
Hello Husband!

Dying after witnessing her husband and step-sister's affair while pregnant was never on her plan. Locked up in an old mansion with the whole family exiled her, Chana clearly saw how her step-sister cruelly determined the end of her life.  Forced to drink a glass of poison to death, which also made her loose her son.  Struggle between life and death, she knew that all the pain in her life had been arranged in such a way by his husband and her step-sister as well as her entire family.  Betrayed and killed by all the people she love. Disappointed and demanding happiness and revenge, she is reborn exactly  one month before the wedding. Canceling the marriage, cut off family ties, unmasking her rotten step-sister to exposing all their schemes, she also asserts all the rights  she should have as the eldest daughter of the family. In this life, she will avenge the death of her son and all the pain she received and return it to them multiple times.  However, she becomes entangled with a cold-blooded pervert who claims responsibility for the night they spent together as the result of her shattered plan. Chana was in a dilemma because that man kept pushing her into a relationship that traumatized her to death. "Which part of your body haven't I touched? How dare you try to run after you took away my virginity! Are you just going to enjoy it irresponsibly?" "But, sir, I also give you my first time. Can we just think of it as an one night stand?" That man smiled, "How dare you ask such an important thing to be a one night stand. I'll make sure you're stuck with me for the rest of your life."

Ellina_Exsli · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

8. Logan, i'm your

Logan called Chana repeatedly but his fiancée kept going. He chasing hastily, but he didn't know that Chassy was following, holding him from leaving. He turned his head and wanted to say something, but when he saw Chassy's face that was about to cry, something inside her heart flare up. How could he see the beautiful face in front of him that used to be cheerful turned cloudy and hurt.

"Brother, she… sorry, I think she was angry seeing me hugging you. T-that must be true because Chana saw me hugging you. She really likes you, but I can't even control myself. Sorry, I-I, I just couldn't help but feel happy when I saw you," Chassy explained sadly. She looked down with her fingers intertwined. She looked at the black shoes that were currently standing in front of her. "Then about the card, please say that I am sorry. I had no idea that it was hers."

Logan didn't understand, this kind woman and a sister who had apologised for an unintentional mistake made her fiancé turn into an unknown person. After all, all of this happened because of him. He didn't know that Chana was there, and what was worse he didn't recognize her. Remembering that he had contributed to today's accident, he hugged Chassy gently.

"He's gone too far," he said, criticising Chana. Her sister was just happy to see him. No matter how much Chana liked him, Chana shouldn't be angry over trivial things like this to the point of asking for a card and making the atmosphere tense in the morning. Thinking of this, he became a little gloomy. Moreover, Chassy was also a kind sister in his eyes so he couldn't let the beauty in front of her become sad.

Chassy shook her head, crying in Logan's arms. "No, Brother. Sister is right, it's all hers. She's the eldest daughter of this family, whereas I'm just an outsider. The things that belonged to her, I only borrowed them. And now she wants it all back, so what can I do? Dad doesn't even support me, so I can only give it. But brother, I really didn't know that the card belonged to her. Really, I'm not that kind of woman. I got it as a gift, so I-"

"Shhhhhhh." Logan couldn't hear everything, how could such a gentle woman be abused? And worst of all, she doesn't like that Chassy called him brother. "But from tomorrow, everyone will see you as the daughter of the Diamond family. No, the rightful grandson of the Diamond family. It doesn't matter even if you're an outsider, people will know that you're the only one in the Diamond family. As for the card, she shouldn't have asked for it again. You're sisters, she should be more tolerant."

Chassy didn't answer, her goal had been achieved. Today he was afraid that this card incident would make Logan think of her badly, but his reaction made her breathe a sigh of relief. "Brother, you can't scold her. Sister just took her belongings. And I shouldn't be like this to you. In the next meeting, let's keep our distance from each other because Chana might get angry when she sees us," she pulled herself from Logan's arms with watery eyes. Turning around and running inside as if this was a painful farewell.

Logan is stunned, it feels like a part of himself had been removed. His heart was broken after hearing the request of his beautiful woman who looked so hurt when she wanted to end everything between them. How could he let go of such beauty? He knew he was engaged, but during this time Chassy always accompanied him in place of Chana. He also felt very comfortable with Chassy by his side and today she wanted to end everything. No, he wouldn't. When he thought about this, all the blame rested on his fiancé. Her lover's sadness, that's all because of Chana.


Like a sharp thorn pricked his heart, he turned coldly. His brown eyes were gloomy. Chana, he won't let her go that easily. However, he had to give her a warning to put everything back in its place. A beautiful woman like Chassy should be as warm and cheerful as ever. Yes, that's right, he has to go after Chana.

Chana stared at the mansion in front of her coldly, a trace of anger and disappointment flashing across her black eyes. Her long jet black hair swayed in the wind, the hem of her dress dancing merrily. Under the warm sun, she looked more like a fairy. Holding a card tightly in her hand, he smiled very faintly. The things that belonged to her, she would take and make careful calculations of them all. Stepping slowly, she gazed at the vast courtyard that he would pass, but for some reason her mind was disturbed until she felt a rough tug on her hand causing her body to sway and hit someone's hard chest.

The soft scent of Chana's body entered Logan's senses. The fine, fragrant strands of hair fell and made his sense grow stronger. Her white face and extremely smooth skin felt really soft on her fingertips. But he was stunned by the coldness in Chana's eyes that made his body stiff and motionless until the girl pulled herself up quickly.

"What are you doing?" Chana asked coldly. She subconsciously wiped herself, trying to shake off Logan's touch with disgust.

Seeing this scene, Logan felt Chana look good in his eyes for some reason. He shakes his head, recalling his purpose and Chassy's sad expression. He looked at Chana disgusted.

"Aren't you going too far?" he scolded. Logan could see a trace of surprise in his fiancé's eyes.

"What did I do to make you say that?" Chana replied flatly. She tried her best to contain the hatred that suddenly flared up her heart.

Logan almost laughed when he saw Chana still looked as stupid as before. That's right, this is Chana, his overly spoiled fiancé who only knows how to complain. How could he ever think that Chana was like everyone else?

"Are you asking because you don't understand or pretend you don't understand? How could you act like that with your sister and make things tense? Chana you-"

"Oh, so because of this? Because of this you're chasing after me?" said Chana disappointed. She already knew that this man will always disappoint her to the point of letting her die and abandon her, but when she knew the reason Logan was after him was because of Chassy, her heart still ached for some reason. In this life, was there anyone who sided with her? Why is she so alone?

"Chana, I just don't want you to have a bad relationship with your family. We're getting married in a month and you'll be living with me. After all, it's just a card. I can give you lots of cards later so let's go inside and give it back. Chassy had it as a birthday present even though at first it was yours," Logan gently grabbed Chana's hand, leading her back into the house.

Chana refused. She pulled her hand from Logan's grip and stared at her fiancé. Traces of hatred flashed in her eyes. There were many emotions intertwined but anger, disappointment, and sadness were the most difficult feelings for her to hide. "No, why should I return my belongings? This card is mine."

Logan fell silent, he turned around and gave Chana a complicated look. This was the first time Chana refuted his words and disobeyed his request. Chana has always been a kind and obedient girl before. No matter what he said, this girl would never make a sound and just obey all the requests of the people around her. But today is the first time he felt Chana was too firm on her decision.

"Chana, is it because you're angry?" asked quietly, Logan really hiding his annoyance.

"Angry? Why should I be angry?"

"Was it because Chassy hugged me when I arrived? Chana, I know you're jealous because you like me too much, but she's your sister. I won't do anything wrong and betray people who really love me. So you can trust me and let's get things right. The card was a gift and had been given to her. She also apologises, and as his sister, can't you just give up the card? I'm going to change your card so can you just give it to Chassy. Hmm, you heard me right?"

Chana was stunned and repeatedly tightened her fists on the hem of her dress. If she had never been born again nor saw her future death and how cruel the man in front of her was, this time she might believe and obey as usual. But now, when she could tell her fate if she stayed with the man in front of her, she would become the dumbest woman in the world if she obeyed him. This man, he was so sick of just being around him and now he had to hear his sweet, fake words as if she was angry with jealousy over small things.

Haha, Chana really wanted to laugh at Logan's words. Is she jealous? How can she be jealous if her heart and feelings have died for a love that has taken her life and world. The man in front of her was really full of himself and Chana wanted to kick his head to wake him up. Yes, it seemed she had no reason to be nice to him, she should have buried him alive instead.

"Jealous? Me?" Chana laughs ironically before looking at Logan coldly. "Logan, I don't care what you do. But, aren't you going too far? You're asking me to give up mine just because Chassy wants it? Even if it's not a gift, I'll never give it."

Logan's face darkened, what's with this woman? Why does it become so hard to be controlled? He became annoyed. "Chana, stop it. You can give the card, just think of it as a gift for your sister. Isn't it very simple and easy? Come on, I'll take you inside."

Chana backed away just as Logan's hand was about to grab hers. His eyes were completely gloomy with sadness. Why had she just realised that Logan had been paying attention to Chassy so far? How could she not realise this before and give her heart to the wrong person? This man never once defended her and only encouraged her to continue giving hers to her sister.

"Logan, do you still not understand?" Chana asked disappointedly, looking at Logan with teary eyes. "You're telling me to let go of something valuable to me? That's right, it's just a card and we're sisters. But, have you ever thought that this card is also a gift to me? A gift from my biological mother who I haven't seen in a very long time. A gift that means so much that I don't even dare to use it. Then why should I care if she wants it because her mother gave her the wrong gift? She had four other cards and even a black card from my father which I never had. And she still wants my one and only card? I also have things that I can't give to other people. I can't give my mother's gift to anyone because it's so precious to me."

"Chana.." Logan was speechless. He saw how her face was gloomy with disappointment. He never thought that Chana could talk so much with one explanation he had never heard before. Has he gone too far?

"But you keep telling me to return it? If it was you, would you even give it to your brother? Logan, I'm your fiancé. But have you ever stood by my side to defend me? You keep telling me to do this and that. And again, for another woman? You really disappoint me."

This is the first time Chana expressed her disappointment. She didn't even have a card from his father and Chassy had four. And this man, the man she was about to marry, pushed her to give the only thing she already had. How could that be? To what extent are they actually going to push her over the edge? Why? Why did she just realise that he was completely alone from this second.

Logan was taken aback at the last statement and he didn't even move to prevent Chana who had turned away from him. True, she was his fiancé, but he asked for the most meaningful thing to be left to someone else? His fiancé even asked, when did he stand beside her to defend her who had been abused? But the thing he did was defend his sister he didn't even have a relationship with. How could he be so careless? The moment he realised this thought, he stepped up to catch up to Chana who had been running.

"Chana, Chana. Chana!" but he only found out that his fiancé had actually left in a taxi that had just stopped.