
Hentai Verse

A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Erotica-Fics, Smut-Fics. These are Mostly One-shot Smuts, but there are other stories with parts too. Chapters in this story will have their own contained story, and I will endeavor to post a new one up for everyone to read. Some may be your taste, but some may not. ————————————————————— Check Out: Lucias Frey: The Heretic Gamer Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/lucias-frey-the-heretic-gamer_22075537405177405 ————————————————————— Note: I do not own or claim ownership of works posted here or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the Chapters.

EviL · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
256 Chs

Flower Power (Hunting for Harry)

Summary: Fleur has a foolproof plan to win the Triwizard Tournament: fuck the competition so hard that they won't be able to compete. It's working well until she finds out just what Harry's packing. Will she be able to handle him? Of course not.


There was no such thing as a fair fight. That was the lesson that Monsieur Delacour had tried to instill in his daughters from an early age, and it was advice that Fleur had taken to heart. Her Papa had told her numerous stories about his work in which men- or women- had foolishly thought certain actions during a duel were "dishonorable", and they usually paid for it with their lives. That wasn't to say hunting dark wizards was a lawless wasteland, but criminals didn't usually concern themselves with whether or not the aurors were ready and prepared for an attack.

Both her Maman and Papa made sure that she knew she was always going to be a target. The family of an auror made for tempting kidnapping prizes, and Fleur's inhuman beauty only increased the potential danger. It didn't matter whether it was attacking from behind, throwing dirt or sand in her attacker's eyes, or using hidden weapons, there was no trick too dirty for her to use to escape hostile situations. And while the Triwizard Tournament wasn't necessarily on the same level as a potential abduction, Fleur approached it with the same mentality.

Not that she was worried. From what she had learned of her competitors, they weren't exactly the cream of the crop. Cedric Diggory was too nice, too fair, to play in the big leagues, he would be squashed faster than he could say "loyalty".

Harry Potter, on the other hand, had the sort of demeanor that belayed his appearance. Yes, he seemed naive and trusting on the surface, but not only had he already somehow snuck his way into the tournament, deceiving the likes of Albus Dumbledore, but Fleur could also sense his iron determination, and the willingness to fight when backed into a corner. Fortunately for her, she clearly had the edge in experience, and more tricks to pull out of her silken sleeve than he could ever imagine.

Which left Viktor Krum, to Fleur's mind, her only real competition. Krum was clearly a competitor, willing to do whatever it took to win based on his performance at the Quidditch World Cup. And if the rumors about Durmstrang held any validity, possessed a knowledge of spells that could make things very unpleasant for her. His weaknesses were readily apparent too, however. As graceful as he looked on a broom, he moved nowhere near as fluidly on the ground. He favored brute force over all, and Fleur knew that with her sophistication and elegance she could dance circles around him.

That didn't mean she was willing to leave it to chance though. Fleur had been developing a plan of attack from the moment her name emerged from the Goblet, and now it was time for implementation. She wouldn't risk doing something as insane as attacking them, however. Not only was she unwilling to risk the wrath of a binding magical contract, but if she showed up to the First Task as the only uninjured participant, it wouldn't take long for people to put two and two together. And so she decided on using a different strategy: her body.

Of course Fleur knew the effect she had on people, men especially. She'd have to be blind not to see it, and Fleur was no idiot. Physical sabotage might have been out of the question, but if she fucked her competitors so hard they were distracted and wobbly during the task, that was just an unfortunate coincidence, right? What were they going to say, 'I'm sorry I couldn't focus, I was too distracted by the mind-blowing sex I had last night'? Please, they'd be laughed out of the tournament.

Therefore, the night before she had to face her dragon- thankfully Madame Maxine had informed her about them while smirking that the pair from Hogwarts would likely be left in the dark- she set out to meet up with the other champions under the guise of some friendly commiseration. She made sure to look her best, the satiny blue robes of her Beauxbatons uniform were spotless, her silvery-blonde hair was sleek and shiny, and any undergarments were left in her armoire. She would have no need of them tonight.

Still, as she stepped out of the carriage shivering, she cursed to herself. 'Such 'orrible weather for an 'orrible country and its 'orrible people. Why does it have to be so cold?'

She did the best she could to ignore the bitter chill seeping into her bones, she had a job to do. Viktor was the easiest to find, he was out by his lonesome in the forest, probably headbutting trees or something. He was also remarkably easy to seduce, all she had to do was play with her hair and flash a little cleavage and then she was on her back screaming. Well, not screaming. More like letting out fake, whorish moans pretending like this was some amazing fuck.

Despite Krum's position as a seeker, he was more like a bludger himself. No finesse, no rhythm, just unrelenting ferocity. 'I suppose some girls might enjoy this,' Fleur thought, but it wasn't doing anything for her personally. So it came as a relief when after only a few minutes of vigorous thrusting, Krum blew his load and slumped off, dazed. Fleur shook her head in disappointment and vanished the remains of their tryst from her body. 'One down, two to go.'

Cedric was only slightly harder to track down than Viktor, some Hogwarts students in yellow and black with a disgusting badger on their robes mentioned that he was in the library, likely doing some last minute research. She was mildly disappointed to see him studying dragons, apparently having discovered the "secret" nature of the task ahead of them, but it was irrelevant to her plans.

To the handsome boy's credit, he did take slightly more convincing than Krum. He was worried about being caught, felt like he might be taking advantage of her, and she might have even heard him say something about having his eyes on someone else. But as she climbed into his lap and kissed him, all his protests died.

She rode him fiercely, bouncing up and down on his cock as she plundered his mouth with her own. He wasn't a terrible lover, there was just no spark, no imagination. He treated her like glass, like he was simply lucky just to be near her- which he was, to be fair- and while it was sweet and kind, there was an astounding lack of passion. A fact that left Fleur rather frustrated as she finished him off too, taking her second creampie of the night, one no more satisfying than the first.

She sighed as she left Cedric passed out in his chair, cleaning herself once more as she prepared to hunt her final target. She didn't look back once at the Hufflepuff, and she hoped that whichever woman it was that caught his fancy was ready for a life of boring sex. They would probably be one of those couples that was sickeningly sweet in public, and only had sex missionary-style with the lights off. Gross.

As Fleur stalked through the halls of Hogwarts, she made sure that her appearance was fixed as best it could after her two disappointing romps. 'At least they were both somewhat pleasing to look at, in different ways.' She checked her hair for any stray leaves or tangles and smoothed out her short skirt as she made her way up to where the Gryffindor common room was said to be. She hoped this wouldn't take long, she had an appointment with her other magic wand later that night. 'Bless those perverted muggles,' she giggled to herself.

The French witch became increasingly frustrated as got lost several times trying to navigate Hogwarts' maze-like corridors, and was therefore quite agitated by the time she approached the portrait of a fat lady in a pink dress. Fleur sniffed disdainfully and tapped her elegant, high-heeled foot as she waited for someone to appear. Fortunately for her, it didn't take too much longer for the picture to swing open, and a head of bushy hair to appear before her.

"Yes, may I help you?" the unknown witch inquired warily.

Fleur huffed. "My name iz Fleur Delacour, I'm looking for 'Arry Potter."

The Gryffindor's tone, which was already chilly, now turned glacial. "What do you want with him?"

Fleur floundered for a moment as she tried to think of an excuse. "I wish to, 'ow you say, apologize to 'im. For ze way I acted on 'Alloween."

The girl glared at her for several more seconds before shutting the portrait and disappearing. Fleur was about to give up and return to her room when it swung open once more and Harry Potter emerged. He was sort of roguishly handsome, Fleur supposed, and a little on the scrawny side. But his green eyes were entrancing and she had no doubt that hundreds of witches longed to run their fingers through his untidy hair.

He gave a little cough and Fleur realized she had been staring for far too long. "I am sorry for my words on 'Alloween," she began, "I was surprised and let my emotions get ze better of me. It is clear zat you did not put your name in ze cup, and it was wrong of me to say zat." Fleur didn't care whether or not he actually did it, she would win the tournament regardless. But saying she believed him seemed to have been the correct response, as his face lost some of its sharpness and he grinned a little.

"That's okay, I s'pose," he said slowly. "I can see why you might have been offended by the interruption, but I really didn't cheat, I swear."

Fleur was surprised. Was he always this quick to forgive? Her plan was working even better than she could have anticipated. "Would you per'aps take quick a walk with me?" she asked. "I would like to know more about zis school. And you," she added almost as an afterthought.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt," Harry said hesitantly. "And the tournament is supposed to be about international magical cooperation."

"Magnifique!" Fleur flashed her dazzlingly white teeth at him and held her arm out for Harry to take. He looked at her uncomprehendingly for a moment and she gave her bent arm a little shake. At last he caught on, and began escorting her down the corridor at a leisurely pace. He told her his favorite things about Hogwarts and she tried to pretend she was interested. Fleur thought she was doing a fairly good job of it, laughing and nodding in the right places until she decided they had walked far enough from the common room.

She came to a sudden halt and Harry turned to look at her. "'Arry, zank you for zis walk, but I do not believe I 'ave apologized properly yet." Harry flushed a little and tried to wave her off, but Fleur would not be denied. "Non, let me show you 'ow sorry I am." Fleur wished she could have seen the gobsmacked look on Harry's face as she dropped to her knees in front of him, but she had more important matters to attend to. Namely, the monster cock that she had fished out of his pants and was now pointing right at her. "Mon dieu! Zat can't be real."

"Not so 'leetle' now am I?," said Harry smugly, all previous nervousness disappearing without a trace as he grinned down at her. "Now are you going to apologize or what?"

"Yes, of course." Fleur shook her head. Just because Harry had a big dick didn't mean he knew how to use it. She would finish him off quickly with a blowjob, then be on her way, mission accomplished. Still, she couldn't shake off her doubts entirely as she went cross-eyed trying to keep his prick in focus as she leaned in. "Eet's just so big."

The first press of her pillowy soft lips against his achingly hard cock had Fleur moaning in pleasure. The meaty taste of his manhood lit her up in all the ways her two previous conquests had failed to do, and she couldn't wait to begin blowing him in earnest. But she restrained herself, this was about subjugating him to her whims, not indulging herself. And so she reluctantly pulled herself away from his tip and concentrated on the rest of his shaft.

Fleur gave it long, slow licks up the side, pressing kisses to the throbbing veins and nuzzling it with her nose. She marveled at the way it loomed over her head as she ducked low, wrapping her mouth around his large balls, bathing his sack in hot spit and applying gentle suction. The salty, sweaty taste of his flesh washed over her like a flood, threatening to drown her in lust. Fleur cooed as she lost herself in her oral worship, but was quickly brought back to attention when she suddenly met his gaze.

Harry just stared down at her, one eyebrow raised as he gave her the distinct feeling that he was not exactly impressed with her effort so far. Fleur grimaced to herself as she returned to the head of his cock. Even if she was momentarily distracted, she would soon put him in his place.

The French witch pursed her lips, opening them agonizingly slowly as she swallowed more of him. But by the time she reached the base of his crown, her mouth was already stretched well past its limits. Her jaw ached as she tried to choke down more of his meat, but her progress was pitiful, especially for a slut of her caliber.

Still, she fought gamely onward, building up a rhythm as she gobbled down more and more of his cock. Fleur's tongue was pinned down by the monstrous girth invading her mouth, and drool bubbled uncontrollably from her lips, dripping down to stain the front of her robes. The salty taste of his precum filled her mouth, and the addicting spark of his potent magic was threatening to consume her. Her veela side desperately sought more of the precious liquid, nearly overwhelming her mind with instinctual hunger.

She coughed and sputtered as she did her best to devour him, but clearly her best wasn't enough. Fleur took another gasping breath before plunging herself back onto him, determined to keep pushing herself down, but started gagging when she felt his tip hit the back of her throat.

She looked down with dismay, realizing that she had barely fit half of Harry's monstrous member inside, but a huge dick wasn't going to stop Fleur Delacour. She gripped his things for leverage as she fucked her face onto his cock, giving him the sloppiest, wettest blowjob either of them had ever experienced as she desperately fought to fit him down her gullet.

Harry was perfectly content to watch the proud Frenchie make a total whore of herself. Her hot, wet mouth felt like it was made to swallow his dick, and the tightness of her throat was another pleasure entirely. It spasmed and constricted, massaging his length as it slowly slid down her esophagus. He watched triumphantly as choking tears leaked from Fleur's gorgeous blue eyes, her cheeks hollowed as she tried to suck him off, and her slim throat bulged around his invading prick.

Fleur saw black spots encroaching on her vision, felt her mind go hazy as the lack of oxygen took hold of her, yet she held on as long as she could until she could hold her breath no longer. She reluctantly pulled herself off him, gasping and spluttering as she gulped down huge lungfuls of air.

"Well that was nice," Harry said, affecting a yawn. "But if that's all you've got, I'll be heading to sleep now. Got a busy day ahead of us."

Fleur could scarcely believe the disrespect she was hearing. People would gladly trade their souls for a smidgen of attention from the beautiful veela, and here was Harry Potter, dismissing her like she was nothing. Oh, how Fleur would make him pay for that. "Mmmm, not yet, loverboy," she purred. "You deserve a special treat I zink."

Fleur's hands went to the front of her spit-stained robes as she unbuttoned them teasingly. Swaths of creamy flesh were slowly uncovered until her tits were out proudly on display. There was simply no other way to describe them besides flawless. Larger than a handful, so anybody groping them would feel her glorious titflesh spilling around their fingers. Yet they sat so perkily high on her chest that it seemed only possible with magic- not that Fleur had to resort to such crude tactics of course.

Her pale mounds were topped with perfectly pink nipples, which had already been poking up under her robes from her bra-less chest.. They were achingly swollen, practically begging for someone to suck and tug on them. 'Zese will be ze tools of 'Arry Potter's defeat,' Fleur thought gleefully. She had recovered some of her sanity, as choking on Harry's cock had certainly been an unexpected disruption, but now the power was back in her hands.

The slutty veela took her tits in both hands and wrapped them around the Gryffindor's cock. Despite its size, her plump mammaries were still large enough to engulf it. She started sliding them up and down his shaft, their passage made easy by the throatslime still coating his member. She gazed up at him sultrily and batted her eyelashes, a move that never failed to drive men crazy. Occasionally she would rub her aroused nipples along him as well, teasing him and herself both with the contrast between her soft tits and the hardened nubs.

Then Fleur implemented the next step in her foolproof plan to get him off. Every time the tip of his cock peeked out from the top of her chest, she leaned down to suckle on it. The combination of the smooth valley of her cleavage and the heat from her slutty mouth was more than enough to knock an ordinary man loopy for days. But Harry was no common man, apparently. Even as Fleur lost herself in the lusty haze of her combination titjob and blowjob, Harry remained unmoved.

''Ow is zis possible?' Fleur despaired. Already she was drowning in ecstasy, the taste and sight of Harry's impressive manhood ensnaring her senses. She was overwhelmed with visions of Harry lodged balls-deep down her throat, or in her pussy, driving her to the heights of delirium as he uncaringly took his pleasure from her. There was a surrender waiting to happen, and the last shreds of Fleur's feeble resistance were quickly falling away.

"Your tits are great too, but I hope you've got something else planned or we're done here," Harry said uncaringly.

"No!" Fleur shouted, a little more desperately than she intended. She was wetter than she'd been in ages, and Harry hadn't even fucked her yet! There was no way she was going to let him go without getting the full experience. "Now zat we're both warmed up, eet is time for ze main event."

Harry chuckled as Fleur tried to save face, but continued to play along. "Excellent, on your hands and knees then." Fleur hesitated a moment. Every lover she'd had in the past had submitted to her easily, never had one so casually commanded her before. She fucked in the ways she enjoyed, was she really going to let him dominate her like this? Apparently the answer was yes, as Fleur found herself face down, ass up before she even realized it was happening.

Delighting in Fleur's unconscious eagerness, Harry knelt behind the veela and flipped her skirt up over her arse. Her dripping snatch was bared to his gaze, nestled between the milky globes of her ass. And if Fleur's tits were flawless, then her ass was undoubtedly even more so. Her plump, heart-shaped rear was the perfect size and shape, plush enough for a lover to get a firm grip on it, yet tight enough to bounce a galleon off of. Her hips flared in an impeccable hourglass figure, as if waiting to be bred by some virile hunk.

Fleur was a slutty goddess of lust and love, a divine being made mortal, and Harry was going to show her she existed for his pleasure alone. He started with agonizingly slow strokes of his cock along her leaking slit, deliberately prolonging her torture as he soaked himself with her juices. "Mmmm please, 'Arry. Don't tease. Fuck me," Fleur moaned at his ministrations. But Harry held himself back.

"I'm not sure you want it enough."

"I do, I do!" she tried to convince him. "I'm sorry my mouth and tits weren't enough for you, please fuck my veela pussy!"

"Well, who could argue with that?" Harry pressed the head of his cock against Fleur's glistening folds, and then took a tight grip on her slender waist as he rammed himself in. Fleur's body shook in his grasp as her impossibly tight cunt squeezed his cock like a vise. Her velvety slick walls clamped down around him as he slowly split her wide open.

Fleur's eyes were rolling in her head and her arms were shaking as pleasure crashed through her. She'd taken big dicks before, but nothing like this. It felt like Harry was going to break her in half as he savagely fed more of his bitchbreaker into her greedy cunt. Waves of molten arousal spread from her core to the rest of her body, lighting her nerves on her and melting her brain as a cock-drunk haze clouded her mind.

Fortunately for Harry, Fleur's cunt was slightly more ready to take his cock than her throat had been. His progress was still slower than he would have liked, as even with all his might he couldn't stuff her completely full yet. But he would not be denied, and he ravaged her with furious thrusts as he sought to plant himself balls deep inside her.

Fleur's orgasm was fast approaching, and she exulted in it- the disappointment of her earlier escapades long since been erased from her mind- and she let Harry know just how much she approved of him. "I'm so close, 'Arry!" she howled. "You're going to make cum! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeeeee!" Her last cry was drawn out into a scream as her climax washed over her, her pussy fluttering around Harry's cock as she splattered her release onto him and the stone floor beneath them.

Harry's quest to reshape her cunt was swiftly made easier by the flood of Fleur's juices. He was driving himself in long strokes now, pulling back until just the tip remained lodged in her twat then ramming in as deep as he could. He was past halfway now and the crown of his cock was just beginning to brush up against her cervix.

"Puh-please, 'Arry! Please cum inside me!" Fleur begged.

Harry reached out and grabbed two fistfuls of Fleur's flowing silvery hair, bunching it into a ponytail and then savagely yanking her back to stare up at him. Fleur was suddenly struck with a moment of clarity. She saw beyond his slight appearance and compassionate nature. She saw his fierce determination and the magical powerhouse he would eventually become, and knew she would do anything to be by his side when it happened.

"Here's how this is going to work," he hissed in her ear, never slowing his punishing thrusts. "Your body is mine now, wherever and wherever I want it. If I tell you to blow me in the Great Hall, you get down on your knees and suck. You obey my orders, then you get to have as much of my cum as you can handle, got it?"

"Oui, 'Arry! Maître! Master! Fuck me all the time! I will be your veela cocksleeve!"

Harry just laughed. "You already are. Now give me your wand, slut."

Fleur shakily tried to do as he commanded, but the shocks running through her were making it hard to focus. Still, she eventually drew her wand from its sheath and passed it back over her shoulder. She felt Harry's thrusts slow down as he concentrated on something, granting her a momentary reprieve to catch her breath.

Harry quietly mumbled a vibration charm, smirking viciously as Fleur's wand began buzzing in his hand. He half-expected some resistance from the magical instrument, but whatever submission Fleur had offered him apparently extended to her wand as well. Disregarding esoteric wandlore for now, Harry instead focused on working the handle into Fleur's tight backdoor.

The squirming veela shook as her wand was slowly forced deeper and deeper into her arse. The vibrations were driving her insane, ripping an anal-only orgasm from her body as she came despite Harry having halted his thrusts. A respite that was not destined to last long, as when Harry was finally content with his work, he went right back to fucking her.

This time he kept one hand in Fleur's hair as the other held onto the wand in her ass, using both as handles as he reamed her. He was breaching her womb now, cockpunching through her cervix with savage ferocity as he invaded her innermost depths. He could feel her wand buzzing on his cock through her thin membrane, the added stimulation driving him ever closer toward his own orgasm, but he wasn't finished just yet.

Fleur's little pink tongue dangled lewdly from her mouth as climaxes were ripped repeatedly from her overtaxed body. Without Harry's grip on her hair, she would have surely slumped to the floor by now, her wavering arms had nowhere near enough strength to hold her up. Instead she just lost her mind to ecstasy, the vibrations in her bowels and the pleasure from her pussy overwhelming any rationality she had left. The pain from having her guts rearranged and her womb being penetrated were nothing compared to the euphoria she felt from getting turned into a veela cumpdump by a powerful wizard.

"Here it comes, slag!" Harry roared. "You wanted to act like a bitch? Then I'm going to fuck you like one!" The intensity of their rutting increased until the Gryffindor finally shunted himself the rest of the way into his wailing fucktoy. His powerful hips clapped against Fleur's bottom, making it jiggle and turn pink under his assault. His swollen, cum-packed balls swung up against her clit with every thrust, driving the veela whore mad with pleasure. He worked the wood in her ass back and forth in time with his thrusts, smiling every time it forced another climax from her.

When Harry finally had enough of tormenting the blonde bombshell, he moved both his hands to grip Fleur's shoulders instead, using the leverage to pull her back onto his cock as he thrust in at the same time. "Fucking. Veela. Whore," he grunted as he drove closer to his impending release. The tip of his dick was stabbing the back of Fleur's babymaker now, every stroke as deep as he could make it. His rhythm gradually began to falter and his breathing grew ragged until he speared himself to the base one final time and unloaded.

A rush of hot, sticky cum flooded Fleur's cunt, splashing deep inside the veela and painting her womb white. The warmth pooling inside her triggered one more shaky climax from the drooling slut as her pussy twitched and her eyes rolled back into her head. "So.. so good," she slurred as she crested through one final peak.

Harry remained hilted inside her as he rode out the rest of his own release. Their combined filth was just beginning to leak out from Fleur's overstuffed cunt as his flow of cum subsided. He slowly started dragging his cock free, Fleur's clenching twat refusing to loosen its grip on his softening erection. Eventually, he managed to pull himself out with a wet pop, marvelling at the way her pussy was already tightening back up and keeping his load trapped inside.

'Must be a veela thing,' he mused, slapping his cock on her buttcheeks to clean it off. He walked around to Fleur's head and pulled her up by the hair, delighted that she was still semi-conscious and amused by her fuck-drunk expression. "Time for me to get some rest," he told her. "Big day tomorrow, after all. But don't worry, I'll come by your room in the evening. Make sure to wear something nice, I'm going to destroy all of your slutty fuckholes."

Fairly confident that he had gotten his message across, Harry laid one final spank on Fleur's upturned rear before strolling away. Fleur just slumped in a boneless heap in the corridor, limbs twitching slightly as her wand continued merrily buzzing away in her ass.