
The Concealing Smile

I couldn't sleep that whole night, due to all my wondering thoughts about who Phillip liked. Deep in my thoughts, I didn't even notice my friend Lilly had texted me. The text read,

"Jaileen! you'll never believe what I just heard." I responded with a simple,


"Phillip keeps asking questions about you, do you think he likes you or something?"

"What?! What kind of questions?"

"He keeps asking me if you like anyone or if you are going to the dance with someone!"

"No way, he did not say that."

"He did I swear, watch i'll send you screen shots."

She sent me screenshots showing the conversations between them too, and it was true he was asking all these weird questions. I didn't know what to do so I just said goodnight to Lilly and went to sleep thinking about what Phillip had said.

I came to school the next day very nervous, since I had Phillip in my first period class. I walked in the door once the bell rang and the only person that was in there was Phillip. He walked up to me and casually said hey lifting his hand waiting for a high five, which I didn't give him since my hands were all sweaty from being nervous. After about 5 seconds, which felt like an eternity he finally let his hand fall to his waist. I though I saw a small glint of sadness in his eyes but was immediately washed away with a smile he gave me right before walking away. By then most people were already siting down in their seat, so I took my seat as well. The rest of the day went by without any interactions with Phillip, until I got on the bus which he rode as well.