
Hellfox in Hazbin

**Synopsis:** Tucker, a nine-tailed Hellfox with a troubled past, finds himself navigating the chaotic landscape of Hell. After centuries of wandering the infernal wilderness and honing his abilities, Tucker's journey takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the ambitious project of Charlie, the Princess of Hell...and her Happy Hotel. ....................... [Team-building exercise #21: A game of infernal dodgeball.] Alastor, the Radio Demon, decided to commentate, adding a humorous and dramatic flair to the event. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Hazbin Hotel Dodgeball Showdown!" Alastor announces with his usual theatrical enthusiasm and unnerving toothy smile."In the left corner, we have Team Daddyissues, and in the right, Team Suckalot!" Tucker, on Team Suckalot, was up against Team Daddyissues, which included Angel Dust and Vaggie. The game was not your typical dodgeball match; the balls were enchanted to zoom and zigzag unpredictably... Oh, did I forget to mention they were also prone to spontaneous combustion... courtesy of Alastor of course. [Swooosh!!!] Tucker was too agile...add on to his ninja skills, and he easily dodged ball after ball, his tail whipping behind him."Is this really the best Hell has to offer?" he taunts playfully. Angel Dust, aiming a ball at Tucker, retorts, "You're just a fluffy target, Foxy! Wait till I get my hands on you!" Vaggie, fiercely competitive, throws a curveball that Tucker narrowly avoids. "You're going down, Handyman!" she shouts. Alastor's voice booms over the game "Oh, what a magnificent display of agility from our resident Gaurd Dog!! "HEY!!!" Tucker was starting to really hate that nickname. "It's like watching a ballet but with more violence and less tights!" In a surprising twist, Nifty, become the MVP, dodging balls with ease and taking out opponents with a surprising arm strength. She giggled madly, burn marks all over her body...yet it seemed like she quite enjoyed the pain. 'Seriously what is wrong with that Girl.'

samadomkv · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

Chapter 2:Highway to Hell!!!

[Location: Hell: The First Ring - Pride - Edge of Veinwood Grove - 14 days later.]

Fourteen relentless days had passed since Tucker stepped out of Wonderland and into the vastness of Hell.

Hell was larger and stranger than he had ever conceived in his long years of solitude.

But finally, the dense canopy of the forest gave way to a road—a sign of civilization.

He found himself on an empty highway, the kind that stretched endlessly in both directions.

A signpost stood as a lone sentinel at the roadside: 'Highway to Imp City, Pentagram City, and Gloutvile.' Pentagram City was a daunting 2200 miles away, but Gloutvile was a mere 400 miles — a day's journey, perhaps two, for a seasoned traveller like himself.

A plan formed in his mind; he would find a horse in Gloutvile to hasten his journey to the infamous Pentagram City.

Tucker's knowledge of these places came from travellers who had lost their way in Wonderland.

He would offer them shelter, and in return, they shared tales of the outside world.

However, the last visitor had been three centuries prior, leaving his knowledge outdated.

As he set his sights on Gloutvile, the silence of the road was shattered by the growl of engines.

A gang of bikers, about fifty-strong, thundered towards him.

The fox watched with a mix of curiosity and amusement as they zoomed past, then encircled him in a display of intimidation.

Tucker, however, was more intrigued by their steel beasts than their posturing.

The gang members, mostly imps of various sizes and attitudes, eyed him with a mixture of curiosity and malice.

Imps are in essence "working class" of Hell's society. They hold the lowest ranking in Hell's hierarchy and therefore are among the least respected and most likely to be hired for heavy labour work, or as servants for higher-ranking demons.

There is a hotspot in Hell for Imps called Imp City, which appears extremely shabby and rundown, even by Hell's standards.

The leader, a bulky imp with a smirk that oozed arrogance, stepped forward. "Well, well, what do we have here? A fox out of his den," he sneered, sizing Tucker up as if he were merchandise.

"Interesting contraptions you've got here," Tucker remarked, ignoring the threat as he examined the motorcycles with genuine interest.

The gang erupted into laughter, mistaking his ignorance for jest. "He doesn't even know what a fucking bike is!" one of them cackled, and another chimed in, "Let's tie him up and sell him to the nobles. A fox demon will fetch a pretty price."

"No, no, look at that meat, I think we should taste the goods before selling him to anyone." Another chimed with lust.

Tucker's patience waned as he set his bag down. "Are you planning to kidnap me?" he asked calmly, resting his bokken on his shoulder.

"What do you think, Fuckface?" the leader mocked, as the gang drew their weapons, ready for a scuffle.

With a heavy sigh, Tucker responded, "Well, that saves me the trouble of buying a horse," before vanishing from sight.

In a flash, he reappeared, his bokken connecting squarely with the leader's jaw, sending him flying across the highway.

The gang, caught off guard, scrambled to retaliate, pulling out guns and blades. Tucker sighed once more, "This is why we can't have nice conversations."

"Alright, fuzzyfuck, your dead" The co-leader snarled.

"Let's see if you can dance then." The Hellfox responded.

The imp signalled the charge, and the gang descended upon Tucker with a multiple of swears and the clatter of weapons.

Tucker, with a calm tone, spoke up as they approached. "Gentlemen, surely there's a more civilized way to discuss ownership."

But the imps were not in the mood for talking. "Shut it, fluff!" one of them barked, swinging a spiked club. Tucker ducked, responding with a light tone, "No need to get prickly."

As he deflected blows and danced around his assailants, Tucker couldn't help but add his own commentary.

"Oh, was that meant for me?" he quipped as he sidestepped an imp's clumsy lunge, sending him into the arms of his comrade. "How touching, im rooting for you!"

With each dodge and weave, Tucker playfully chided his attackers. "Watch your step," he warned as one tripped over his own feet, "It's a bit of a circus here, isn't it?"

An imp revved his bike, sneering, "I'll grind you into the pavement you bustard!"

"Now, now, let's not get too excited. You'll ruin your lovely complexion," Tucker retorted, just before leaping over the bike and landing with finesse.

The air was thick with the imps' curses and threats. "I'm gonna tear you apart you cunt!" one screamed, swinging wildly.

Tucker dodged, tutting, "Language, please. There are children present," gesturing to the smaller imps who were watching in awe.

As the fight spiralled, the imps' coordination fell apart.

They started bickering amongst themselves. "You idiot, watch where you're swinging that thing!" one imp chastised another after a near miss.

"I'm trying! This flea-bitten fox is too quick!" the other retorted, only to be silenced by Tucker's bokken tapping him lightly on the head. "Thank you for noticing," Tucker said, bowing mockingly.

The co-Leader, growing increasingly frustrated, shouted, "Just grab him, you morons!"

Tucker, still unharmed, shook his head in mock disappointment. "And here I thought we were having a moment. Your teamwork really could use some work."

The imps continued to fall over each other, their incompetence on full display.

One even managed to handcuff himself to his bike, much to Tucker's amusement. "Inventive, but I don't think that's quite how it works," he commented dryly.

As Tucker dispatched the last of the imps, he sighed, "Well, that was a delightful bit of exercise. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a city to get to."


Moments later, the highway was quiet save for the sound of a single motorcycle engine.

Tucker rode the leader's bike, having beat the gang black and blue.

He even "nicely" persuaded one of the less unconscious imps to give him a crash course in operating the 'metal horse.'

As he rode toward Gloutvile, the wind in his fur and a new purpose in his heart, he couldn't help but feel that this journey to Pentagram City was going to be more interesting than he'd initially thought.