
Chapter 3

She called her appointments and canceled them so she can stay here waiting for him to wake up.


Three days has pasted since he was in the hospital. Lance's friend went to work after she found out he was ok.

Lance woke up and saw he was somewhere white.

"Is this the after life? Or is this another world? Finally I won't have to worry about things like money anymore, yay!"

Then he turns his head to realize to his disappointment that he wasn't dead.

"Welp, at least i'm not dead"

While he was looking around he saw a shadow by the window.

"Who's there", he shouted.

Suddenly, the shadowy figure disappeared.

"Well, that totally wasn't creepy at all.", he thought.

He then pressed the button to call the nurse.

"Sir, do you need anything?", the nurse asked.

"Yes, can l have a glass of water and some food? I'm staving!"

"Choose the meal options on the panel attached to your bed and your food will come", instructed the nurse.

I chose the meatloaf with corn option.

Then after what seem forever (probably because I'm super hungry) they arrived.

"Thank you", I said to them.

Then I started eating the hospital food that was notorious for being bad, but to me it seemed super

good because it feels like I haven't eaten in a while. I ate my first piece of meat and and drank some water to wash it down when suddenly there was a message in my head that sounded out.

[ Detecting food and water intake ]

[ Helper System activated ]

Whoa 😲

A system?!?!?!?! Yess! Finally, something cool out of this situation. Ok, system open stats


Name: Lance

Age: 19

Race: human

Strength: 8

Speed: 6

Intelligence : 12

Stamina: 7

(An average human has 10)


Wow, I'm worse than the average human. The only thing I'm better as is intelligent. System, what do you actually do? Are you going to make me overpowered?

[I will help you with what you desire]

I what Immortality.


Why not?

[Cause I said so]

Fine. Then what can I do?

[Open your inventory]

Ok, open inventory


Starter pack (it's random stuff by the way)


Open starter pack.

Obtained: 200 dollars, random time/space skill

System, what skill is it?

[It's a time/space skill, duh]

Whatever. Oh right, display skills


Skills: Independent Space Lv0 - Creates a space that you control, at this level you can control 1 cm around you


What!? Why is this skill so bad. Am I....what a minute. If I can control this well then I can sleep whenever I want. Too bad I just woke up so I can't test it now. Ok, time to check out of this hospital. But first let's eat the rest of this.