

Toria is a little girl who had gone through the hardest times in her entire life, but one day the Hope's she's always had from the very beginning happened which amazed her so much, but soon, it turned out to be her doomsday all down to all of those that surrounded her, that she loves, and those that she values.Her happy dreams turned out to be her loved ones doom and her doomsday.... the doom that she wouldn't have a choice but to live with forever...

Lexcee_ · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


The sun was just rising, the air was covered in snow, cold, chilling and hard..

the smell of the snow was devouring, the touch of the snow was pleasing.. apparently people weren't awake to see this... "oh I guess it's gonna be a good day today" said a cool voice behind the door..

turning to see who it was .... "woah" "didn't know you'd be up early" morning" she moved to the other side of the room...>Good morning, how was your night? I hope you had a great night? >yeah I did... but it's really cold this morning.. like extra cold..>hmm really!!! I'm hoping for a good day ahead of me..>yeah and I hope your audition goes well too... hm thanks....

"Oh .. and don't forget to bring my red scarf"

ok.. sure....

she continued to stare through the window , gazing at the weather thoughtfully...

After some minutes she walked to the door, took her coat and was about to go out when her phone rang.... hello she spoke as she picked it up.... her face started to bring different kinds of emotions then she ran to the window then ran out of the room.... tears gushing out of her eyes profusely.. she tried calling someone on the phone but it didn't seem to go... "oh my" she sprouts bitterly... hey pick up please" she ran as much as she could... but then, suddenly stopped as a car zoomed off in a very speedy way.... "ow" she gasped..."the hell was that"?.. "hello... yeah I'm almost there.. I just got in some accident .. ok.. on my way".

"Smile .. stand straight don't complain.. ok.. all set"..... During the audition she thought to herself if she could make it this time because things like this don't usually work out for her, but she just had to accept it and hope it works out for her like she expects.. she doesn't want to be let down by anyone again.. not this time, " I've worked so hard for this moment, and now I'm here.. I hope things goes well" holding onto her pretty glowing necklace.. " I just hope I won't have to quit all of my efforts again" hmm.. ok.. let's do this".. She went in smiling vigorously.. "Hello" she said....

After the audition, toria went home smiling happily, humming and swinging her arms in the air gracefully... it's a beautiful day, she said.. woah, I just hope I get in for this job, it's the only hope and career I have as a last plan for my future ugh"... she thought. she went home.. when she got home, she cleaned up the house and re-arranged the house, then she went to her room, brought out her diary and started writing.. "Dear diary, well.. alot of things has happened recently but as you know I've just been putting up with everything, yeah.. I'm happy today, like extremely happy, because this is the first time in decades that I've made through my auditions.. I was really happy and grateful to everyone and also myself for being such a strong girl, I'm happy.... today's my happiest day, I think.. and I hope I pass the audition...


she closed the diary, made dinner then while eating her roommate Lily asked her "what's happening today toria?? you're really glowing today.. which is beautiful by the way... "well.. it's a secret" toria said.."oh well, anything it is. ... I hope it turns out greatly" " awwnn thanks for that Lily... my sweet Lily" wow... I think it's a really exciting stuff girl.... I mean, I've never seen you glow like this since I moved in with you" Lily said.." yeah well... it sure is a great thing... well.. let's eat.. " toria said...."ok.. sure" said Lily..... After dinner toria did the dishes and then went off to bed with a beautiful smile on her face then she said"good night diary". she slept...