
Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Marcus just used to be a regular old university student but after dying an unfortunate death he now finds himself at the whims of a delusional god. As punishment for his sins (Leaving a 3-star review on a god's novel), Marcus is transported into that novel as Lucius, a crazy rebel leader that wants to destroy society and rebuild it as he sees fit. If that was the end of things then it wouldn't be so bad, but apart from all that Lucius is tasked with the job of capturing the hearts f all the heroines or he will suffer painful and gruesome death! With his back against the wall and life on the line, Lucius must get to work. [Ding! Heroine capture system online!] [Steal a kiss from the heroine’s lips- 500LP] [Ask the heroine if you can cop a feel- 700 LP] [ Spend a hot and steamy night with the heroine- 5000LP] It's not that he wanted to do it, it's just that his life was at stake! He really did not want to NTR the protagonist! Join my discord! https://discord.gg/mgWTtxHEjA

NineSleepyDragons · แฟนตาซี
147 Chs

104. The Dragon

It would be even stranger if Lucius walked away from such an attack unscathed.

But although Lucius was still combat ready thanks to [Ultimate Fire Resistance], the crowd of spectators didn't know this.

And from the distance they were watching, these scalds may as well be third degree burns. In their opinion, Lucius was already half-dead and such a half dead man just stood up. With each passing second, he was starting to look less like human and more like an undead zombie.

More than admiration, something about such freakish resilience was enough to put fear into the hearts of even the third years.

Veronica the entire time watched and saw Lucius's desperate appearance.

If before it felt like her heart was bleeding, now it felt like it was being torn apart!


'Please, just stop.'

She didn't care anymore.

She didn't care about her family's reputation or about her pride or even Lucius's promise