
Help! My Husband Is A Grim Reaper

"I fucking hate you, my dear husband!" "Same here, my dear crazy wife!" ++++ When a rebirth deal was proposed, Ziana accepted it without hesitation. All she needed to do was marry a Grim Reaper and be his wife until he completed his mission on Earth. It was that simple. But wait, did she mention that this Grim Reaper was not just handsome but also rude, sarcastic, and arrogant AF. Mischief and menace were his middle names and he brought nothing but chaos to her peaceful life. What's worse? He loved playing with her and she wanted to get rid of him soon. But now that her blood was strangely attracting demons, would she still push him away? And perhaps end up dying again? +++ Excerpt: "I hope you drown in your bathtub!" Ziana fumed in frustration. It had only been a week, and she was already aching to kill this damn creature. "We can try it together, sweetheart." Zayden smirked and leaning closer, he whispered in her ears, "Preferably naked." ++++ If you find it interesting, please add it to your library. Votes, comments, and reviews are much appreciated ^.^

YuZee · แฟนตาซี
144 Chs

Doubts and Dangers

"No way!" Yael's voice shattered the eerie silence that had settled within the villa's surroundings. Xavier, accompanied by two other reapers, hurried behind Yael, their attention drawn to the strange events unfolding before them the moment they arrived. They also witnessed Ziana materializing in front of the magical dome, just as Jackson transformed back into his human form, adding more confusion to the already bewildering atmosphere.

"How did you get hurt?" Yael inquired as they reached Zayden's side. His body was covered in bruises, his palms bleeding from numerous wounds and cuts. Yael gently examined his injuries, a worried expression clouding his face. "Did you engage in hand-to-hand combat with him?" He ventured a guess, studying Zayden's battered hands before letting out an audible sigh.