

Have you ever heard of M&M academy in Washington DC? It's a school for the rich, A school which is well equip and furnished with every student needs, A school whose reputation alone can give you easy tickets at things once you graduate, A school which to the poor is hard to get into but to the rich a piece of cake. Our female lead, Chloe Winter falls into the poor category. Studying at M&M academy have always been her dream, At least if she gets to study there then she won't be look down on as a poor orphan who will never make it in life. But all her attempts to get into the school have been fruitless until luck decided to shine upon her in a crazy way and that's due to her first visit to M&M academy. Chloe was mistaken for one of the students in the school. Apparently the student had had a fight with her parent which led to her leaving home and disappearing for two months and on seeing Chloe, they mistook her for the missing girl. And although Chloe tried to tell them the truth, she wasn't given the chance and so she decided to pretend to be their missing daughter and thanks to that, she was able to get into the school of her dreams. But what Chloe didn't expect is to get entangled with the two most popular boys in M&M Academy. One turns out to be crazy while the other is a cold jerk. How will Chloe handle this two guys whom barged their way into her life or is it the reversal. Anyway, let's read more to know how Chloe will handle her new life and let me assure you that it's gonna be lit

Lawanson_Library · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


💚💛 H£R


{My heart desire...}🦋


Gbemi Writes✍️


Chapter 43💝 44



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"This is bad? Leo now knows the truth" Chloe said as she and Carmen stood beside the window in Valerie room.

"Do you think he will tell others?" Chloe asked again.

"I don't think so, he might have been a jerk to Valerie but he's not a blabber mouth and besides Bryan is talking to him, let's just wait for them to come back" Carmen said just as Valerie approach them.

"Is some thing wrong? You look worried?" Valerie asked starring at Chloe who is also doing the same.

They might have the same striking features but their voice is a little bit different.

"It's nothing, just go and rest sweetie" Carmen replied.

"If you are okay then it's time you tell me who she is? Why exactly do we look alike and also who are those two guys? I might have lost my memory but am not that daft to know that some thing is off" she said.

"You see you...."

"It's best that we tell her the truth. Knowing the truth might some how help in recovering her memory which will be a benefit to us" Chloe said cutting Carmen off.

"But we can't" Carmen warned.

"Things have gotten bad, Leo now knows and so it's right that Valerie knows too. I can't keep on pretending to be her for the rest of my life" Chloe countered.

"Now hold on a sec, you've been pretending to be me?" Valerie asked and Chloe nodded.


"To know who is trying to kill you" Chloe replied.

"Now this is getting more confusing" Valerie said.

"And that's why we are going to explain" Carmen replied as they pulled her back to the bed and when the three of them were seated. They told her about every thing that has been happening.

"I can't believe what you both just told me" Valerie said.

"You've got to believe since it's the truth" Bryan said as he and Leo walk into the room.

"So who's the jerk am in love with between the two?" Valerie asked starring at Leo and then Bryan.

"He is" Bryan replied pointing towards Leo who had a strange look on him.

"All this seems like a fairy tale" Valerie replied.

"That's due to your accident but in time, you will recover your memory" Chloe replied.

"But I haven't been able to recall a thing ever since I woke up. If you hadn't told me about it, I will still be in the dark about my life" Valerie said.

"And that's why we are here, we will help you recover your memories and also help you remember" Carmen stated.

"And while talking about it to Leo, we thought of a way to find the people who wants Valerie dead" Bryan said starring at Leo who nodded at him in return.

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"You wouldn't remember what happen since you are suffering from memory loss and Chloe here have been attacked by them twice. Whoever is after you still wants to kill you and so if we want you two to be safe, we've got to find him " Bryan added.

"And have got a perfect plan to lure him or her " Leo replied starring at Valerie before looking away quickly.

"Tell us about it" Chloe urged while he did.

"Will it work?" Carmen asked.

"It will. The attacker doesn't know about Chloe being Valerie and so he will look for her again and that's when we will attack" Leo replied.

"But still it...."

"It's the only way to keep them safe" Bryan said cutting Carmen off.

"So when we do find the culprit and all, what happens next?" Valerie asked.

"You get your life back while I get mine. It's as simple as that" Chloe replied.

"It must have been a burden being me?" Valerie asked.

"It's not. I got to meet some good people and also some bad people and I got to have a mother's love even though it's for a while and also I got the guy of my dream. So it's definitely not a burden to me" Chloe replied smiling at every one.

"The girl I love is different from your fiancee, I know it's still a bit of shock to you but am glad you know about every thing now and you would stop pursing my girl and focus on yours" Bryan said to Leo who glared at him.

Just that morning, the two had been throwing punches at each other and now they are laughing and working together to achieve a goal.

"Am no one girl most especially to a jerk like him" Valerie said glaring at Leo.

"But he's no longer a jerk since he's crazy about you" Chloe said

"Chloe!" Leo called.

"Though you try to deny it, I know you are in love with Valerie and that's why you've been getting in the way of Bryan and I " Chloe said while Leo look away in guilt.

Could he be really in love with Valerie and is that why he always get annoyed each time he sees Chloe and Bryan together.

"Speaking about Love, Cathy is back" Leo said starring at Bryan.

"And so?"Bryan replied shrugging.

"She wants to see you and before you say that you won't see her, I think it's best you talk to her. She's going to make some things clear to you" Leo said.

"Things like what?" Bryan.

"Things about the past" Leo replied

"Then I don't want to listen to it" Bryan said walking out of the room.

"And who is Cathy?" Valerie asked.

"Bryan ex girlfriend" Chloe replied before turning to Leo.

"Do you know why she's back?" Chloe asked.

"Am partly at fault for her return and that's because I thought Bryan was only trying to steal you away from me and that he's still in love with Cathy but after finding out the truth, I realise that I made the wrong choice but still, can Bryan meet up with her tomorrow, she will tell him about the truth of what happened a year ago" Leo said.

"I will talk to Bryan about it" Chloe said.

"Thanks Chloe, it feels weird calling you by your real name " Leo said.

"It will but am hoping you can get used to it and since Valerie is here herself, she wouldn't like me still being called by her name" Chloe said starring at Valerie.

"I don't mind, infact am grateful. If it hadn't been for you, they would have found me and kill me" Valerie said taking hold of Chloe hand.

"Let's just hope our plan work, if those guys are still after you then there must be trying to hide a secret and that secret must be found out" Carmen stated pushing back a lock of Valerie's hair.



"Why are we here?" Bryan asked as Chloe manage to pull him into the restaurant.

"To see some one, there she is!" Chloe said pointing towards a table which had Cathy there.

"Why are we here?" Bryan asked having a angry look on his face.

"To listen to what she has to say. Leo told me that it has to do with what happen a year ago" Chloe replied.

"I don't want to know" he said wanting to leave but she took hold of his hand.

"Do this for me. Although you might be getting along with Leo now, I know that there's still some distance between you two and it has to do with Cathy. Please Bryan sort this out" Chloe pleaded.

"What if she's here to cause trouble? What if she tells you that she wants me back? What are you going to do?" Bryan asked.

"I doubt that that's what she wants but if it's what she is after, I wont give her a chance but still let's talk to her. I came with you to make it clear to her that am the only girl in your life and there's no more space for her in your heart" Chloe said which got him chuckling.

"You certainly know how to get to me" He muttered giving her a swift kiss.

"Let's go then" he said as they both turn to the table where Cathy is waiting for them.



Chloe was dancing with Bryan while Judy danced with Luke also Pearl kept grinning from ear to ear as she kept dancing In David arms.

The party was going smoothly and their plan to catch Valerie's attacker was going smoothly too but all that change when every one began getting a message on their phone.

Everyone except for Bryan and Chloe who were so wrap up each other arms.

"Chloe?" Some one called and Chloe turned towards them, a yes readily on her lips when she realized some thing.

Whoever had called her, had use her real name.

"Care to explain this, Chloe?" Judy asked calling her by her real name again.

Bryan took the phone from Judy hand and on reading what was there, Chloe gasp out in shock.


"Is this really true? Are you Chloe and not Valerie?" Pearl asked this time around.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️