
Hell Restoration Project

[Congratulations! You have been selected as the project manager for the Hell Restoration Project! The skills and morals you displayed during your mortal life on Earth have made you the perfect candidate to restore balance to Hell!] *** A successful businessman, philanthropist, volunteer, and human rights champion. And he boasted about being a good, thougtful, and caring man, so when he finally died of old age, he naturally thought that he would go to Paradise. Imagine his surprise when he was instead sent to Hell. Not only that, his punishment seemed to be to continue working. Since there was nothing other to do than serve his sentence, Micah got to work. Accompanied by a floating eyeball, he began restoring balance to Hell. His way. [First Task: Help Pride, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, get back on his feet!]

Kiwidraken · แฟนตาซี
210 Chs

Motionless Hog

Micah left the trap room after killing Hakkel. He walked up the stairs while wiping the blood that splattered on him. It was a shame he had to leave the axe behind since it was a good weapon, and if he could wield it, it would certainly be of great help against the other demons. He could also give it to one of his subordinates. Tineya would probably like it.

But neither Micah nor any of his subordinates could wield the axe at the moment. The most they could do was lug it around like an unwieldy lump of metal. 

So, instead of trying to bring along something mostly useless at the moment, which would only slow him down when he needed to get to Pride's Mansion, Micah left the axe behind. Hopefully, it would still be there when everything was done and when the Hungry Hogs Corps had been repelled.