
Help! I’m being pursued by ten yandere princesses!

martial artist saves ten monster princesses(during the span of ten years)and they go full yandere for him,and all he wants is a peaceful life. (warning:I am new to writing so any critiques and tips will be greatly appreciated for your viewing pleasure.) (also I’m gonna post at my own pace,so I don’t burn out like many other creators,hope you all can understand)

Thelostswordman · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

chapter 2: chilly reunion part 1/2

"Mmmmm!" Left my lips as I stretched to get ready for school."might as well go the the introductory speech instead of skipping this time considering the occasion." He muttered to himself as he was tying the tie to his uniform.

Looking in the mirror he saw himself in a deep nearly black indigo uniform coat with a crest signifying the academy,with a pair of deep blue pants to match,and a red tie signifying a first year,he nodded."looking good! Now off to school.",as he said that he looks at a picture of his father near the entrance,"well dad,I'm off,wish me luck!".

As I was walking I went into the convenience store to pay for a bento box,as I walked in the nice granny running the store saw me and smiled,"oh my! I'm glad to see you today ryuu dear,the usual I presume?", handing me a bento box of ultra spicy curry she dubbed 'dragons fire curry',she said I needed no money this time and on my way I go.

As I was walking I say many horrified stares from passerby's who saw my muscular frame wearing the uniform,thinking I was a ter*inator in disguise,I muttered to myself,"seriously? I need to get some shades or something."

(A/N : terminator theme plays in the background)

Deep in thought I heard an ear piercing screech of a woman in a dark alleyway.

Walking towards the scream I saw a scene that made my blood boil. Five guys were harassing a highschool student,she looked pale and here prescience made me feel cold,as I was walking to them I hear," she's a beauty! Let's have some fun before we send her on her way.", smiling with lust and malice In the air I saw the leader use a knife cutting her uniform revealing a lacy bra with snowflake designs,whistling the man with the knife says,"well sweetie I'll be sure to make you feel good so just give into the plea-garghge!!", hearing enough I sprinted and threw the first form of celestial fist,the heartbreaker hammer fist,sending the man flying into a wall with enough force to leave a human shaped indent on the wall before he fell in a crumpled heap.

"Boss!! You're gonna pay for that! Get him men!!",they all charged,but as they thought they were getting a hit in,I sidestep and take a stance,[earthshatter hellsweep] sweeping my leg with enough force to make a wave of wind knock them all back,they looked at me in realization and fear as they yell,"the oni in disguise!!!" before turning tail and running away,I hear a scream,"look out!",I hear a pistol click near my temple as I see the man I crumpled before look at me with a malicious glee,"game over oni,now it time to die! What!!",as he pulled the trigger I dodged the bullet that was leaving the chamber.

As I dodged the bullet I quickly disarmed the gunman and gave him a punch knocking him out,sighing I turn around and see the pale girl nowhere to be seen,"huh? Must have ran when I was dealing with him,I guess I'm a bit too scary when I fight.".

Little did he know this incident will bring more chaos to his life.

I admit I’m probably doing bad at this,but this is my first time writing so I’m going to have to improve as I go along.

but next chapter will there be a new character introduced into the series

p.s,I don’t know how to add a yandere tag since this is a yandere story.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts