
Her dead mate

Alice opened the coffin and trailed kisses on his bony finger. Alice was an innocent naive teenager, until after the death of her boyfriend. In the quest to revenge his death, Alice realizes some truth that would change her life forever. She decides to bring her boyfriend back to life, and is made to pass through hell in order to achieve her aim. How far can she go to achieve her aim.

Stephanie_Asanya_7390 · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Henry's head

"Miss, are you looking for something?"

I shirked from the tap on my shoulder and slowly turned to meet the broad smile on the face of a man.

I start\ed blankly at him.

I felt speechless after what had happened and I wondered where I was supposed to begin digging.

I was about opening my mouth to say some words, but nothing came out, I ended up with my mouth ajar.

The man was obviously expecting a reply from me, but I knew that I surely looked stupid and foolish before him.

He asked again, this time with his head tilted to the side in confusing.

He turned back slowly and took few steps away from me, at that moment I realized that I actually needed to ask him for a shovel.

How else would I be able to dig the sand?

"Hey" I called out with my arms stretched out to him.

He paused and faced me with a smirk, as though he was expecting my call.

"Can I get a shovel?" I asked quickly.

"For what darling?" He walked towards me with the smirk still on his face.

"uhmm... I forgot my..."

He kept staring at me and I my lips kept producing stutter sounds, I did not know how to tell him that I needed to find the body of my boyfriend.

"You are very cute darling, you sound so cute. I would love to watch you dig the sand."

I really could not understand if he was planning on flirting with me, but at the moment I just hoped he was not, because he was very bad at it.

"Thank you dearie." I played along.

The 'dear' that escaped me lips sounded strange, maybe because of how long I had stayed without calling anyone with a nick name.

My bunny... sigh.

Withing some minutes, the man who seemed to be a life guard ran towards me with a shovel.

I really wished he would not watch me digging.

I wished he could just disappear, I was not ready to answer any questions.

I walked to a far end of the beach, heaved a sigh and begun to dig.

The most appropriate time for me to have come in search of his body, would have been at night, but my love for and excitement of finding the body of my boyfriend got me racing out of his house.

With each dig of my shovel, I hoped to find a coffin or his body.

my heart beat raced with excitement that after a month, I would finally find the body of my boyfriend, at least, I will get a chance to perform a befitting burial for him, then fully begin to search for his murderers, with or without the police.

"Darling it's getting dark, can I give you a lift?"

I heard the voice of the life guard with his hand on my shoulder.

My back was bent low with my eyes fixated on the sand that I was about lifting with the shovel.

I scanned the ground with my eye, and was shocked at the reflection of the moon that shone in the water.

My waist ached as I took up a standing position and was faced with the lifeguard.

"You need help." He said in more of an order than a question while stretching out his hand to grip my waist.

"No, no" I declined trying my best to conceal the anger and rudeness in my tone.

"Thank you, but I can find my way home" I added with a smile and begun to walk past him.

I could feel the life guard walking behind me, he reminded me of Henry; the way he would always walk silently behind me after I had walked out on him as a result of my anger, the difference between Henry and the life guard was that Henry was never a pervert.

"What do you want from me? I have a boyfriend." I lied.

I could not take it anymore, a stranger was following me at night, for reasons I could not understand, I needed to yell at the lifeguard.

I could see the shock in his face, which slowly changed into a smile.

"I want nothing from you young lady, I am only walking back to my home just like you are" He replied, causing me to feel extremely foolish at my outburst.

I was seriously just over thinking and taking everybody as a pervert.

'He is only a harmless man.' I convinced myself.

"I am sorry for yelling at you..."

"It's okay" He replied calmly.

"It's just that, I have been in search of some..." I turned to my back, but the life guard was no where to be found.

I stopped walking and searched around the lonely street, to check if he had crossed over to the other lane, but there was still no sign of him.

How could he have disappeared so fast after replying my statement a second ago.

It was extremely weird, but I decided to ignore the crazy thoughts that ran through my mind and brought out my phone to check the time.

it was only 6pm, and the atmosphere was as though it was 9pm as the road was void of persons.

I finally got a taxi, that time around, I stared at the face of the driver before entering the vehicle.

My father had not called to check up on me the whole day.

I did not know if I should cry or be happy.

The old man was surely having the time of his life with him new wife, he must have even forgotten that he has a daughter named Alice.

When I was about climbing the porch of my house, I looked back at the taxi, to wave him a bye, but I got shivers running down my spine from what I saw.

The driver had his face hanging out of the window, with droplet of blood dripping down from his forehead.

The taxi was moving slowly, which caused me to squint closer to check of the driver had a head injury.

The face I saw was Henry.

The driver was Henry.

I left the porch and took two steps into the yard, still with my eyes squinted.

Henry's head was popping out of the window with blood now dripping from his forehead and eyes.