of my body, squeezing my breasts so gently, and erupting low sighs from me. Ohhh, I loved this. Nothing more could be more pleasurable.

Just then, Adrien settled in between my thighs, poking his length against my womanhood. That was distracting our kisses a great deal.

"Your thing is making me uncomfortable." I muttered in between sighs, and all he did was chuckle.

"It's meant to be the opposite. Give you so much pleasure."

"How?" I asked in confusion. "There is more?"

"Oh, my love, there is more. Just keep your eyes locked to mine." I did as he suggested and almost immediately, I felt his member intruding my womanhood in the worst way possible. I felt the reflex instinct of pushing him away. I actually tried to, but wasn't successful.

"It hurts!" I cried out, the pleasure of his former attentions, all disappearing at once. All I felt now was pain. Where was the pleasure he spoke about?

"Shhh…" he whispered, looking to be in pain just like I was. "I know it hurts snow, but give it a few seconds. I promise the pain will be gone. Or at least, it wouldn't be this bad. Do you trust me?" He asked, making me release a sigh and relax back on the bed. Slowly, I nodded my head positively.

"Yes. I trust you." I whispered.

"Good. Now wrap your legs around my waist." He requested and I did just that, wincing at the little discomfort that I felt while at it.

Soon, I felt him moving against me, causing me to release a whimper. Though the pain was truly not as much as when he first entered me. Maybe I was right to trust him after all. He moved again, and then again, and again.

Gradually, the pain reduced a great deal, being replaced by a sweet kind of pleasure that was probably too much for me to bear. In as much as I was still feeling slight discomfort, the pleasure was more than enough to make up for it. It was weird, but it was a painful kind of pleasure. And I loved it.

Soon, his thrusts weren't enough for me, as I wanted him to hit the deepest part of me. I wanted him to go faster as well, and that made me begin to move against him as well. It felt much better, and I clasped my legs around his waist more tightly. All the while, I yelled out a lot of confusing words and sounds, but it was all in a bid to explain the way I felt. Just like I said earlier, the feeling was simply inexplicable.

"Ahhh!! Adrien! Yeeesss!!" I have no idea what I was agreeing to, but I knew there was just something he was getting right.

Soon enough, his pace became faster and I couldn't be happier. My screams increased and so did my perspiration. He dipped his head downwards and captured my lips in a searing kiss. Our lips fought a battle of dominance, and it seemed to be that I won. That was a surprise.

The more he thrusted into me, the more I felt myself reaching for the sky. I didn't know how long it would take me to get there, but I knew I just had to get there no matter what. I held onto him like I was holding on for dear life, my fingers scratching violently against his back. Just as he hit me so hard, I literally saw the stars exploding before my very eyes.

Finally! I reached the sky and basked in the feeling as much as I could, my body shaking so violently as it probably released some energy. Eventually, I felt myself falling from the sky, and hugging Adrien so tightly. My breathing had been so rough, and it took me a couple of minutes to regulate it.

When I finally calmed down from the crazy mountain I had been dancing on just moments ago, I felt Adrien's lips on mine. Weakly, I responded to his kisses, before my eyes closed shut in slumber. What an incredible night it was.


Morning brought with it the feathered kisses of warm sun rays. I stretched happily, feeling contented. As I stretched, Adrien's arm around my waist tightened and he drew me back into his body. I sighed happily. Was this how life after marriage was going to be? I was loving it already.

"How is it morning already?" He groaned. I could feel his breath fanning my exposed shoulder, bringing back the sensations from yesterday. My core tightened in response and I wondered if it was normal to feel this way so soon again.

"Good morning my love." I giggled and tried to get out of his embrace. We were still naked underneath the blankets and I wanted to get dressed.

His arm refused to bulge. "Freya, it's not morning yet, the sun is deceiving us."

Then he moved me to be underneath him and resting on his elbows, he stared down at me. "Do not let the sun win my love." He mumbled and leaned down to my lips.

As we kissed, Adrien settled more comfortably between my thighs, his member poking me again. Unlike yesterday, I was eager for it this time. I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling at his soft tresses as our kiss lingered on.

Soon, Adrien was pushing his hard length into my womanhood and we both sighed happily when he was fully seated within me. I was a little bit sore, but the pain could not be compared to the pleasure.

He lifted both my legs to wrap them around his waist as he drilled into me over and over again. The kiss turned brutal and our teeth clashed with the force of his thrusts. We abandoned kissing and he rested his face in the hollow of my neck instead, grunting with every movement he made.

Steadily, I started to climb that mountain, reaching for its peak. My moans filled the air, urging Adrien on. His pace turned punishing and I clawed at his back, barely hanging on. And finally.... I fell, with Adrien following right behind me.

The room was quiet after that, with only the sounds of our ragged breathing. We were panting as we both struggled to catch our breaths. Wow! I was going to enjoy being married.

Sleep came again after our passionate lovemaking and at noon, hunger forced us to get out of bed.

"I'm very hungry." I muttered, resting in his embrace. I didn't want to leave my spot but my stomach was eating itself up already.

"I'll ask for our food to be brought up." He said yawning. Our lovemaking activities had sapped both of us of our strengths.

I got out of bed first, covering my body in a robe and I looked around the room. His room was masculine, with the king-sized bed being the center of attention. The room also had two wooden chairs padded with furs facing the fireplace. Adrien rested up slightly on the bed and he quietly watched me as I observed the room, my eyes flitting over the details I failed to notice the night before.

Drapes matching the shade of his eyes covered the walls and two doors were to the side. One led to the bathing chambers as I had found out yesterday so the other probably led to the wardrobes. My things had been moved from my house already. Doors leading to a balcony had remained open through the night, giving a view of the palace grounds. I went to stand on the balcony, gazing at the beauty below. I couldn't believe this was now my home, a pang of homesickness hit me.

I would really miss Hella, Father, and Helena. It was weird knowing that I wouldn't get to see them every day again.

I would also miss Dalia very much, I liked her dressing me up. Perhaps I'll ask my father to let her come to me. I hoped he would agree to it.

Adrien came up behind me, his warmth surrounding me. "My Queen." He murmured, wrapping me in an embrace "I like the sound of that." He was already dressed in a robe too.

He started dropping little kisses on my exposed collarbone and neck. I leaned into him, exposing my neck and giving him more access. Then we heard a knock at the door.

"That's our breakfast or lunch." Adrien laughed, still holding me. I squealed and forced my way out of his embrace, running to the bathing chambers and I could hear his loud laughter behind me. I didn't care, I wasn't about to let the servants see me half-dressed and I heard him usher them in.

I decided to have a rushed bath as the servants set up our food outside, washing away all the sweat from yesterday and today. I made sure they were all gone before I came out of the bathing chambers.

The food was exactly befitting for a King, and the fur-padded chairs were moved a little bit and a table brought in too, creating a makeshift dining area. Too much food sat on the table and it made me wonder if that was how it was going to be every time.

Platters of meat, bread, and fruits filled the small table as well as a huge jug of wine and chalices. The aroma of the lavish food teased my senses and I settled into my fur-padded chair, digging in immediately. I heard Adrien's light chuckle at my eagerness before he joined in himself.

The food was delicious and I stuffed myself very full of everything on the table, washing it down with the refreshing wine.

After eating, I decided that I wanted a tour of the palace and Adrien agreed to it. He had a quick bath and while he did, I dressed myself up for the very first time. I would have a lady in waiting here at the palace but she was still new to me and I had not met her. So, helping myself, I donned the first gown I saw and after a futile attempt at styling my long tresses, I left it to hang naturally. How Dalia was able to manage it perfectly every time, I would never understand.

Soon, Adrien was ready too and we headed out on our tour. The palace was much more beautiful than I thought and I ooohed and ahhhhed and sighed my way through our tour. When darkness fell, we abandoned the tour and went in to have dinner. It was held in the actual dining room this time and was much grander than our breakfast had been.

The dining room seemed to stretch the distance between me and Adrien as there were several empty chairs between us. I knew how this was how things were meant to be but I couldn't help but prefer the intimacy of our breakfast to this. It didn't change the taste of the food though and I commended the kitchen staff for their delicious meal.

Adrien kept on sending me private looks throughout dinner and I could not wait for us to be alone. His hooded looks promised a night of pleasures and my body quivered in anticipation of what was to come.

When dinner was over, we went to our bed chambers, and Adrien joined me for my bath again this time and while I wasn't as uncomfortable as the night before, I was still shy.

We passionately made love over and over again till exhaustion took over and we both drifted off to sleep, dead to the world.