
Help! I’m being pursued by ten yandere princesses!

martial artist saves ten monster princesses(during the span of ten years)and they go full yandere for him,and all he wants is a peaceful life. (warning:I am new to writing so any critiques and tips will be greatly appreciated for your viewing pleasure.) (also I’m gonna post at my own pace,so I don’t burn out like many other creators,hope you all can understand)

Thelostswordman · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

chapter 3: chilly reunion part 2/2

??? POV-

"I have to admit,Gotemba really has changed. But I can't help but feel giddy because of a sad yet very fairytale like story,even now I remember it like it was yesterday" with a blush I recall that very day

————— Gotemba convenience store, ten years ago——————————

"Fuyumi dear it's time to head back home !", a woman with pale skin and eyes as blue as icebergs shouted to a little girl who was in the middle of buying an ice cream cone,"okay mama!",said the little girl as the usual clerk they meet gives change," now be careful Ms.Uasagi,there have been reports of a criminal going around robbing people at gunpoint." Said the clerk hangin the receipt to my mother.

As soon as we were turning around there was a gunshot in the store,"Everyone get down on the ground now!", before grabbing the little girl,"or this child dies!!".

"Fuyumi!!" Mama yelled to me as she was still lying on the ground not daring to provoke the assailant,as the clerk pressed an alarm…but nothing happened.

"Tsk tsk tsk,nice try clerk,but I disabled the alarm hours before I came in at this late hou,so now nobody will save you now!!", the assailant said before laughing like a banshee and demanding the money from the safe and register,only to find out the clerk didn't know the safe combination,"fine then,I'll just kill this girl then,that outta jog your memory!",hearing the click of the pistol being primed,my mama screamed in horror,as I was crying for help.

That was when I met him.

"HELLFLAME KICK!!!", was heard before an ear piercing screech was heard from the man holding me hostage,as I looked over I saw him,a boy who looked no older than I was,"you all right miss?",as I heard that I felt my heart contract,like it was in a vicegrip and my breathing going erratic,I nodded that I was fine.

Not long after the police came to take the criminal,the boy started to walk away so frantically I yelled."Wait!! What is your name?!",the boy looked back and with a glance said,"ryuu tenjou",when I heard my prince's name,I then ask,"will I ever see you again?"

He looked at me again before saying,"not really sure if it will happen but I think fate would allow it to happen.But other than that,I say you should smile more,it will make you look a lot better than sulking about today.",soon after he left the store after buying some coke.

(A/n :wait are we talking cola or cocaine?)

*ten years later*

And as fate had it I did see him again,running away after warning him of the gun at his head I couldn't help but smile,"I finally found you again,and this time…I won't let you escape me again."

I have to thank my friend juankage who has been giving me the support to keep me going,so thanks man and I hope you all like the reference I put in the chapter,have a blessed rest of your day,ciao.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts