

“People say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…but the truth is you knew what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.” “What’s wrong with her?” He asked, his voice murderous making him gulp in fear. “I-I don’t know much sir, but no one is allowed to go inside this room.” His voice trembled and he took a step back sensing the dangerous vibes coming off him. “That’s not the answer to my question.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring. “All I know is that her mind is stuck…and no one is allowed to go in this room especially males.” “What do you mean by her mind is stuck?” He asked. “We don’t know about her past, but doctors assumed that something terrible must’ve happened which made her lose her sanity. Her mind is stuck in her past, in those moments when she used to be happy but little things trigger her and she tries to hurt herself when that happens. That’s why only selected people are allowed to go in.” The ward boy answered. Noah felt unsettled after listening to his answer, has she really gone mad or is it just another drama? _-_-_- Noah Kaine, was supposed to be her knight, he was supposed to save her, at least that’s what she thought, but she was wrong. He turned out to be her worst nightmare. He gave her everything, love, care, affection, support, only to snatch it away in the most ruthless way. What was her fault? Read to find out… TRIGGER WARNING: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK AS IT CONTAINS VIOLENCE, MATURE CONTENT, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

Rebelqueen · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs



As I walked into Dr. Shirley's office, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. I knew that sharing Aurora's progress with her was a crucial step towards unraveling the truth and seeking justice. Dr. Shirley, had been guiding me throughout this journey of redemption and healing and I am glad that I chose to hire her for Aurora.

"Good afternoon, Noah," Dr. Shirley greeted me warmly, her eyes reflecting a genuine interest in Aurora's well-being. I took a seat across from her, gathering my thoughts before I began.

"I have some news, Dr. Shirley," I started, my voice filled with a sense of hope. "Aurora's behavior has been changing for the better. She's becoming more responsive and engaged, she recognized my name but she doesn't remember much, that's a good news right?" I couldn't help but smile as I spoke, relieved that our efforts were finally yielding results.

Dr. Shirley's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "That's wonderful, Noah! It seems like our approach is making a difference. Tell me, what specific changes have you noticed?"

I proceeded to describe Aurora's increased curiosity, her willingness to participate in conversation without fainting, and in our upcoming meeting she might start trusting in me. Dr. Shirley listened attentively, nodding as I shared each detail. Her encouraging smile mirrored my own, reassuring me that we were on the right track.

After hearing the updates, Dr. Shirley leaned back in her chair, contemplating our next steps. "Noah, I believe it's time to take another leap forward. We should gradually increase the frequency and duration of your meetings with Aurora. This will allow her to form stronger connections and reinforce the progress she's made, like I said the more she see new faces, the more easily her brain will detach itself from her past."

Her suggestion resonated with me. I understood the importance of building familiarity and trust in Aurora's journey to recovery. I nodded in confirmation, letting Dr. Shirley know that I was ready to take this next step.

But Dr. Shirley wasn't finished yet. "In addition," she continued, "it would be beneficial for you to recreate some of the experiences and actions you both shared in the past. This may help trigger memories and assist Aurora in regaining her sense of self."

Her words sparked a sense of determination within me. Recreating those moments would not only aid Aurora's recovery but also uncover the truth behind her disappearance and the orchestrated deception of her death. I was more determined than ever to help her find justice.

Excitement filled the room as I left Dr. Shirley's office, my mind buzzing with possibilities. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and dialed Aurora's brother, Alex. It was time to share the news and invite him into this journey of healing and truth-seeking.

"Alex," I spoke eagerly as he answered the call, "I have incredible news about Aurora. She's been showing remarkable progress. Dr. Shirley believes that by continuing our efforts and recreating shared experiences, we can help her regain her memories and bring justice to those responsible."

Silence lingered on the other end of the line before Alex's voice cracked with emotion. "Noah, thank you for everything you're doing for my sister. I want to be a part of this journey too, to uncover the truth and make sure our grandfather pays for what he did to Aurora. Count me in, Noah. Justice will be served once Aurora's condition gets back to normal."

I could feel the weight of his determination and shared purpose in his words. It was a powerful moment, knowing that Alex and I were united in our quest for justice.

A surge of gratitude washed over me as I heard the unwavering determination in Alex's voice. We were no longer alone in this battle for justice. Together, we would uncover the truth, bring light to the darkness that had shrouded Aurora's life, and make sure those responsible faced the consequences.

"Thank you, Alex," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "Having you by our side means a great deal. We'll work together to unveil the whole truth and ensure that justice is served."

Alex's resolve echoed through the phone. "Absolutely, Noah. I won't rest until we expose every secret and hold our grandfather accountable for his actions. Aurora has suffered for far too long, and it's time to bring her the justice she deserves."

With our shared commitment cemented, we discussed our plan of action. We would coordinate closely, pooling our resources and knowledge to uncover the truth behind Aurora's disappearance and the web of lies spun around her. It would be a challenging journey, but one we were willing to embark upon together.

As the conversation came to an end, a newfound sense of purpose settled within me. The weight of responsibility was heavy, but it was a burden I gladly carried. Aurora's life and the quest for justice had become my calling, my reason for being.