
-Her Curse-

Adelina was turned into a werewolf when she was only 10-years-old. She has kept her deadly secret hidden from her family and her closest friends, but everything must come to light at some point. When Ginger threatens Adelina and those she loves, Adelina stands up to Ginger - only to unintentionally spark a war between Heaven and Hell. In no time, Adelina enlists the help of other Naos liked herself and makes a deal with the King of Hell. This battle may shatter the world as they know it, and Adelina isn't sure if she's ready for such a change in her life.

Skyla_ace · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 14 - The Fallen

"Alright, I'll see you after school then 'pup'." Damien smirked at me before walking away. I rolled my eyes and closed my locker. 'Demons, why are they always like that?' The voice had asked me, but I mentally shrugged. I looked around the busy hallway and felt my heart break a little - Lucas wasn't there. I sighed and looked at my phone again only to see that Lucas hasn't texted me back. "He's definitely mad at me," I muttered to myself before putting my phone away and walking to my class alone. How could so much go so wrong so fast? I wish I knew.

"Watch it!" I suddenly got pushed to the ground, hard. I looked up to see Ginger, the Three Stooges, and Chase. Chase looked at me with a worried expression then looked away. Ginger only giggled at what she had done and walked away with the Three Stooges. I sighed heavily and started to get up when I see a hand offered down to me. "You okay?" Chase had asked. I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. "Yeah.. I guess," I couldn't look up from my shoes. I couldn't make eye contact with anyone, I felt immense guilt.

"You can't reach Lucas I'm guessing," I could feel Chase's energy shift from being worried about me to feeling guilty about Lucas. I only shook my head as a response. "Chase!!" One of Ginger's minions had yelled. They were waiting on him. " I gotta go.. Sorry Liner," Chase ran over to them and disappeared down the hall.

I felt a pang in my heart when he said my nickname. It hurt so much; it was just a nickname, but it hurt. I continued walking to my class with my head down. 'Adelina, I don't think you should go to class,' the voice sounded concerned but I couldn't care less. If anything, the voice sounded so distant that I barely heard him. I felt the tears falling from my eyes and I hid behind my hair, I messed everything up. I tried so hard not to cry, but at this point it was harder to walk alone for the first time.

I walked to my classroom door and looked at it, second guessing my choice of going in. I'm not sure how long I stood there, but I didn't move. "Adelina?" I turned around to see Lucas. When he saw my eyes, he looked at me with a soft expression and pulled me into a hug. "Please don't cry. Why are you crying?" Now, I really couldn't hold back; the tears were streaming freely down my face and I held onto Lucas' jacket. The words that were forming got stuck in my throat, causing me to sob. Lucas didn't say anything and hugged me tighter. We stood there for a long while, holding each other like we would float away if we let go.

In our moment of peace-

"Fallen! There's a Fallen in the field!" a student had yelled from within the classroom. Lucas and I looked at each other before walking into the classroom. Everyone had lined up against the window, looking down at the field.

"One has never been this close to the school!"

"What do we do? What do we do?!"

"It's getting closer!"

Everyone was freaking out, even the teacher looked scared. Suddenly, the alarms in the school went off. I had to cover my ears at how loud the alarms were, out of the corner of my eye I saw Lucas do the same. The loudspeakers turned on and Mr. Seabourge's voice boomed over the speakers, "Attention all students, this is not a drill. There are several Fallen outside of our school. Stay away from all windows and hide yourselves. The power will be cut as to not draw more attention. Be safe everyone, local authorities were already contacted." With that, the lights, the alarms, and the loudspeakers all shut off. I can hear students all over the school hold their breath. The students in my class quickly moved away from the window and hid under the desks. I looked at Lucas with a serious look.

He looked at me and shook his head, "Adelina don't." But, with me being me he knew I wasn't gonna stay. I ran out of the room as the teacher yelled at me to come back. I ran down the halls and out the front doors, what I saw terrified me to my core. There were dozens of Fallen just standing outside, twitching and growling. A couple sensed me and howled loudly before running at me. 'Adelina! What are you doing! Are you insane?!' The voice had yelled at me. I moved out of the way and ran down the road. I looked behind me and saw the Fallens following me, but they were quickly catching up. 'What is your plan?! Are you trying to be a hero?!' The voice in my head was definitely freaking out, like he knew something I didn't. I made a hard left turn and ran into a park, running faster than I've ever ran before. However, I could never be fast enough..

One of the Fallen had caught up to me and grabbed my arm. It lifted me into the air before throwing me against a tree. The wind was knocked out of me as I laid on the ground, dazed and with flaring pain. My vision was unfocused but I could see the Fallen stalking towards me. 'This is it.. I'm going to die.' I closed my eyes and waited to feel their mangled hands rip my body to shreds.

However, that never came. If anything I heard screeches and multiple hits before hearing the flickering of flames. I carefully opened my eyes to see Lucas, Damien, Teotwawki, and Kiel looking down at me, standing in small flames scattering the grass. "I'll give you this pup, you're fearless but reckless." Kiel crossed his arms and looked at me with an amused expression. Lucas kneeled down and pulled me into his arms, "You're crazy Adelina. What were you doing??" Lucas wasn't happy, but he wasn't mad at me for what I've done. I looked up at him, "I got them away from the school didn't I?"

I smiled a bit before wincing. "You're lucky I saw you run out of the school. If we weren't here you would've definitely been the next headline on the news," Damien dropped what looked like a split baseball bat. "You need to be more careful Alpha, the Fallens have been more active for an unknown reason. More and more are appearing all over town." Teotwawki kneeled next to Lucas and poured some liquid on my chest. It was cold and I flinched at the sting before relaxing. "Is that the healing water?" I asked him.

Teotwawki nodded, "It is." I sat up and looked at all of them, "Thank you, you guys saved my life." I heard a chuckle. "Aww, it was nothing," Damien smiled a mischievous smile. "Well, we can't fill the deal if you're dead, can we?" Kiel softened his expression. Before I could respond, another screech rang throughout the park. Lucas and I stood up and looked around frantically. Kiel narrowed his eyes and Damien picked up a branch as his eyes turned all black. Teotwawki looked in a certain direction and pointed, "It's right there!" We all looked to where Teotwawki was pointing and I covered my mouth.

It was a Vampire with a small Fallen on a chain lead. As I looked closer, the Fallen looked like Chase's little sister. "Gracie, tear them apart!" The Vampire shouted as he took off the chains. What was once a sweet little Gracie came running at us in a blur, as a snarling and howling Fallen.