

I pulled into the only parking spot I could find, rushing to grab my things and run inside. I ran over to the person behind the front table and frantically asked if she knew where the girl was that just came in an ambulance. She jumped up and yelled for someone to come help. A nurse ran over with a wheelchair and told me I needed to sit down on it. I complied because I didn't have the energy to stand anymore. I just needed to find the girl. They rushed me over to the emergency center and some more nurses came. They brought me into a room, where they cleaned up the cut on my forehead.

"The girl... the girl... where is the girl..." I was in shock, and I couldn't think straight.

"We will take you to her later, she is in surgery right now and you need to be taken care of yourself." Said a nurse. She had short blond hair, and a kind look ok her face.

"Ok... but as soon as she gets out of surgery, I need to see her." I said. I needed to see with my own eyes that the girl was okay. I didn't even know so she was, and I had crashed into her. She was probably going to school, and she didn't look older than me, so she must a senior like me, or she could be a junior.

"Hey, are you okay? You were spacing out." The nurse said, a concerned look on her face. "Yes, I'm okay. I was just thinking." I replied. "Okay, well we patched up your head, and you seem to be fine everywhere else. Do you hurt anywhere besides your head? And what is your name?"

"My name is Aiden. Aiden Walker. And no, I don't hurt anywhere else."

"Okay, then you are good to go. If you want to wait in the west waiting room, we will come find you when the girl is out of surgery."

"Okay." I said. I got up slowly and walked out of the room. I looked around, and saw a sign pointed to the left saying the west waiting room was that way. I followed it until I got to the waiting room, and asked a nurse if I was in the right place, just to make sure. I waited for hours, waiting for someone to come tell me that she was going to be okay, I really needed her to be okay.

Finally, I saw a nurse come in. She was looking around and when she saw me she walked over.

"Are you the one waiting to see the girl?" She asked.

"Yes! Is she okay?" I asked hurriedly.

"Yes, she is okay. Come this way, I'll take you to her room."

I followed obediently. When we finally got to the nurse turned to look at me.

"She is currently sleeping, but you are welcome to wait for her to wake up in there. She should be asleep for to long. Also, we don't know her name yet. When she wakes up, could you ask her what it is so we can contact her family?"

"Of course, thank you" I said absentmindedly as I walked into the room. I looked around and saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed, and I saw a chair pushed up against the wall. I walked over and sat down on it. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. It was only 11 am. I couldn't believe it had only been 4 hours. After I waited for about half an hour, I realized I hadn't anything since breakfast. I checked my wallet to make sure I had some money, then went to find a vending machine. It only took about 5 minutes, but when I came back I heard a weak voice.

"Who are you" is what is sounded like. I was shocked. I looked over at her and saw she was staring at me. In 3 long strides I was at the beside next to her.

"My name is Aiden. We were in a car accident. I was the one who hit you." I said. It sounded so lame. I wanted to ask her so much more, but I could see she wasn't doing well so I just stuck to the basics. We exchanged quick words back and forth, them I asked her what her name was so we could call her family.

"My name is Emma." She said. She then asked me if I could call her brother, and said she didn't have any other family. I complied. I grabbed her phone and put in the password she me, then looked for her brothers name in the contacts. I called him and explained to him that his sister was in a car accident, and is currently in the hospital. He sounded very annoyed when he said that he wouldn't come until after work tonight. He said he was in school, so he had to go. I said a quick goodbye and walked back over to Emma. I dreads telling her her brother wouldn't be able to make it. I could believe he would rather go to school and work then come see his sister who could have died. She looked so disappointed when I explained to her what he said, and it sounded like she was going to start crying when she looked away from me. I felt terrible for her. She said she wanted to sleep and told me to leave, but I could leave her. Not like this. So I simply told her I would wait for her brother to get here. She fell asleep almost right away. I just say in the chair, eating the snacks I had bought earlier.