

I woke up to the song of the alarm, it's morning already.

Im feeling weak and sleepy but i have something to do today at the school and i can't risk it for anything.

"Are you still sleeping?" Jessy asked from downstairs.

"I will be down in thirty minutes" i shouted back.

"Juliet will be here very soon, you better be fast and beside breakfast is ready".

When did she prepare breakfast? This is just seven and she already made breakfast.

I after bathing, i creamed myself and trotted downstairs to meet Jessy and Juliet already having breakfast without me.

"Really? Already having breakfast without me" i asked the both of them.

"How are we supposed to wait for the queen who spends two hours preparing for school?" Juliet asked with sarcasm written on her voice.

"What are you insinuating?"

"What i'm trying to say is that i came all the way from my house only to find out you're still taking your bath".

After breakfast we all headed to school together.

"Hey, Stacey" Florian called at the gate.

I ran to meet him leaving Jessy and Juliet behind.

"Hey Florian what are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you. I thought you won't be coming today cause of what happened yesterday" he said with a sad look on his face.

"You don't have to worry about that. I just need to act like i care".

"You're just so wise and brave and i love that aspect of you". 

"You're making me blush".

"You deserve to be happy and i don't know why you were paired with that jerk" 

I was so mad at him for calling Ray a jerk but i need to keep cool for the plan to go smooth.

"I wish i met you first".

"Let's go to class, the teacher is already in". He pulled me along with him as we headed to the class.

We got in as Ray was already sitting with Camila i decided to sit with Florian.

"He's not only a jerk he's also a womanizer" Florian whispered to me.

Unknown POV

The plan is taking longer than i expected. They are supposed to be done by now. I can't wait to become the Alpha of Crescent moon pack.

I picked up my phone putting a call across to Florian.

"What's popping boy".

"Everything is going smoothly as planned. We have succeeded in breaking the two apart".

"What are you still waiting for?"

"We need to put a fight between the two of them".

"That's a nice plan, i never knew you were this wise. Don't worry you will be paid handsomely for this".

"Yes Alpha king"

Crescent Moon Pack School

I couldn't control myself as i listened to what Florian was saying to the man on the phone.

Why would he wanna tear people apart just for the throne? Not like he will be the Alpha, that's so crazy.

"What is the next plan" i asked asi couldn't wait to take them down immediately.

"We need to lie low and wait for them to see each other, we need to trace them to the unknown man. We don't need to rush things we just have to take ot step by step" Juliet answered.

"I just can't wait to take them down".

"Don't worry we're gonna take them down very soon". Jessy answered as we walked back to the class.

"Florian" i called from behind. He turned giving me this weird look.

As soon as he walked close to us, his phone rang. He excused himself and left to pick the call.

"We need to see, there's a change of plan" The unknown man told him on the phone.


"Once the school is dismissed i want you to come with Camila".

"Okay we will, bye".

"Goodbye my boy". He answered and ended the call.

He put the phone back to his pocked as he rushed back to us.

"Who was that?" Juliet asked.

"That was my mother" He lied.

"Oh that reminds me, I've never seen your mom. Where is she?" Jessy asked.

"She travelled to New york for a business".

"Okay girls enough of the questions" i stopped them from asking further. I don't want him to feel like we know anything.

"Can we head back to class" Florian asked.

"Sure, we don't wanna be late" i pulled Jessy and Juliet along as we walked to class.

I just pray the plan works.

I have so impatient like i am today, i just couldn't wait for Florian and Camila to sneak out of the school so we could set the drone to follow them.

It seems like forever to me as the day seems to be moving slowly i couldn't stop checking my time on when the school will be over.

And same goes for Jessy and Juliet.

"Stop yapping your leg on the floor like something is about to happen" Juliet said.

"Was i tapping my leg on the floor? I asked cluelessly cause i don't even know when i did that.

Alpha King's Chamber

"Do you think the guards will be enough? Luna asked.

"Yes, i jave over five thousand betas and as you can see my armies are many. I want you to be rest assured that we are going to take Lorenzo down today" he patted her shoulder.

"Are you also taking Ray and Stacey along? I really don't want anything to happen to you guys" she panicked.

"Now you're acting like a mean Luna, who only cares about her family. Don't worry nothing is gonna happen to any of us, beside we got everything already planned".

"Don't you think I should come along? I need to be there with you guys".

"No, if you go with us, who will stay at the castle to represent me. What if there is a rogue attack how will the others fight without a leader. That's the reason why you can't come with us. You need to stay here and face the pack" 

"I pray you all will be safe, the moon Goddess will protect and guide you as you go to war against our enemy, you will come back with victories" she showered prayers on the Alpha.

His phone rang disrupting the section.

Crescent Moon Pack School

I was already lost in my own thought on how the enemy will look like when Juliet tapped my hand a little.

"What is it" i whispered to her.

"There are leaving" she said bringing me back to reality.

I need to call the Alpha king.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He picked on the first ring.

"Hey Stacey, what's the news?"

"They are leaving" i answered silently.

"You guys need to lie low. Juliet should send the drone and make sure they don't notice and lastly. Where is Ray?"

"Uhm...he's in the class" i answered looking towards Ray's direction bit he wasn't there any longer.

I really don't know what to tell the Alpha king, i had to end the call before going oit to look for Ray.

I searched and searched and searched without any trave of him.

Where has he gone to? He was supposed to be in the class and i saw him just now before Camila left.

Does it mean he went out with them?

"Stacey" Juliet called from the class.

"What happened you sound scared" i asked as i stepped into the class.

"Come and watch this" she turned the phone to my direction.

A gasp escaped my mouth as i saw Ray leaving with Camila and Florian.

"What does he have up his sleeve? Does he have any plan? Why would he spy on them like that? Didn't he know it's too dangerous?" I asked countless questions that couldn't be answered.

"Quickly call the Alpha king" Jessy spoke for the first time since the conversation started.

"What am i gonna tell him? I just told him Ray was in the class how do i tell him he already left with the spies?"

"You don't have to panick, just tell him Ray left before you could even realize" Juliet suggested.

I was still in panick when Dylan called.

"Stacey, my mate would be coming to stay with you, please do take care of her"

This is the first time i heard Dylan sounding serious.

"Where are you? What's happening? Where is Josh? i asked as i couldn't stop myself from asking further. Dylan's seriousness is something to worry about.

"You don't need to know, just take care of my mate till i return" he said and ended the call.

"Your brothers left with Ray and the twins. What are we gonna do now? Jessy asked.

"Call the Alpha" Juliet answered and snatched my phone from me. Dialing the Alpha's number she handed it back to me.

"Don't be scared, you have to tell him what's happening".

As soon as he picked the call, i began explaining everything to him including Ray leaving the class and my brothers going with him.

"Don't you think they have a plan? Alpha asked.

"I don't know" i answered as the tears was already brimming down my cheek.

"Are you crying?.

"No, i'm just worried about my mate and brothers, i don't want anything to happen to them. I don't think i can forgive myself something should happen to them, please do something".

"You don't have to worry, we're behind their car, nothing is gonna happen, just have faith they will be fine. Okay?"


"Now take care of yourself and the baby" he said before hanging up.

"Let's go home. It's already late" Juliet said dragging me up.

"We are going to Ray's mansion, i want to spend my night there" i thought Ray having an affair with Camila all this while i never knew he has a plan and when he came explain things to me, i chased him out of the house.

I dont think i can't continue to live if anything should happen to him.

The drive to Ray's mansion was a very quiet one as everyone has something going on in their mind except Juliet whose mate is safe.

Jessy has been lost in thought since she heard her mate also went to the war with Ray.

"Don't worry Karl will be fine, if anyone needs to worry it should be me cause Ray is the Alpha prince and the enemy won't spare him".

The blaring of my ringing tune disrupting our crying section. I really don't wanna talk to anyone but when i checked the caller ID it was Ray. I quickly pressed the accept button as i can't risk him ending the call even before i could pick.

"Hey babe" he called softly. I really don't know if I'm to cry or laugh as i found myself having two reactions.

"Babe, are you there?" he asked again.

"Yes, yes, i can hear you. Why did you have to go?"

"I have to fight for my pack as the future Alpha. Isn't that what you told me?"

"When did i say that?"

"The day i brought you home after being abducted" 

"Yes i asked you to fight and protect your pack but this isn't what i meant. Why would go there without telling anyone, not even me?"

"I came to tell you the other day, but you wouldn't listen to me".

So this was what he wanted to tell me. I really don't know what is wrong with me. I should have listened to him before including he was having an affair with Camila.

"I'm sorry, i know i should have listened to you. Please forgive me".

"I have nothing against you babe. But don't worry, when i come back i'm gonna punish you in my own way for not listening to me".

"I love you and be safe" I said as i could find any word to say. I just hope he comes back to me safely.

"I love you babe".

"I love you too" i answered as he hanged up.

"That was Ray i guess?" Jessy asked.

"Yes and he told me they are all fine. We don't have anything to worry about. We just have to hope and pray they come back safely".