
Hentai With Mahou Shoujo

Naoto Shirogane was a Hero who, with his friends, saved the world from monsters that appeared from portals that appeared suddenly. But 15 years later, when the portals appeared once again, it's time for new heroes to take the front. and they are none other than Mahou Shoujo!!! [Warning:- This novel is written solely for the purpose of sexual entertainment. As the name suggests, this novel will be full of content that may not be suitable for most audience so be make sure to keep it in mind

NightSlash69 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Ch3. Bk.1


Author's note:-

From this chapter onwards, chapter name with "BK" contains back story of Naoto when he was small. So I will try to continue the story of both present and past. So hope you enjoy it....


It happened when I was 15 years old. After school, I always stay at home either playing games or watching anime. I played a lot of rpg that one day, I can see the game system even in real life. Like game, I can see system tray that tells me my stats, I can see others level and title.


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 1

HP:- 50 MP:- 20

Str:- 5 Vit:- 5

Int:- 5 Agi:- 5

Luk:- 5

Unspent points:-5


First I thought maybe I was sleepy but it didn't go away. It happened one day when I woke up in the morning. When I went to the school on foot, a window popped up that says my aglily has increased by 1. After School, when I did my homework, my intelligence got increased by 1. So I thought why not try it out to see if it really affects my abilites or if it's just a hoax. So here I am, at a little hill behind my school full of forests, with a baseball bat in hand.

"Let's see now."

I striked a tree with my bat at full might. A little of it's outside bark was removed otherwise no damage was done to the tree.

[You have obtained blunt weapon mastery]

[You have leveled up]

A skill popped up. I striked once again and my skill went 1 level up. I noticed that after the skill got leveled up, my damage has increased very slightly. So I striked again and again all evening and checked my status,


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 7

HP:- 140 MP:- 93

Str:- 26 Vit:- 11

Int:- 15 Agi:- 7

Luk:- 5

Unspent points:-35


I have reached level 7. My strength has increased a lot since I was doing physical work. I have now 35 unspent points. My blunt weapon mastery has also reached level 8. I can now handle my bat very well and now make a tree fall with two hits.

"I am tired."

I sat on the ground to rest. And I soon recovered. Looks like my Agility is affecting my recovery. I got up and get ready to go home. At home, I am in my room trying to figure more about my abilities.

If it's really like a game then maybe I can do a lot more....


I spoke and a window popped up. Then I tried to put some items inside it. I tried to put a notebook from my desk and it went inside. Then I tried removing it, and it comes out easily.

"Wow cool.. what else can I do?"

I sat on the bed and start thinking about pther game mechanics but my excitement got the better of me and I couldn't think of anything. I looked at the time and it was 11 pm.

"It's bad. I still have to do my homework."

I immediately sat on my desk and start doing my homework. It took me an hour but I managed to complete it.ì

"It's done."

[Your intelligence has increased by 1]

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling of the room.

Let's see what I know about my abilities,

My stats affects my performance. Stats are increased by two ways. By leveling up and by doing anything related to that particular stat.

And there are skills too. I want to become stronger.

I rotated to my side and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

The next day....

I am sitting in my classroom and looking at others. Most of them are at LV 5-6.

[You have obtained the skill 'Observe']

I checked the skill and it says,

[Observe:- you can see detailed information of the target.]

I immediately tried it and now i cam see their stats along with their level now. The highest stat a student has is about an average of 10 or 15 but there are some who have higher stat than that. For example, the class president's intelligence stat is at 51.

No wonder she always comes first.

"Yo Naoto, what are you doing?"

A guy came to me and spoke. It's a blonde guy eith spiky hair. He is my childhood friend and the only friend I have in this school and it's Same for him too.


Kai Shirayaki

Level 39


His level is higher than the rest. As for his title, I can't view it as it has ???. Looks like I need to level up my observation skill. Also all of his stats are above 50. I guess I have to talk with this guy.

"Let's meet after the school."


He said and returned back to his seat. After school, we meet in a park. There I told him about my powers. Upon listening, his face became shocked.

"I can't believe you have obtained powers. On top that it's gamer powers."

He laughed and then his face became serious. Then he told me about the Underworld. About how dangerous place that is and suggested me to not level up or I will be in danger.

"Are you joking? Before I was a normal guy just playing video games but now I can experience all of that in real world and you are telling me to quit?"

"Yes because unlike games it's real and you can really die"

"I understand what you are saying but that just means I have to grow stronger quickly right? I am a gamer so I will find a way."

I spoke with confidence to which he sighed in defeat.

"If you want to continue then you have to know more about what you are getting yourself into."

He then told me that there are two types of power holders, natural and acquired ones. He said the one I have unlocked is the natural one which is rarer compared to acquired which he has. Natural is awakened in a person automatically but for acquired you have to train and then you can aquire it.

He got out of his seat and moved forward,


He said as he stopped in his tracks. "Can you find any anomaly here?" He pointed towards the way forward. I tried to find out but I couldn't notice anything. Seeing this, he moved forward and disconnected from my eyes.


I followed him and a notice popped up.

[You have entered an instant dungeon]

"Instant dungeon?"

"Ohh did your game system told you?"


Then he told me that instant dungeons are created by other people. I should avoid these as there could be anything dangerous here but it also depends on dungeon to dungeon. He then taught me how to get out of it. I practised and gained a new skill.

[You have obtained a skill 'Dungeon Escape']

He also taught me on how to create it. I practised it again and again and managed to learn it.

[You have obtained a skill 'Dungeon Creation Lv1]

"Well to think you would learn it this fast. It's really a cheat."


I laughed and decided to head home since sun was about to set down. I parted way with him and head home. On the way, I accidentally entered a dungeon.

[You have entered an dungeon]


I looked around to see if there is anyone but I couldn't find anyone.

[Due to your cautiously observing your surroundings, you have obtained a new skill 'Detect']

I got a new skill. According to it's info, I can detect the presence of others around the area of 10m.

"Guess I have to level it up before it becomes useful."

I encountered some undead. I checked it's status,



Lv 5

Str:- 14 Vit:- 9

Int:- 0 Agi:- 4

Luk:- 0


From the looks of it, they are quite weak. Their intelligence and luck are zero. I looked at their face and indeed they dont look intelligent. I immediately took out my bat from my inventory and ready for battle. I moved towards the one which is alone and swing with all of my might.

It lost about 30% HP from that hit. Not bad . I thought as I swing my bat again and again. Finally It's HP went 0 and it disappears.

[You have leveled up]

[Blunt Weapon Mastery has reached level 9]

"Wow I leveled up. Guess I will be going home late"

I moved towards another undead and attacked it. I also killed it in four hits.

[You have leveled up]

I gained another level up from that.

"But using a blunt weapon is not good. If someone attacked me, I won't be able to defend myself with it."

Shall I try something else.

I opened my arm and try to focus my power flowing from my body to my hand. I have done this before after seeing certain anime but maybe now I can actually do it. I tried to imagine my power flowing out of my hand and it actually flew from my hand towards a undead.

[You have created a new skill]

[Please give it a name]

[Mana Blasts]

[Creating a new skill has unlocked a new skill 'Creation']

[Your intelligence has increased by 1]

[Creation:- Helps in creating a new skill]

"Wow a good skill popped up"

I then used mana blasts to attack undeads. Each mana blast uses around 10MP. But it's power is greater than my bat. I easily killed two undeads. One undead is now killed in two hits. I also gained new levels which replenished my MP. My Mana blast skill has also leveled up. I continued to kill the undeads. I noticed that some of them are also dropping items. Items like a ring that increases strength, health potions etc. I picked them up and keep killing them.

"Huff Huff"

I'm on my way home. I have killed every undead that was in this dungeon. After I killed the last one, I use my skill to exit the dungeon. Along the way, I checked my status,


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 16

HP:- 382 MP:- 186

Str:- 49 Vit:- 19

Int:- 26 Agi:- 14

Luk:- 5

Unspent points:-80

{Observe skill Lv 3}

{Dungeon Escape LV1}

{Dungeon Creation Lv1}

{Detect Lv2}

{Blunt weapon Mastery Lv19}

{Mana Blast Lv 6}

{Creation Lv1}


Each of my stat has increased except for Luck. Also with each level up, the power of mana blast got increased. I can now one shot a undead either with bat or mana blast. I also have 80 points to distribute but I don't know on which attribute I should allocate them. As I entered the house, my mom was standing there with angry face.

"Naoto look at the time. Where were you?"

"Sorry I was with Kai."

"You should tell me if you were coming late."

"Yeah sorry about that."

I quickly finished eating my dinner and went to my room. My father is currently overseas with work and now in house except me, there is my mother and my little sister. Strangely my mom's level is hidden with ??? And my little sister has a level of 24. So I have some suspicions about what they are hiding from me. In games, if someone's level is way higher than you or if they are using an item to mask their status, others can't see it and ??? Appears on them.

I sat aside this problem and focused on other things, I noticed I can use map feature like games and it's a really detailed map. I can zoom out it all the way to see the whole earth and zoom in to a level where every house is marked as if I am it to take a picture. I can also mark on map.

Then I checked on my skills. Before I thought that I would practice my dungeon Creation skill at home but looking at my mother and sister's unknown level, I decided against it.

"Guess I will do something else."

First I decided to do my homework. With my increased intelligence, I could solve questions with ease. After that I read some theories online. Doing so my intelligence attribute increased. After that I decided to do some exercise so I can increase my strength and Agility.

I managed to increase my intelligence by 5, strength by 4, Agility by 3. I couldn't increase my vitality and my luck is still the same as ever.

"Should i play some luck related games?"

I thought but it was already late so I decided to do it tomorrow and went to sleep.

The next day....

After school, I immediately moved to the area behind the school where I trained with bat and start creating and destroying the dungeons.

"Dungeon Create!"

"Dungeon Escape"

I repeated them as long as I had mana after that I waited for my mana to regenerate. The current regeneration rate is 5 MP per minute. After recovering my MP, I continued to create and escape from them. I did it until the sun set down. I checked my level,


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 19

HP:- 457 MP:- 224

Str:- 49 Vit:- 26

Int:- 34 Agi:- 14

Luk:- 5

Unspent points:-95

{Observe skill Lv 3}

{Dungeon Escape LV6}

{Dungeon Creation Lv6}

{Detect Lv2}

{Blunt weapon Mastery Lv19}

{Mana Blast Lv 6}

{Creation Lv1}

{MP Regeneration LV2}


Due to me repeatedly using and recovering MP, I got a skill that boost the recovery rate of MP. On my way home, I encountered another dungeon like yesterday full of undeads. I start killing them immediately and experimented with my skills. I created two new skills

{Rasengan Lv2}

{Mana Arrow LV3}

Rasengan is created from mana blast. Instead of firing it, I tried to condense it on my hand and it become a giant spherical spinning ball. Mana arrow is actually a single arrow made in my hand which I throw at the enemy. Unlike Mana Blast, it's piercing power is good. My level has also increased to 24.

I ran towards my house and it increased my stamina by 1. At my room, after doing my homework, I decided to play some luck related games. First I start with simple games like coin toss. Whenever I called it right, my luck increased by 1. Then I start playing some gambling games. Of course I didn't played any betting games since I don't have money to waste on this. I downloaded some offline gambling games and start playing them. At first I was bored from them, since I don't like these type of games but slowly as my luck increased, my winning rate also increased. After that, I exercised to increase my strength and then went to sleep.

Next day, I went with Kai to his house. Kai's house is a big traditional house with dojo inside. There he provided me some books through which I learned some skills, which included healing skills. His grandfather is giving skills to me quite generously. When I was small, he hated me since I was teaching Kai about games and anime but slowly he started to like me and our relation becomes closer. He was quite shocked to see me learn these skills instantly. After that Kai shower me the Dungeon their family owns and we head inside. It's a Dungeon full of monsters like Ogres.

"Oh right. There is something I wanted to test."

Kai looked at me with puzzled look.

"Party invite"

Kai became shocked as a party confirmation window popped up in front of him. He pressed yes and we are now in a party.

"Good it worked." I can now see his level, HP and MP at my left corner. His level is now 46. Just how much does he trains? For other people, they can't level up as easily as I can so it's pretty amazing that he has grown this much strong. I also checked other party features and it seems like I can track him on my map and even voice chat with him. We decided to kill the ogre. They were quite strong compared to the undead which I can one shot now. But it took my all to defeat one. But with Kai's help, we killed a lot of them. I noticed that when in party, Kai too can get benefits of game system. He can learn new skills and make enemies drop items. But he can't get level up benefits since his level is quite higher than my own.

We picked up the drops. [Ogre club:- increases strength by 10%]

[Ogre pants:- a underwear that protects your important parts from any attack]

We also noticed something else.

"Are you seeing what I see?"


"Is it real money?"

Kai asked as we picked money that also dropped. I tried putting it in my inventory and it added to my current money.

"It says it's real!"

I spoke with excitement.

"How much was it?"

"1 m-m-million yen"

We both became shocked. Then we decided to grind some more. We now have a new motivation to grind. After grinding for a long time, we sat down and I looked at my stats,


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 31

HP:- 740    MP:- 377

Str:- 56       Vit:- 36

Int:- 77        Agi:- 26

Luk:- 13

Unspent points:- 155

{Observe skill Lv 6}

{Dungeon Escape LV6}

{Dungeon Creation Lv6}

{Detect Lv3}

{Blunt weapon Mastery Lv19}

{Mana Blast Lv 21}

{Creation Lv7}

{MP Regeneration LV13}

{Rasengan Lv8}

{Mana Arrow Lv11}

{Healing Lv4}

{Ki control Lv15}

{Strength buff Lv5}

{Sword Mastery Lv9}

{Omni Barrier LV13}


I have learned a useful skill omni barrier. It protects me from all directions from damage. A spherical transparent ball surrounds me with this skill. It's defense is based on its level and it consumes MP continously if I keep it activated so I kept it on till my MP runs out.

"I have now 155 attribute points. Where should I allocate them?"

"If you want to become strong then strength or intelligence or maybe if you want to tank then why not put them in vitality."

I pondered for a while and finally made a decision.

"I have decided to make my luck reach 100."

"Huh?! Why luck? You can put it in something useful."

"It's true that in most games, luck is the stat which affects chances of critical hit and it's useful if you spend those points to your class related attributes but since it's real life, don't you want to know what it can do?"


"If it didn't do anything good then I will only focus on other stats. But I have a feeling that it will be quite good."

"Well if you say that much then why not"

I put 100 points on luck and new windows popped up.

[Your luck has reached 100]

[Since your luck has surpassed 100, new benefits are added]

[Rarity of drops have increased. You can now obtain obtain Rare items from drops]

[Since your luck has reached 100, you can now obtain Epic Rarity drops]

[Since your luck has reached 100, you can obtain Unique items from the drops]

[Since your luck has surpassed 100, you can now avoid lethal damage]

[Since your luck has surpassed 100, there is a chance that you can double level up]

[Since your luck has surpassed 100, the chance of things going the way you want has increased]

[Surpassing 100 points on luck has increased all the levels by 5]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[All your attributes level has increased by 5]

[When your luck surpasses 150, additional benefits will be given to each of your possessed skills]


I couldn't speak anything. Seeing me like this, Kai became worried.

"What happened?"

I told him and his jaw dropped too.

"Should I put the rest of them?"

Before I was gonna put it in my intelligence but now I am tempted to see what other benefits I will get on my luck reaching 150.

I still have 80 points thanks to the level up.

"Are you sure. Sure it's tempting but then you will be lacking a lot in other areas."

I pondered upon this idea for a while and made my decision.

"Yeah I trusting my instincts. I will put 35 more points in there."

I put more points in my luck and it reached 155.

[Your luck has surpassed 150 points]

[Since you have surpassed 150 points, drops from enemies will all be epic Rarity items]

[There is 10% chance that the drop item will be of legendary rarity]

[Since your luck has surpassed 150 points, you will never lose a gamble]

[Since your luck has surpassed 150 points, chance of thing going the way you want has increased]

[All of your stats have increased by 2]

[under the influence of high luck, you can now create lv1 exp dungeon]

[Under the influence of high luck you can now create lv1 money dungeon]

[Under the influence of high luck, creating new skills with 'Creation skill' will now have boosted effects]

[With high luck, a random skill is obtained]

[You have obtained a new skill, Ailment Healing Lv9]

[With high luck, you will now obtain more points when leveling up]

[With high luck, skill/dungeon that completly block skills will not be able to do so. The most your skills will be reduced is 90%]

I checked my status,


Naoto Shirogane

Lv 36

HP:- 866    MP:- 439

Str:- 68       Vit:- 48

Int:- 79        Agi:- 43

Luk:- 155

Unspent points:- 45

{Observe skill Lv 13}

{Dungeon Escape LV13}

{Dungeon Creation Lv13}

{Detect Lv10}

{Blunt weapon Mastery Lv26}

{Mana Blast Lv 28}

{Creation Lv15}

{MP Regeneration LV20}

{Rasengan Lv15}

{Mana Arrow Lv18}

{Healing Lv11}

{Ki control Lv22}

{Strength buff Lv12}

{Sword Mastery Lv16}

{Omni barrier Lv20}

{Ailment Healing Lv11}


"The result is better than I had expected"

"What do you mean?"

"Not only all of my stats have increased a lot also I have gained some new skill and leveled them up. But it's not the best part."


"Now I can create exp and money dungeons"

"Don't tell me--"

"Yeah now I can farm exp or money. Since they are lv1 dungeons, I don't know how much they will give but I am sure they will be quite powerful."

"It's a complete cheat"


We come out of the dungeon, it was around 1 pm. In the dungeon we were in, time flows by half speed. So we still have a lot of time. We moved to his room and he shoed me something useful.

"Looks this is the website called Underwold Auction, Here you will find things related to Underworld. You can purchase a lot of skill books if you have money."

I sat in front of the desktop and start scrolling the website. I checked various things they provide. Various skill books are listed here but their prices are too high. I only have 1 million yen and price here also begins at this price so I cant buy anything useful with this much. I checked other tabs, one has information about various things, another tab is where I can hire someone to do stuff for me. Then I noticed a certain tab.

"This is.."

I clicked on tab that is called slaves. There a lot of pictures of girls posted here. Below their photo, their information like their name, age, occupation, skills and virginity status is written. There not only girls but guys too.

"Oi this is.."

"Yeah. Here you can buy slaves."

"Does that mean--"

"Look here."

I looked at where he is pointing. My eyes nearly popped out. "1 billion yen?! Starting amount?"

"Yeah. So we can only watch porn on internet."

He sighed in disappointment.

"But wait we could try the money dungeon."

"But think about it, if you purchased a slave, no doubt they will listen to you but the problem is what will you do about them after doing the deed?"

"That's true."

"Let's go back to the dungeon."

This time, I created the money dungeon. We entered it and get ready for battle. The enemies inside are goblins made of gold. Their level is 1. All of their stat is 0 but their HP is at 10,000. We defeated one with ease and it only dropped money.

"So one monster here drops about 10,000yen"

Well it's not bad since monsters here die very easily compared to other places. We nodded and start killing the monsters. Since mana arrow and ki control has leveled up, now I can fire five arrows at once. They appear around me and fire towards the enemy. After around 1 hour, we had collected around, 100,000 yen. We keep farming for money and stopped at around 5 million yen. We split the money in half and exit the dungeon.

"I am completly tired."

"Me too"

I recovered easily due to my abilities. But Kai didn't. So we decided to stop for today. I bid him farewell and decided to head home. On the way, I saw a girl with red hair tied into a small ponytail surrounded by some guys that looked like thugs. They disappeared right in front of me in an alley. I knew right away that they had moved inside a dungeon. I decided to follow them.

"Vivian today we will defeat you."

"You can't escape us."


These guys have surrounded the girl. On the other hand, the girl called Vivian, is looking at them calmly. I checked their level and Vivian is at Lv49. On the other hands these thugs are at 14.

"So weak"

But if they are so weak, then why are they acting like that? They took out their daggers and attacked her. She easily blocked them with her bare hands and throw them, along with the person holding it, away. The thugs are looking at her from afar. Suddenly it looked like she is in pain. I checked her and it looked like their daggers were covered with some type of poison. She became Unconscious and fell down. The thugs immediately went after her but sadly for them, I attacked them from mana arrows from behind. All of them fell down and are looking at me with angry eyes.

"You bastard who are you?"

"We will remember this"

I ignored them and carry her in my arms. I took her to my room. I jumped to the outside of my room and entered from there so my mom won't see me. There I healed her poison. She regained her conciousness and sat on the bed.

"Did you save me?"

"Yup. I saw you getting attacked by those thugs so I defeated them and cured your poison."

"I will return this favor. Tell me what so you want in return?"

"Huh?! I don't need anything."

"That won't do. I don't want to owe you so tell me what do you need? I can give you money or you want me to pay with my body?"

"Pay with your body? Huh?!"

Did I hear that right? Did she really say that?

"Yeah some people use their body to transfer some mana to others as compensation."

"Ah so that's what you mean"

"Huh? What di you think i--"

She stopped midsentence probably because she figured it out.


"Why? You are the one who mentioned it."

"Lier and pervert"

"Stop calling me a pervert.

"Then Why did you help me?"

"Well i saw a beautiful girl attacked by thugs so I can't stop myself from helping you."

She immediately rotated her head away from me.

"At least look at me when we talk."

She faced me with her bright eed face. Wait is she blushing?

"Naoto are you in your room?"

"Damn it my mom is coming. Quick go home"

I pushed her towards the window but she is resisting it.

"But I need to pay you back."

"We can talk about that later so fo now please go home."

"Fine. I will pay you back later"

She exited from the window and my mom entered the room.

"What are you doing?"

"N-Nothing mom. Did you need anything?"

"Yeah. Your father just called me."

"He did?"

"Yeah. According to him, he needs help with his work, so I will have to go overseas to him"


"I have done my preparations and I will go tomorrow so take care of yourself and your sister."


"I will send you money from time to time so don't worry about this."

She headed back downstairs leaving me confused. Wait if I can't see mom's level does that mean dad too has same thing? Are they also part of Underworld. My little sister, Miyako, too has a high level that is not achievable by a normal person. Nevermind now I can practice at home since Miyako mostly stays with her friends house most of the time.

After dinner, I did my homework and decided to skip the exercise since it won't benefit me at my current level. I thought about the girl that was here a couple of hours ago.

"But man, she was beautiful."

I muttered and removed my pants. I start masturbating while thinking about her. Then I went to sleep.