
-Her Curse-

Adelina was turned into a werewolf when she was only 10-years-old. She has kept her deadly secret hidden from her family and her closest friends, but everything must come to light at some point. When Ginger threatens Adelina and those she loves, Adelina stands up to Ginger - only to unintentionally spark a war between Heaven and Hell. In no time, Adelina enlists the help of other Naos liked herself and makes a deal with the King of Hell. This battle may shatter the world as they know it, and Adelina isn't sure if she's ready for such a change in her life.

Skyla_ace · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 11 - Turned

I stood in horror as I looked down over Lucas' still body. Ginger's laughing at me, had she planned this? "Aww, poor Mutt. You killed your best friend." Ginger mocked a sad face at me. "Here you were, trying to protect him from everything that could kill him. But what did kill him was his best friend, the Big Bad Wolf." She smiled evilly at me. "You may think I planned this, but what I really wanted to do was kill you so I could turn Lucas without a fuss. I knew you were going to try and stop me, I can read your thoughts like you can read mine."

I looked at Ginger through tears. She grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to hers. "You should've taken my warning, but you didn't. Now look what happened." Ginger whispered harshly to my face. I glance over at Lucas' body again, his blood was pooling into the ground and his eyes are glazed over and empty. 'My Lucas is gone.' Ginger threw me to Lucas and smiled wider. I felt something snap inside of me, everything turned red. I whipped my head to Ginger and tackled her to the ground.

"You killed him! You did this to him!" I grabbed her shirt and slammed her into the ground a few times. "He died because you wanted to save yourself!!" I began to punch Ginger over and over. Soon she went limp in my grasp, I had knocked her unconscious. I stood up and looked up at the moon, my pain now unbearable. Every memory of me and Lucas came flooding back: The first day I met him and Chase, our first movie, our many sleepovers, all the times we laughed together, our races through the halls. I screamed at the moon. I screamed louder and louder. I want my pain to just disappear, I want to disappear. I just kept screaming and my tears were hot as they ran down my cheeks. I want Lucas back. My screams of agony turned into howls of despair. 'I'm a monster. A murderer.' I howled louder and balled up my fists. 'I've lost him forever.'

I heard something running. I quickly looked around me. The sound came closer and closer to me. It sounds like multiple dogs running towards me. I frantically looked around and stood near Lucas protectively. There at the edge of the clearing, several wolves walked into view. I watched as they circled me, getting closer to me. One by one, they shifted back and looked at me with sorrowful expressions. When they were a few feet away from me, one man stepped forward. He's tall, lean, dark-skinned, and has gray eyes.

"We heard you, miss." The man looked at me with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He then looked at Lucas and stepped closer to him. I stepped in front of him, cutting him off. "Don't touch him!" My voice was still shaky and weak from my screams. The man then looks me in the eye. "Were you the one that bit him?" His voice was deep and had a calm tone to it. I looked down, ashamed. "I did.. and now he's gone." I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying again, but that didn't stop a rogue tear from escaping. The man had carefully wiped my tear away, "He isn't gone, so don't cry."

I looked up at the man, "W-what..?" He elegantly pointed towards Lucas as Lucas' chest began to rise and fall. He was breathing again! I quickly kneeled next to Lucas, taking his hand into my own. His eyes fluttered and the sight astonished me. His eyes were no longer an ocean blue.. But instead a pale, faded blue with a light ring of violet surrounding the blue. The violet was glowing as he fixed his eyes on me.

"Hey babes." He smiled at me and slowly sat up. Without thinking, I hugged Lucas tighter than I ever had before, "I'm so sorry Lucas!" He hugged me back and gently stroked my hair, "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." Lucas looked around at the people around us and I felt his mind racing. 'What the hell happened while I was out? Who are they?' I can now hear Lucas' voice in my head. I looked at Lucas then looked at the man.

"We never introduced ourselves," the man bowed to me and Lucas as we got up, "My name is Teotwawki." He stood up straight again and looked at us with a reassuring gaze. I held Luca's hand tighter, "I'm Adelina and this is Lucas." I looked around at the other Lycanthropes. "Teotwawki, are you their alpha?" Teotwawki held his hands behind his back and looked down. "I am not.. We have no alpha. Ours was killed by a vampire and her nest." He then looked at me with vengeance in his eyes. "We've been trying to attack her and her nest for months, but to no avail."

"Wait, a vampire? Is that the one you've been trying to attack?" Lucas nods towards Ginger, who is now shakily getting to her feet. Teotwawki and his pack look at Ginger and I could feel their rage and need for blood grow stronger. "Yes, that's her!" Teotwawki started to walk towards Ginger. She saw Teotwawki and stumbled back from him. Just as he was about to reach her, a flurry of white came down from the sky and enclosed around Ginger.

"Angels! Get back!" Someone had yelled. With that, the whole pack and Teotwawki took several steps back from the Angels. Lucas put me behind him and was getting ready to fight them. Ginger laughed as the Angels moved their wings, but one of the Angels looks familiar to me. "Chase?!" I looked at him shocked and Lucas looked at him in disbelief. Chase looked away from us and I could see his wings lower slightly.

"I've been making deals with Angels, Adelina. Chase was my spy this whole time!" Ginger has truly gone mad. "What you did tonight was only the beginning. You've sparked a war! A war in which you will lose! You better pray to your Creator that I kill you quickly and painlessly." One of the Angels picked up Ginger and flew away with her, some of the others followed. Chase looked back at us, "I'm sorry." Without another word, he spread his wings and flew after them. Lucas and I looked at each other, we were tricked and backstabbed by someone we were closest with. Our little group of three was no more.

"Adelina," Teotwawki looked back at me as everyone else faced me again, "A war is inevitable now, it was fated. You need an army and it would be our honor to fight with you." Teotwawki bowed to me as the other shifted to wolves. "Be our Alpha." Teotwawki looked at me earnestly. "What are you gonna do babes?" I can hear the concern in Lucas' voice. I look at him and say, "The only thing I can do." I look back at Teotwawki and nod to him, "I will be your Alpha." At the sound of that, my new pack howled in unison.