

Toria is a little girl who had gone through the hardest times in her entire life, but one day the Hope's she's always had from the very beginning happened which amazed her so much, but soon, it turned out to be her doomsday all down to all of those that surrounded her, that she loves, and those that she values.Her happy dreams turned out to be her loved ones doom and her doomsday.... the doom that she wouldn't have a choice but to live with forever...

Lexcee_ · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


It was Friday morning, toria woke up brightly and hummed happily around the house.. after a long time.. she's happily going round the house and doing unnecessary funny things which made her roommate smile at her in a relaxed way..... she thought "now she's going to live in a new dimension.. I just hope she gets picked this time....


Woah.... easy-peasy, i just need to calm down before the pick though, well I should stop imagining things now.. toria said..


It was getting dark and still no sign that she's passed the audition, she became a little worried and started pacing round the corners of the house, she shouldn't fail this one too or else.., that would be the end if her, but then as usual, her roommate was there again for her, comforting her and assuring her that she would pass it with no doubt, ok, now she quietly went to her room said her prayers and went off to bed... Lilly didn't want her to do the unthinkable this time, she really cared for her and thought she should comfort her a little bit more.

As usual, everything went normally during the weekend... Lilly and toria went out to have fun but it wasn't completely fun for Lilly particularly, because she always wanted to be there for toria, she wanted to make her happy and feel loved, but still yet, she couldn't help as much... but was only quietly wishing and praying for her success in the audition...

It was still 3:30 am on Monday morning, toria went out for a fresh air at the rooftop, worrying about her situation... she had made up her mind this time, she's not going to end it there but she's going to find a way of making it to being famous or be a slut to the rich young men... but then, it all fell and went splash'broken when she received an email from the audition company... "OH MY"..... she said with a big dropped jaw.... ah.. lilly, she ran as fast as she could to the house... Lily,.... I made... Lily where are you???? she searched for Lilly in her room and then went to the kitchen to check for her,but on getting there, she found a knife on the floor, with blood on it... she gasped. lilly, lilly she called in a shaking tone.. what happened?? she turned to the corner of the cabinets then found lilly lying helplessly on the floor, gasping for air and luckily, toria wasn't too late to find her....

Tearfully, toria helped, carry lilly onto the ambulance, "l'm sorry lilly, this shouldn't have happened if I was there".... Lilly was taken to the hospital...