
Her Desires Upon Man

Andrew loves his girlfriend Jane but finds it difficult to control his feelings for Noni, a seductive friend of his sister, Gail. He realized the cost of being in a relationship with two women. Jane, a student at the University of Bradford, woke her boyfriend, Andrew with a WhatsApp message telling him about her heart desires as a woman. As Andrew pondered over the words of his girlfriend, he made a promise to grant all her heart desires as she requested. Upon waking up, his sister, Gail showed up alongside her friend, Noni and he started to lust for his sister's friend who enticed him. Andrew's vows began to fade as he accumulated regrets due to his commitment to Jane. Andrew sought advice from his adviser, Kate, who encouraged him to strengthen his relationship with Jane since he needed a stable relationship. As soon as Noni realized that, she convinced Andrew to build his own house and move out of his family circle in order to start a family with her. He bought a new apartment and moved in with her and that determined her victory over Jane but for Jane it was over. Her sister, along with Kate, Andrew's advisor, encouraged her to fight for her dreams after she gave up on her relationship with Andrew. Jane and Gail were invited to sing at the club where Andrew and Noni were enjoying their love affair, because of their talented voices. Jane's performance captivated the crowd but led to a fight between Noni and Jane over Andrew, whose heart was stolen by Jane's performance. After the show Noni seduced Andrew and they had sex but when Jane showed up Andrew abandoned Noni. Noni brought suit against Andrew and accused him of raping her and this situation escalated to the detention of Andrew. When Jane's efforts were successful for Andrew, he was released from prison and married Jane, while Noni succeeded in business in another city.

Mlamleli_Zide · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

The subject of the ladies' Talk

When Noni arrived at Gail's room she found her friend dressing her hair and primping herself up. Noni sat on the bed with a bath cloth wrapped around her head. The love she desires for Andrew resides in one place, which is his heart, which led him to lust for her.

She told Gail about what happened between them. "Oh, my gosh, your brother is so romantic that there are so many suckers for love all over the place that affectionate him. I am truly his crush and I will give him all that he needs. He is so intriguing and charming that he deserves my entire attention."

As Gail made sure her eyebrows were in place, she replied, "I hope your mom knows that you don't just come here to visit me, but to entice my rich brother whose girlfriend is Jane. I love you my friend but you need to control your feelings and you know my brother is a man and gets along with every girl that seduces him."

"I know but the first thing that a man deserves is sex and I will give him. In other words, I do not intend to develop a sexual relationship with Andrew, but rather to keep him with me forever. Sex is the best magnet to keep him connected to me. By simply spreading the positive state of my heart to him, I would invite him to embrace me as his lover. I just can't imagine what life would be like without him. My friend, you are my friend but you can't give me what Andrew could give to me as his woman." Noni replied.

Gail finished primping herself up and came to sit next to Noni and held her hands and said, "my love for you my friend is true and unconditional but Andrew's love is what you still seek. He has a girlfriend and if you break up with him our friendship will also end. You don't need to force yourself or seduce him in order to feel his love and attention. Instead, look after yourself and do what all women do. Andrew will come to you and propose to you.

You could demand his attention, but he would use you as a sexual slave and give you money only; not enough love to shield you against the intruders who are trying to undermine your hard work. A man's heart is a hotpot to connect sexy girls but some girls come to inject it with malicious spirits that make his love for a girl diminish gradually and only his lust that remains."

"You are right my friend, I should not pursue your brother, instead wait for him to come to me and tell me how much he loves me" Noni replied with a low tone voice but inside her heart was burning with love for Andrew. She stood up and dressed up herself with a smile in her heart.

Gail's father, Toni knocked on the door and Gail opened for him.

He asked, "time is running my baby, I should take you to school. What are you doing inside here?"

Gail answered and said, "as you can see my hair, dad. We are busy with women's work of primping ourselves up before we hit the road."

Toni shouted with anger to his daughter saying, "you should be done by now and your brother has gone to work already and you tell me you are still doing women's business! Are you planning to use a taxi today or do you have a boyfriend that would drive you to school?"

Gail replied, "I'm still single, and I don't think I'll ever be in any relationship anytime soon. I'm still enjoying my childhood and am grateful for everything you have done for me. We are not planning to use the taxi, I am scared of public faces."

Toni calmed down and said, "then hurry up and finish up your work and you would find me in the car waiting for you."

Gail replied, "alright dad, now go and warm your car up. We will be right there soon."

Toni asked, "is Noni still here with you since yesterday morning?"

Gail replied, "I think your interrogation about my privacy is getting you out of your league now, dad. Yes, she is here since yesterday and does that concern you?"

Toni shouted with anger, "yes, you are kids and you are girls and your safety is our priority as your parents! We should know everything about you and where you are every time. Go finish up whatever that you were doing and come to the car so that I can take you to school and stop asking too many questions. That is disrespectful."

Gail replied, "alright dad, calm down and pardon the meanness of your daughter's behavior."

Toni left Gail and walked to his car and Gail returned to Noni and said, "my dad is upset that we take too long to finish bathing and preparing ourselves for school and he asked if you have been here since yesterday."

Noni responded, "I know my mom is concerned about me as well. I should have told her that I am now a happily married wife who is now married to the boy of this home, Andrew."

Gail asked, "I wonder what my brother did to you that has made you lust for him so intensely? Your mouth is filled with his name all the way down to your guts. Let's hope your relationship that you are trying to build is going to work."

Noni replied saying, "it is up to me to make it work because I am the one to open the door of my life for him. In my case, if I closed it against him, he would never enter. He would move to the next door if I kept my door shut. However, his love is what I am hungry for. Therefore, I won't let him pass from me to another girl without feeling the warmth of my touch. What about you my girl, don't you want to try to fall in love?"

Gail replied, "No baby, I'm fine. Once I'm done with my studies and my brother puts me in his company, then I might try to fall in love with purpose not just to enjoy love, but to find marriage."

Noni advised her saying, "in today's world, you can't just get married without first building a relationship with the man you love.

It's all about understanding each other first before you start a relationship with one another. You see a lot of successful people whose marriages don't last much more than five years. This is because they don't understand each other. It is easy to fall into an abusive marriage if you don't know about the man that you are married to.

They have never found time to learn about each other but jumped into marriage without learning the pros and cons of marriage. It is not easy to find the right way to keep your marriage strong because there are many battles to be fought. It takes time to learn about each other and even more time to understand each other, especially if you are married to a boy."

Gail asked, "What kind of person is a boy at my age?"

Noni replied, "a boy is that man who is still swimming within the wells of love instead of taking his responsibility. It's that man who lusts for every ass that passes by and entices him. You would find him on the phone with another girl while you need him in bed. He is always comparing you to other girls that he mingles with. He doesn't see you as a bird in his hands more valuable than two in the bush which he still wishes to find.

He is not satisfied with your love alone and walks from door to door looking for the same love that you offer him. He just doesn't know what he wants and thinks he is able to sleep with every girl that he lusts for in the world. That boy would never be committed in building a solid relationship and marriage is higher grade."

Gail asked, "what do you suggest I should do because my aspiration is marriage?"

Noni replied, "marriage is what I aspire too just like all women, my lady. I mean, every woman aspires marriage and it's difficult to find one. If you have managed to get married, you should do whatever it takes to keep it alive and it's your role as a woman."

Toni called Noni to come and they rushed out of the room to the Mercedes Benz of Toni. They stepped in at the backseat and Toni drove them to school.