
Help! I Married A Vampire CEO

"It's not just your blood; I wish to taste every inch of you, darling." --- Christina's life shattered at the sight of her almost-fiancé hooking up with another woman. She had left behind so many things just to be with this jerk, and yet he dared to cheat and blame her? "Screw you! I'll find a better man!" She vowed, and it miraculously came true. In a very grand way! Reylan Blackwood, the enigmatic CEO of her company, a man whose charisma made women weak in the knees, proposed an irresistible deal. He offered to take care of her debts, her ailing mother, and even deal with her bastard ex, all in exchange for a one-year contract marriage. “And at what cost?” Christina wondered, unwilling to fall into this infamous playboy’s trap. In the end, forced by the consequences, she accepted his generous offer. However, as the facade of her fairy-tale life began to crack, she slowly realized her husband wasn’t the prince charming he pretended to be. He didn’t even have a heart to begin with, and what’s worse? He loved drinking blood—human blood! Now trapped under the same roof, how would she escape from this bloodthirsty husband? Or would she slowly succumb to his dark desires? --- Excerpt: "Why? Changed your mind and decided to sleep with me?" "No, I was here to grab a pillow." Christina retorted, attempting to push away the shameless stripper wrapped in nothing more than a towel around his waist. Reylan smirked, unaffected by her futile attempts to escape. Tracing a line over her neck, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t deny it, darling. I clearly caught you staring as if you wanted to eat me earlier.” Damn, this bloodsucker! Christina cursed inwardly, feeling her cheeks flush not just from his words, but also from something unmistakably hard pressing against her waist. She shot Reylan a glare, only to find him smirking, fully aware of the effect he had on her. But she couldn’t fall for his tricks, not until he fulfilled his end of their contract! With a fake smile, Christina replied, “Sorry, sir. But I have long given up eating pork. So, if you could move-” "...." Wait! Did she just call him a pig?!

YuZee · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

A scandalous Kiss -1

"No," Christina replied, her voice barely audible. Zayden looked at her in surprise, his gaze shifting to his wife who had joined the Blackwood family. Before he could relay the news, Christina mumbled, "I was joking. Let's go."

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Zayden joked, a smile tugging at Christina's lips as he sighed in relief. She knew running away wasn't an option; her boss would undoubtedly chase her to the ends of the earth.

Her smile lingered as the adorable five-year-old flower boy obediently scattered petals, his innocent eyes darting between his mother, Christina, and the stage to ensure he was doing it right. She then smiled at the cheering crowd, Blaze's voice standing out like a roar that Darren had to repeatedly ask him to tone down.

Christina chuckled when Grandpa Theo hit Blaze's head to silence him, causing the poor guy to pout and close his mouth. Despite most of the family members being against the wedding, she was glad to see at least two people smiling at her instead of glaring.

With each step Christina took towards Reylan, her heart rose to her throat, his unwavering gaze making it even harder to calm her racing heart. Her hands grew sweaty, and she clung to Zayden's arm, her body trembling slightly as they neared the stage.

"This is your chance, dear. If you want to run away, just let me know. I'll pretend to have a stroke and distract everyone so you can escape," Zayden said, earning a chuckle from Christina but a frown from Reylan.

If this grim reaper dared to do such a thing, Reylan would ensure he did have a heart attack by hanging his wife on the terrace, like a wrung-out towel left to dry.

"Do you think he would care even if you died?" Christina asked, looking at Reylan who had been squinting at them. Knowing him a little, she was sure he would simply step over this old man's body and chase after her.

"Nope. Not a chance," Zayden replied, broadening Christina's smile. His jokes left her in a slightly calmer state, but her heartbeat quickened again as she stopped just a few inches away from Reylan.

"What were you both laughing about?" Reylan asked, his voice carrying a hint of warning as his eyes fixed on the mischievous grim reaper.

"Nothing. Just a father-daughter chat," Zayden replied, smiling at Christina before his expression turned serious as Reylan glared at him suspiciously. Sensing that he might be in danger, Zayden quickly transferred Christina's hand from his arm to Reylan's.

"Please take care of my daughter from today," he mumbled, wiping the corner of his eyes as Reylan took Christina's hand and pulled her beside him. Christina laughed as Zayden took out his handkerchief to wipe his faux tears, patted her head, and descended the stairs. Even her real father wouldn't have performed this role so well.

Her eyes met Ziana's below the stage, and she smiled, grateful for her husband's support. She then looked at Jessica, who was holding her son, and the little boy cheered her on with his adorable smile. It still felt like a dream to be standing there, and she didn't dare to look at Reylan for some reason.

"Hold back all your thoughts of causing any troubles today," Reylan's voice finally made her look at him, his firm grip on her hand sending a shiver down her spine.

"Yes, boss. I'm aware of the potential consequences," Christina replied, her earlier nervousness replaced by a smile at his playful smirk. She knew he wasn't joking, but it still calmed her down, reminding her that this wedding was all for show. 

The pastor, a Grade III witch from the High Witch Council, began the ceremony with an introduction at the elder vampire's nod. He spoke of the couple's love story and their journey to this significant milestone in their lives. He lightened the mood with a few quick jokes about their office romance before proceeding to the official ceremony.

"Go, brother!" Blaze's voice echoed through the crowd, his infectious excitement eliciting smiles from the couple.

The witch turned to the couple with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling as he adjusted his mic to begin the vows.

"Do you, Reylan Blackwood, take Christina Joss to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and…"

"I do," Reylan interjected, his interruption filling the hall with laughter. Christina shook her head and smiled, having imagined this scene quite a few times.

The pastor composed himself and turned to Christina, repeating the vow. She let him finish but took her time to respond, leaving the crowd in suspense. Reylan frowned, his eyes locked on hers, and the mischievous smile on her lips made him shake his head. This wasn't the time for games; they would have plenty of time for that after the wedding.

"I do," Christina finally answered, prompting sighs of relief and applause from the crowd. The pastor, who had been on edge during her pause, signaled for the staff to bring the rings.

"Please exchange the rings," he said, his voice filled with excitement. A staff member stepped forward with a tray carrying a small velvet cushion. Two beautiful rings lay on it, and the couple took the rings at the pastor's request.

Reylan was the first to exchange rings. Holding Christina's hand, he gently slid the ring onto her finger. Their eyes lingered over the ruby-red ring that sparkled under the lights. Despite having seen it before, Christina was still awed by its regal beauty.

Christina then took Reylan's hand and slowly slid the golden ring onto his finger. The polished gold band was encrusted with a row of meticulously arranged ruby-red gems that sparkled under the lights, their fiery allure complemented by the luster of the gold band. It perfectly matched her ring.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as they completed the ceremony. The couple smiled at each other as the pastor announced, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

A staff member quickly brought a file containing the marriage certificate. Reylan signed it first, followed by Christina. Blaze was on his feet, dancing as Christina finished signing the paper. Darren and Theodore didn't stop the exuberant young man and clapped as the couple completed the procedure. Cassandra, along with a few other family attendees, clapped half-heartedly. She regretted not following her daughter and Viktor, who had opted to skip the wedding. 

"Now, you may kiss the bride," the pastor declared, marking the climax of the ceremony. The crowd erupted into cheers, while the Blackwood family and the Mortimer couple held their breath in anticipation.

Christina, who had been smiling broadly, felt her heart skip a beat at the announcement. Despite her resolve, she found herself unable to remain calm. She glanced at Reylan, who was smirking, signaling that it was time for him to play with her.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd's cheers echoed in the hall, causing Christina's heartbeat to pound in her ears. As Reylan pulled her close, his hand circling her waist, a chill ran down her spine and her breath hitched.

Reylan, though appearing composed, was as nervous as her. This was the moment of truth, and for the first time since becoming a vampire, he felt a heavy weight in his chest.

Slowly, he leaned in. Christina's eyes fluttered shut, her senses heightened. She could feel the coolness of his breath against her skin, contrasting with the warmth spreading through her body. She waited impatiently for their lips to meet, eager to get this faux marriage over with.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally felt the soft brush of his lips against hers. It was a fleeting touch, but just as she thought it would end, Reylan deepened the kiss, sending a jolt of electricity through her body.

No, he needed to stop! Her mind screamed, reaching a flight or fide mode but her body melted into the moment. What started as a soft, tender peck intensified as Reylan lost control. He deepened the kiss and Christina clutched his cloak, the heat completely consuming her.

But just as she was losing herself in the kiss, something struck her mind. Flashes of blurred memories played in fast motion. Screams, cries, tears, and splashes of blood filled her mind. The sweetest moment of her life was suddenly overshadowed by these haunting images, leaving her in a state of terror.

Something like a thorn pressed against her lips, jolting her back to reality. She instantly pushed Reylan away, her body trembling in fear. A tear trickled down her cheek, confusing not just for her husband, but also the crowd. But before anyone could react, a loud slap echoed in the room, followed by a stunned silence.

Did the bride just slap her groom?