

Dusty_ · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Gloomy Sunday

"Jamie, can't you cook something?" I mumbled in my sleep pushing my best friend out of my bed and with a loud thud he was on the floor. He groaned. Being tired of the dreary world and depressing life I casually told my brain to go back to sweet sleep where all these sentiments will end peacefully.

"If one day I seriously kill you, don't be surprised," he yelped from the floor I was drifting slowly back into my sleep his voice coming dreamy and like I'm underwater and he's just yelled just like they muffled the cries of everyone and everything.

Sometimes own thoughts can turn into triggers.

Human nature is presumed to forget and forgive, terrifying nightmares were supposed to be dreams once.

"Aye, blud wakes up," Jamie said waking me up. My mind was still in slumber. Heavy misty sleep making it hard to open my eyes.

"Have you made something?" I asked rubbing my eyes trying to come out of my thoughts to finally into the present moment. I sat on my bed yawing and opened my eyes it was murky outside, dark clouds covering the sky. It was a gloomy Sunday.

I seemed to adore it, warm and eerie at the same time.

"Yes, I have now wake up," James said in frustration, picking me up from the bed. My legs felt wobbly. My hands instantly gripped on his brown sweatshirt from his neck which was hand-knit by his mother which held a special place for him.

"I'm still sleepy," I said taking a deep sigh and putting my head on his chest. Dragging me to the kitchen with full force. Accidentally hitting my head on the kitchen cabinet.

"It's already 11:00 bitch. I even cooked food," he said patting me on my head. I sat on the kitchen island. It was made of wood and it sometimes gives an aroma like a rain forest.

Our kitchen was just perfect. A homey and warm feeling was just there. It was a traditional English cottage kitchen with some plants here and there. Jamie was obsessed with plants and buying a lot of books.

The light from outside was making the house darker. Making us turn on the lights.

"I just made some lovely beans and toast with some eggs," he smiled at me. He sure was a great cook to he always made pretty decent food. We became friends because of his food otherwise what can I say I don't like talking that much sometimes. I make friends but lose them faster than the sunny weather in London.

"Is there any tea and have you eaten yet?" I asked taking my food.

I absolutely couldn't go without tea or coffee.

"Nope, I didn't," He said washing the pan.

"Fancy a cup of tea then?" I smiled.

"Don't ask those stupid questions," he chuckled. He was as oddly obsessed with tea as I was but as always Jamie likes stuff or don't. He was a coffee hater too.

Taking the pan from the drawer I added some water to it and kept it on the stove to boil it, Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Then another followed by an impatient slap on the door. Somebody just wants to get bloody beaten.

"Just lemme check," I said getting frustrated can't we just have silence till 1 hour after waking up.

"I'll go we don't want to be cut off by the locals," He said laughed going to the main door.

I thought I'll eat but I should probably wait for Jamie.

"Where the hell is that Idiotic girl?" Someone's said with a thick voice. Damn, who's that?

I poured my tea in the cup and meanwhile Jamie's thin voice said, "Why don't you take a seat and you too please."

With a frown, Jamie entered the kitchen. I raised my eyes eyebrows to ask what happened with the cup in my right hand looking at the new necklace Jamie was wearing suddenly.

"Grace, your mum and dad are outside," Jamie finally said and the cup from my hand fell on the ground.

"Grace, it's fine okay maybe they are here to have a chat," Jamie sighed.

I remained silent, my silence wasn't able to solve anything. It never did. Still, I don't want to pour my heart out to people who'll expose emotions those to gain profits.

"It's okay," I smiled. It's not his fault. it's not your fault. It'll be just fine.

"Are you good?" He asked.

"Better than I ever could be," I said and went to the living room.

"Do you need me to come?" He eyed me up and down.

Of course, I bloody need you. I sighed.

"I don't think. Don't come it'll just create more drama material for them," I smiled whispering to him.

He gave me a tight smile and giving thumbs up me.

My father was sitting in an expensive suit of dark royal blue on the couch his eyes closed in annoyance and next to him was none other than my mother crossing legs smoking a cigar wearing a vintage dress. Little did she know no amount of vintage dresses can buy her dignity.

Some things never change but these two doesn't want the change at all. They think they are perfect angels.

My father opened his eyes his face looking dull and old from the last time. My mother's face was young as forever, her sleek heels and short wavy hair styled in a sleek back.

I got hair from her and my brown eyes from my father. His eyes looked so powerful, but how I never seemed to figure this mystery out.

"Why are you here?" I asked calmly trying not to make a scene but I already know there's going to dealing with manipulation and stubborn parents have taught me that drama is going to happen I don't even need a gut feeling now.

My mother started saying with a loud voice, "DON'T YOU THIN-" but she stopped mid-sentence, my father gave her a gaze. The gaze. The business gaze.

"I think we need to talk about why you are living here instead of the house," my dad explained.

"It's lonely, I think now you can go, right?" I said with a straight face.

"Stop being rude to your father," my mom said defensively, they're probably still fucking, that woman doesn't do this. Not for free.

"Rose, I thin... we think that you should come back home," my dad said fidgeting with his bracelet and my mom clutching on the hem of her dress. Irony it's a great thing, isn't it?

After nearly not even letting me stay to coming home.

The table turns pretty fast. I know my genes It's not a simple thing it's a deal. I'll never go to that house.

"Mr Adams I think I'm at my home with my family, I'll not leave from here," I said.

"It's not good here, you can work there in L.A. think of your career, It's for your good," my mom said.

Sugar may seem sweet, as long you keep consuming it diabetes will never leave you.

"I don't know anyone there it's an unknown place," I said rolling my eyes.

My statement just made my sweet mom angrier.

"For the fact, you still are a US citizen and do have two families there," my dad said.

Is he bringing up this?

"I honestly prioritise my mental health over my career and it's nice to have dual citizenship, about families I don't give a flying shit they can fuck themselves or even better option I'll fuck them," I said bitterly smiling.

"GRACIE ROSEANNE ADAMS, I WILL SLAP YOU RIGHT HERE," My mom shouted and I took a deep breath.

Like emotional abuse wasn't enough.

The last thing I need is to lose my shit over this old grumpy woman.

"You lost that when you threw me out, Ginny." I snapped at her.

"This is your last chance. I'm fed up with you and cleaning your mess," My father said.

"Really or is it about your public image?" I spat like an evil witch.

"It's still not normal to replace the university banners with lingerie!" He said. My mom's face turned into a horrific expression which means she didn't know about it.

My mom slapped me right on my face, it stings I'm going to have her fingerprint on my cheeks, "I WISH YOU DIE, I WISH I TOOK AN ABORTION. I HOPE YOU WERE DEAD pointing her towards me and my father she yelled ....THIS ALL WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE!!"

Then a tear fell from my father's eyes.


My face was probably red as my cheek was burning. I was hoping Jamie will come but he never did. A huge lump formed in my throat, it felt like someone was choking me. I bit inside of my cheek. The voice of my mom dad was fading all I could hear was the sound of rain outside. There were knots in my stomach. I wanted to throw up.

My head was dizzy like I'm going to faint and I had guessed I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

Then suddenly I was in a room full of people.






Those people started throwing rocks at me.

Tears flowing from my eyes just like the dark clouds pouring rain outside.





It wasn't some random voice this time. It was Jamie and he was standing right in front of me. That's when I lost it. My tears were flowing more than Niagara falls and my legs were numb. Someone had put their hands on my neck choking me with the pressure on the front of my neck.

My vision was blurry. I tried to breathe but I could not, my hands had started trembling my veins popping out clearly from my white skin. My heart rate going high. A light-headed feeling. With my shaky hand, I grabbed Jamie's hand who had his back turned to my face and then I felt like I'm going to faint but I'll not like always. I want to die but I'll not like always.

Jamie looked over at me. And he gently patted his hand around my waist and picked me up I was feeling disappointed because no matter what happens to me. My parents focused on themselves and their issues then rather than asking. I gulped another lump forming in my neck which made my throat ache.

"Jam-," I cried and voice hoarse and the feeling of someone choking me.

My tears running his pretty brown sweatshirt.

"Take real quick I'll come... back and hope you die or better make you die," a voice said loudly.

I tugged at Jamie's shirt.

He softly described, "let's just get to the kitchen," he placed me on the stool.

"Have some water," Jamie told me handing me a glass of water.

"Please stop crying... You're scaring me," Jamie said. He must hate me.

"I'm here for you," he said.

Here for you to realise how scary you are.

I curled my toe and twirled my hair with my left hand at the thought.

"Hey," his voice was soft, "do you want a hug?"

I looked up at him. A grin had taken over his features as he stood with his arms wide apart. Before I could say anything, Jamie, rushed forward and wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a warm hug. I let my eyes flutter shut and buried my head in his chest. I was considerably shorter than him, I only stood at a measly five foot seven and he towered over at six foot three. I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, hoping it would make me feel better. I concentrated on the sound of the pouring rain outside. It crashed loudly on the corrugated metal roof. It hammered onto the windows like the relentless drumming of nails.

I had always loved the sound of the beating rain. The sound never did I liked this much as much I like now being in his warmth.

"Grace, I love you, You know right," Jamie

mumbled lowly.

"Do you want to sleep?"

I just shook my head no.

Drinking the water I got up and washed my face. My face was still red and a little bruised was formed.

"You know if you don't just... face it," Jamie said patting my shoulder.

Like I have a choice.

I went out both my father and mother were sitting silently.

"What was that?" My dad asked me.

"Of course, I'll cry it's normal when you get stuck in mess," I said.

"I don't care. The thing is coming back to America or I'll not give you a penny and you'll never get a damn job," he said.

"I have done my degree," I said.

"Always remember, fashion is a business. The businesses work with money, not talent," my dad said.

I blinked my eyes not believing my ears. Not like I haven't thought about this but still, that's low even for him.

"Choice is yours, pack your stuff we'll leave tomorrow at noon," my mom started getting up and smoothing her dress.

After that my dad got up and phrased," Stop getting drunk no one cares." With that, he went back to his posh white car standing outside. One so new that I couldn't name.

My mother eyed Jamie up and down who hasn't left till now and standing peacefully there at the thought of which I almost grinned like a little girl.

"How much that boy toy of yours will take to keep his mouth shut?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"I don't think his and your personality is the same, he won't sell him for a few bucks," I spat bitterly throwing a tight smile.

"Oh really, what bout you?" She gave an over-smart statement with a huge smirk which I'm going to dust.

"Indeed, you know gene affects kids," I smiled.

I went in for a fake hug which surprised my mother a joy washed over her face her tense was relaxed which made her seem like a goddess.

I lowly whispered into her ear," I sure have sold myself to the boy toy just like you for this little house." Laugh like a maniac, I patted her on her shoulder.

A shiver ran over her spine and the goosebumps on her shoulder were pretty visible.

She disappeared from there in few seconds.

With a deep sigh, I closed the door hoping, we never opened it.

To be continued...