
Her Five Sexy Lovers

A dying young lady wishes for a chance to live a fuller and happier life in the next life rather than her broken hearted and maltreated one. But when she reopens her eyes, she is shocked to be standing before the goddess of fate who agrees to give her a second chance to change her fate. What happens when the life choosen for her comes with a perk of having five men she must satisfy and tame? With the jealousy and trials of the new world surrounding her, how will Emerald weave her fates in a life with different lovers? What happens when she takes a big chance and fulfil her first task only to be granted with something new? Would it be and exciting or will it alter the course of fate itself?

Baevida_17 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Death and Life


"Oh my God we're losing her," the scared voice of a female called out followed by the frantic steps of the medics rushing into the vehicle to help me.

Hands moved, voices carried on as they tried all they could do to save me.

"She's losing so much blood."

"We need to o..."

In that moment all I could think of was my sad fate and how I could be born in the next life, having all I never had in this... a great love life, doting parents, money and sex... I never even got a chance to enjoy that privilege.

I sigh inwardly. It was hopeless what they were doing.

I could feel my life slowly slipping away.

"Hand me the..."





The sound of the machine signalling the absence of any life in my body was all that remained as I left this world, hopeless.

A couples of minutes passed and it did not seem like I was completely gone. Somehow I could still sense myself and my body but it felt like an astral plane.

What's happening? What is going on here? Where am I now? Why can't I see anything or hear any sounds around me? Am I dead already? Am I going to be reborn in a new life? Is there no way for me to come back from death again if so then what should I do next?

"All you have to do is keep calm," the alluring voice of a female reached my ears, soothing whatever anxiety I was facing.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"You are dead," she replied.

I tried opening up one eye only to find nothing at first sight except darkness everywhere until finally light started coming through slowly revealing more details about where exactly I had been brought after being pronounced dead earlier.

The room looked similar to those used during medical examinations with its white walls and ceiling along but something here caught my attention — the carvings on either side of the pillars. They were beautiful yet intricate designs which reminded me of ancient Egyptian artworks; they seemed very old too judging by their appearance though some parts appeared new while others showed signs of weariness due to age. There must be many years worth of history hidden behind these stone structures since even just looking at them.

Suddenly, several particles of light appeared before me forming something and in time I found out it was a being.

A beautiful woman stood in front of me wearing long white robes covering her entire body leaving no space between herself and the floor below. Her silver hair flowed downwards like water cascading over rocks as she stared straight into my eyes without blinking once.

The lights that shine around her head formed a beautiful crown adorned with jewels sparkling brightly under sunlight shining from above. The same sun rays also illuminated the golden bracelets wrapped tightly round both of her arms making sure not an inch of skin would be exposed to air.

"Beautiful," those were the words I could utter as I stood mesmerized by her allure.

"Welcome, child." She spoke softly, "You are now among us, welcome."

"Welcome?" She just have sensed the reluctance in my voice as the next second she chuckled lightly.

"You are dead but not that dead."


"You asked for another chance at living." She paused for a moment looking at me with her head tilted slightly to one side as if she were trying to read my thoughts. "And you got what you wanted."

I looked down at my body only to find nothing there except my clothes and shoes; there were no wounds or bruises anywhere to indicate anything had happened earlier or even my death itself since no blood could be seen dripping off either of them though it was still wet enough around the area of impact indicating it had happened recently.

I did not understand what was going on here or what was this life thingy meant to me so instead of asking questions right away I decided to listen carefully and see what else was said first.

She continued speaking: "Your name is Emerald and your soul has been given another form and purpose so do well and do good things. Carry them out with passion and love. You must fulfil the life assigned to you there unfailingly."

She looked divinely like a God who bestowed goodwill.

But... My perception changed when I saw her twirl around and with it her outfit changed into something more seductive than before; the robe became shorter, revealing the top part of her legs, the sleeves were removed completely, the neckline opened up showing off her cleavage, the hem of the dress fell lower, exposing the bottom half of her thighs, the jewels were gone from the crown while a necklace appeared which had a large black gemstone hanging from its middle — a dark stone that seemed to absorb light from any source nearby making sure no light reached my eyes.

The woman's hair turned silver again as she spun back to face me once she finished changing.

"You like?" she giggled.

"Huh..." I wasn't sure what to say. Yes she looked great but now she looked like an alluring temptress.

I did not need to crack my brain further as she read my thoughts and chuckled once more.

"Yes, I am a goddess but one with a tweak on love and desire."

She winked at me, "I am the mistress of lust and pleasure." She paused for a moment looking at the bracelets on both arms of hers, "And these are for you."

She took hold of them in front of me causing the lights surrounding her head to dim down slightly though it still remained bright enough for us to see each other clearly without being blinded by it.

The two bracelets glowed brightly in response to her touch until finally they started moving towards me.

They stopped just short of touching either side of my body where they formed themselves into rings.

She spoke: "Put them on,"

I hesitated only because I was unsure what was going on here and what was this ring thingy meant to do with me?

But then I remembered how I was told earlier about this life thingy and decided I should do whatever I was asked since I was dead anyway so why not try this out first before asking questions later if anything went wrong with the whole process or if there would be a next time if things worked well.

So, after taking a deep breath, I put the left hand over the right wrist, holding the band between the fingers, the metal felt cold against my skin.

"Now, take your hands away from my wrists, slowly, please." Her voice sounded calm yet commanding as she watched me obeying her instructions; her eyes were fixed onto mine as she waited patiently for me to remove my hands from her arm.

Once done she continued speaking while pointing at myself; "You will now become Ember and live as such forevermore... Do you understand?"

I nodded yes while staring at those beautiful golden bands that had been placed around both of our arms — a symbol of something that bound us together and made us one with each other — a bond that could never break no matter what happened in the future, a promise that we both agreed upon when putting on the bracelets, an oath sealed with blood, an eternal pledge, an unbreakable contract which cannot ever be broken.

The woman smiled gently. I did not know whether it was because everything turned out fine for me but somehow it seemed like it.

She said: "Good."

Then suddenly her form changed again into her original appearance.

I stared wide-eyed wondering how it was possible for someone to change their entire outfit within seconds but then realized maybe this world is different than ours where people can easily alter themselves into any shape they want whenever they wish to do so?

Maybe this place has some sort of magic power capable of doing so?

Or perhaps this goddess who appeared before me just used a spell of illusion? Whatever the case may be, all I knew right now was I am alive once more and I have a new life ahead of me!

"All you need to know about the world would be in your memory once you wake up," the Alluring voice spoke softly.

"It is a world like the one you came from but one with magic beings, powers and the likes and some tweaks on some laws, rules or morals whatever you like to call it."

I wanted to speak but before I got the chance to, she snapped her fingers.

"Wait, what if I need to talk to you?" I asked quickly as light began to surround my body.

"When you need me reach in deep and I will listen. I see everything, I am with you. Now go dear, the world awaits."


I woke up feeling refreshed, well rested, relaxed, happy, excited, curious, anxious, nervous, scared, confused, doubtful, worried but most importantly alive!

My eyes opened slowly revealing bright sunlight shining through them; it felt warm yet pleasant against my skin making sure there was no pain anywhere around except for a slight ache at first sight of opening both of my eyelids; it felt like a normal day after a good night's sleep. The air around me smelled fresh though not too strong.

The room looked richly decorated. It had white walls along its sides with intricate lovely designs.

I sit up, my mind racing back to he last memory I had — death...and life.

My lips pulled back to the side while I tried to recall the events that led to this moment: the car accident, the medics rushing into the vehicle to help me and then the woman who appeared before me.

Oh yes... I was transmigrated into a different world and the memories...

Like fresh waves of pain, they surged through my brain filling my head with the needed information about this world.

And while I familiarized with everything something made me stop as I understood what my new life was.

In this world sex was rampant and so was the partners one had, while others may contend with sharing a man, I, on the other hand... Had five men as my lovers.

Bloody he...aven!