

“People say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…but the truth is you knew what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.” “What’s wrong with her?” He asked, his voice murderous making him gulp in fear. “I-I don’t know much sir, but no one is allowed to go inside this room.” His voice trembled and he took a step back sensing the dangerous vibes coming off him. “That’s not the answer to my question.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring. “All I know is that her mind is stuck…and no one is allowed to go in this room especially males.” “What do you mean by her mind is stuck?” He asked. “We don’t know about her past, but doctors assumed that something terrible must’ve happened which made her lose her sanity. Her mind is stuck in her past, in those moments when she used to be happy but little things trigger her and she tries to hurt herself when that happens. That’s why only selected people are allowed to go in.” The ward boy answered. Noah felt unsettled after listening to his answer, has she really gone mad or is it just another drama? _-_-_- Noah Kaine, was supposed to be her knight, he was supposed to save her, at least that’s what she thought, but she was wrong. He turned out to be her worst nightmare. He gave her everything, love, care, affection, support, only to snatch it away in the most ruthless way. What was her fault? Read to find out… TRIGGER WARNING: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK AS IT CONTAINS VIOLENCE, MATURE CONTENT, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

Rebelqueen · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs



As I watched the news unfold on the television screen, a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. The revelation had finally come to light, the truth that had remained concealed for so long now laid bare for all to see. Aurora's existence, a secret guarded with meticulous care, had been unveiled, sending shockwaves through the world.

Alex, the orchestrator of this carefully timed revelation, had thrown the gauntlet down, exposing a reality that had remained shrouded in darkness. The weight of his actions, the reckoning he had initiated, was palpable even through the pixelated screen.

The satisfaction I felt was tinged with a hint of vindication. I had tried before, attempted to rip away the veil that concealed the truth, only to be thwarted by the formidable Adrius PR machinery. But this time, their fortress had crumbled, their defenses rendered impotent in the face of a truth that refused to be silenced any longer.

And now, as the pieces fell into place, the chaos that ensued was a symphony of justice and retribution. The image of Alex, a man of privilege and power, grappling with the consequences of his actions, held a certain poetic irony. I knew that the path he had chosen would be fraught with agony, a torment of his own making.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a spark of amusement flared within me. Senior Serrano, a figure of authority and control, now found himself ensnared in a web of his own making. His fuming face, a testament to the unraveling of carefully constructed plans, brought a sense of twisted satisfaction.

But in the midst of this calculated chaos, there was an undercurrent of respect. Alex's audacious move was a testament to his determination and resourcefulness. His victory, hard-fought and strategically executed, deserved acknowledgement.

A wry smile curved my lips as I contemplated the web of intrigue that had woven itself around them all. The game had shifted, the pieces rearranged, and the dynamics forever altered. As I pondered the intricate dance of fate and ambition, I couldn't help but extend a silent, begrudging congratulation to Alex for his audacious gambit. After all, in this ever-unfolding narrative, his first victory was a stroke of brilliance.

I listened attentively as Alex's voice, weary and burdened, filtered through the phone. His exhaustion was palpable, a reflection of the weight he carried in the wake of his bold revelation. Concern laced my words as I probed deeper into his demeanor, unable to ignore the fatigue that colored his tone.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" The question escaped my lips, driven by a genuine worry for his well-being. His response revealed a struggle that went beyond the surface, a battle not just against the repercussions of his actions, but against the flood of inquiries and demands that threatened to overwhelm him.

His words painted a vivid picture of the chaos that had erupted in the aftermath of his revelation. The relentless onslaught of calls, a symphony of questions and expectations, had turned into a storm he couldn't quell. The weight of his responsibility, the burden of having to navigate the tumultuous waters of public scrutiny, had left him feeling drained and trapped.

"I can understand how overwhelming it must be," I replied empathetically. "Your commitment to the truth and justice is commendable, but it's okay to take a step back and prioritize your own well-being too."

He sighed, the weariness in his voice deepening. "I know, but it's not just about me. The company, my responsibilities – they're all intertwined. And my grandfather…" His voice trailed off, a note of frustration underlying his words.

"But don't you think these questions should be answered by your grandfather instead?" I suggested, my thoughts forming into words. It seemed only logical that the person at the heart of the matter should address the inquiries.

"I wish it were that simple," he responded, a hint of resignation in his tone. "Grandpa is now retired, and he's always been adept at maneuvering situations to his advantage. He could spin this any way he wants, and I have no way of reaching out to him."

As his words lingered in the air, I could sense the complexity of the situation. The intricate web of family dynamics, power struggles, and personal interests had woven a delicate tapestry that he now found himself entangled in.

"I understand," I said softly, my voice a reassurance. "Remember, you don't have to bear this burden alone. Lean on those around you, delegate where you can, and give yourself the space you need to navigate through this storm. Your commitment to truth and justice is admirable, Alex, and I believe in your ability to find a way through."

His sigh held a mixture of gratitude and weariness, a reflection of the path he was traversing. "Thank you," he said, his voice carrying a weight that spoke volumes. "Your support means more than you know."

As we exchanged a few more words, a sense of camaraderie settled between us. In the midst of uncertainty and chaos, our connection remained a steadfast beacon, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the strength of friendship and empathy could serve as a guiding light.

As the decision solidified in my mind, a sense of purpose surged through me. The weight of the situation, the intricacies of the web that had been spun, compelled me to take action. I reached for the old folder, its contents a reservoir of revelations that could shift the tide of attention and reveal a different facet of the truth.

With a determined resolve, I dialed the number and conveyed my instructions. The voice on the other end affirmed the task at hand, a promise to execute the plan discreetly and efficiently. The words exchanged were brief, but the impact they carried was profound.

"Just make sure that the source of this news should not be released. Just the news," I emphasized, the gravity of the situation underscored by my tone.

"Sure boss, consider it done," came the reply, a testament to the trust and loyalty that had been forged through our shared endeavors.

As I hung up the phone, a mixture of emotions washed over me – a blend of anticipation, uncertainty, and a glimmer of hope. The gears had been set in motion, the mechanism of change now activated.

The next day loomed on the horizon, a new chapter that held the potential to reshape the narrative that had gripped their lives. Aurora's past, shrouded in shadows, was poised to step into the spotlight, a revelation that would cast its own ripples across the intricate tapestry of their intertwined stories.

As the hours ticked away, a sense of anticipation settled over me. The future held a myriad of possibilities, a landscape yet to be explored. And while the path ahead remained uncertain, the knowledge that my actions held the power to shift the balance, to offer a glimmer of truth in a world clouded by deception, fueled my determination.

Tomorrow would indeed mark a new day, a day of reckoning and revelation, a day that had the potential to alter destinies and challenge the status quo. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the horizon, I found solace in the knowledge that I had taken a step, however small, toward unraveling the threads of intrigue that had bound them all.