
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Rica froze as she watched him take slow stealthy steps towards her. He came to a stop a few centimeters from her face and she gasped when he grabbed a hold of her arm.

"Look at me human". He said to her in a gruff voice. She huddled further into herself as she let out a deep gulp. She closed her eyes shut for a moment as she waited for him to bite her so that it would be over but he didn't.

She watched as he gripped her chin tightly and dropped her gaze up to meet him. His red eyes swirled with mischied and she could see the blacks of his pupils that were also in them.

He smirked as she watched him reveal his fangs before he ran his tongue slowly along them. "What is the name of this settlement?". He called out and he dared not to take his eyes off her.

"The willow hunters". She heard someone say and she watched him stiffen as he tightened his girl on her jaw. She could see how angry he was. "So you are the hunters who have tried to end my people." He said to her.

It wasn't a question but rather it was a statement. He gave her one final squeeze before he pulled away from her.

He looked towards her father. "I will be taking your able men. And I will be taking my mate." He said with finally. She felt her legs give way as she felt her eyes water. She couldn't breathe.

"You can't do that." She heard her father roar and she watched as he bared his teeth at him as he stood before him. "Oh really. You are one to tell me what I can or can't do. Go on tell me." He dared.

"You have no right. It is against the laws." he said. She watched as her father tensed at the thought as he reached into his chest. She shivered lightly as she took in the moment.

She watched as he pulled out his heart from within his chest and she let out a light scream as she fell to the ground. She couldn't believe what was happening.

He took a step away as her father fell To the ground before her and Lust stood with his eyes red. "You all didn't care about what was right or wrong and what was right when you were tearing us down for sport." He said.

She felt black dots cover her vision as she found herself unable to continue standing up right. She found herself struggling to breathe at the moment and before she knew it she fell to the ground.

She was lifted up into the air and she felt the sparks that came over her skin. She could sense that it was him but she could barely keep herself awake. "Don't go dying on me yet. We still have so much fun to have." He said to her in a whisper.


Rica's head was heavy as she felt a sharp pain in her head. She couldn't make sense of what was happening around her as she heard the sound of muffled voices coming from all around her.

She tried to pry her eyes open as she felt the sill sheets beneath her. She opened her eyes as she looked around the grand bedroom that was marred in black and gray.

She looked towards the ceiling where she found several images of wolves that were printed upon it.

She could hear the creaking sound from behind the door that led to the outside and she shuffled back in fear as she struggled to figure out where she was.

She didn't have to Think over it for too long as she watched as the door was pulled open and to her absolute fear she watched as Lust walked into the room. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt now and he had a firm smirk on his face.

She felt all the memories that she had repressed suddenly come rushing back to the surface of her mind. He was a monster. He had killed her father. She had to get away from him. He looked from left to right to see if she could find an exit and she watched as he chuckled instead.

"There is no way out, little girl." He said as she watched as he walked towards her slowly. She looked towards him hesitantly as she tried to figure out what his motive was to be exact and what game he was playing at.

"You should settle down after all you just got here and the fun had just begun." He said to her with a bright grin on his face.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked him in a shaky voice.

She watched as he let out a sigh from his lips as he stood before the edge of the Bed and made his way onto it slowly. She could tell that he was unpredictable and she had no idea what she was to expect from the tall brooding man.

"Well I am going to torture you mainly. But first I am going to enjoy you. I will make you pay for what

Your people have done and then once I find you on the brink of death I will turn you. So that I can be able to fulfill my prophecy." He said to her in a firm tone.

"What prophecy." She asked him as her voice remained shaky and she found herself struggling to breath.

"Well I was told that my mate would cause my power to rival even that of rage if I am able to turn her. She will become a source of energy for

Me. I have waited for my Mate for over five hundred years and I was yet to find her. But just when I was running out of luck there you were." He said to her. She felt bile rise up in her throat the way that he spoke about her.

His words alone made her sick. She didn't want to be anywhere near him let alone have him touch her in such a way. She had heard about mates. They were supposed to be loved and cherished and yet he don't want all of that but rather he wished to treat her like a dog.

She shook her head at him profusely as she wanted nothing to do with him. "No, I won't let you. You can't treat me like your slave." She said to him firmly.

She watched as he grabbed a hold of her foot and he handed her toward him. She kicked and she screamed as she tried to push him off but his grip on her remained firm. "You don't have a choice. I am stronger and I am immortal. And also." He started but before he could finish his sentence she arched as he bared his teeth and pierced it into the skin on her ankle.

She cried out as she felt his venom crawl through her body. It felt as though her whole body was being set on fire and it seemed to go on for an eternity before he slowly pulled away from her.

She watched as he pulled away the traces of her blood with the back of his hand. "I just needed a taste. To make sure". He said to her firmly. Before she could react he climbed up of her as he hovered over her body.

He slammed his head over the junction between her shoulder and her neck as he breathed heavily. Before she could react she watched as he bared his teeth at her and without warning he plunged her teeth onto her cheek.

She was enveloped by an endless pain as her whole body spasmed and her world went black. She felt right into the hands of a monster.