

A week later, Zoe tried to reach Tobi but could not. She emotionally and mentally broke down because of Tobi's sudden space without any warning. She went over to Erica's apartment for a while to put herself together. Her bestfriend had numerous times in the past, showered a soothing effect on her whenever she felt sad. She recalled moments when Erica would say "forget that boy, not like you both have met anyway"

(lilann: That's my girl, tell her o)

To be candid, Erica was never merciful with her words, Babe said it like it was. Isn't that the way all bestfriends are? Those tough words made Zoe stronger in the end.

2weeks later !!

it was already Christmas.

Zoe went back to her apartment with a conscious decision to move on. She had a lot of articles to work on which would pay off in her quest for FORGETTING TOBI. Her love for her fans served as a push she needed as always.

Two weeks passed by, another two weeks added and it was already New year (second week of January)

(lilann: and Tobi never called? wow he Is such an a**hole omg)

Zoe was in a meeting, and boom!! The unexpected occurred. Ringtone buzzed through the air, her attention wavered, Tobi? she couldn't believe it. She pressed the red button fiercely not because she was in a meeting, but because she was too angry with Tobi but to her surprise Tobi kept on calling until she had to switch off her phone.

(lilann: yasss girl, now you are talking. Tobi what the feeeeeeeeeck! Mehhhhhn. LMAO, but guys really I hate the fact that people leave and return like you should always be exactly at the same place they left you.)

After Zoe's meeting, she switched on her cell phone and was immediately welcomed by a bomb text message from Tobi

"Omg I'm sorry if I bothered you by calling, I'm currently in Africa, matter of fact I'm in your city Cotonou, I left Lagos because I needed to visit a new place, that was why I called to tell you, it would be weird if i'm in your city and I don't inform you. I got it, i will never bother you again, I'm so sorry for the calls"

The text left Zoe speechless for some minutes.

(lilann: blah blah blah blah, what rubbish! Oga stop making the poor girl to be dancing to your dominant rules! besides we the readers know your reason for the sudden cotonou visit, just say you missed my girl "biko" which one is visiting a new place which magically had to be Zoe's base? Hian I comot cap for your strategy o oga Tobi the tourist mtcheew, I dey hail you o LMAO)

Definitely, Zoe missed him so much, she let go of her "vex and attitude" and called Tobi back immediately, but Tobi ignored the call, and sent a text message

"I said, I am truly sorry for bothering you earlier"

(lilann: "hian! woh" Tobi is not normal ni, he is lucky that I am not Zoe because I would have showed him small LOL)

Thank you besties for reading.

And "lol lilann is me, your narrator"

Also pls do not forget to add to your library so you will know when I update a new

This your "Amebo shameless author" hopes you all will support my shameless book by rating and also leaving some comments about your honest thoughts on the story. also If you have something to say kindly follow me

On Instagram @babygirlafrica and feel free to dm me.. or you can send email to @ogboojulietmary@gmail.com

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