
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

The Twist.

"Hehehe!!! He waits boy! He waits!! Finally!! My time to dance beckons me!" Says a figure whose face is nothing but a grey withering skull, same for its dark wings, covered in a ragged hooded robe, all bonded in blazing huge chains in a

"The boy named Liam! Wake up! Destiny Calls on you! The encounter awaits thee!!"

With such scary scene for a dream, he screams out in fright, alerting his fellow men who have begun with dressing for the great plunder.

"Awwn, the young maestro seems to have seen his death." One of the men teased.

Liam still panting and sweating heavily then shouts in suggestion, "senior brothers, let's just not go."

"And miss out on the great plunder? Yeah right, like we would be in our right senses to decide on not bettering our lives." One of the men declines.

"Come on junior, at least, think of the bountiful harvest you would enjoy with your betrothed, Samantha, the smile she would have on her face.

Think of how the little ones would dance in the song, sung to your name and having the child like will to be as great as their dad.

Would you want them to despise you to know that their lives would have been better if not for your cowardice?" Another speaks against the idea.

"Brothers! On behalf of the young one, I beg for your forgiveness!" the Chief announces.

"That's alright!" the whole troop responded in harmony.

"Brothers! Don't we do this for glory!?"

"Of course!!"

"Don't we do this for our future!!?"

"Of course!!"

"Do we plan on hunger for the winter!!?"


"Brothers!!! Raise thy sword!!! Not for pleasure!!! But for the lads!!! The women!!! And for the future!!!"

"Huarrrrrghhh!!!" the men screamed in response as they all raise their swords and went on with singing their hearts out in harmony.

The Chief was delighted with the men's spirit being in uniform and heads down to meet up with Liam who is now thrown in sadness.

"Now boy! What answer did I gave you when you were having cold feet earlier?"

Liam couldn't answer as he kept on with getting dressed for the plunder.

"Think of Samantha lad! Think of her! Even in the face of death! We have no choice, son. This is for the better. Okay? Now cheer up, victory is ours and more is the abundance in our possession."

"Yes Chief." Liam sadly responds while the Chief pats his back and goes on to get ready for the plunder.


The view before the men who were hiding behind the hills is of a well structured territory with stone walls for defence.

Strange enough, the rooks have no watchmen to see for the early mornings but with eyes covered in greed, they marched forward in stealth and secretly surround the fort.

With a hand signal from the Chief, the men began climbing up the walls and once again, it was smooth.

The whole troop made it into the fort successfully with no problems acquired but again, the silence within the fort was alarming.

They surveyed the environment quietly and their findings were quit horrific.

The men, slaughtered, the women, raped, the children, missing.

As for the properties, it seemed to have already been plundered.

Still searching for any remains, a scream was heard, not once nor twice but trice.

Liam on the other hand quickly sprinted to the direction of these screams and before his very own eyes, men on horses who have their torches were marching down their path.

"Men on horses!!! Men on horses!!!" Liam screams out loud to warn the men who are now in conflict to either run or hide and ambush.

"Men!!! Our dates have been decided!!! If it's today that we die!!! We die in search for glory!!!

We can't turn back now!!! We can't lead them to the wives and lads!!!

To the conflicted, hide and wait in ambush!!! To those who have readied their hearts, stand strong and get ready to charge!!!" with the commands given by the Chief, the men took their positions and were ready to counter.

Liam is amongst the conflicted and was hiding as he waits onto the opportunity to ambush.

At the moment, he decides to take in deep breathes while having his eyes shut.

The memories of his betrothed, Samantha, flashes before his eyes.

The smiles, the joy, the kisses, the intimacy, the sorrows and lastly, the love.

He opens his eyes widely in rage and screams out, "I am not dying in this way, neither am I dying today! I must return back to my love and not with empty hands!!"

He then storms off again the oncoming cavalry troop as he screams out his war cry with his chained double ended sickles (kusarigama).

With the words of encouragement, the men in hiding were embarrassed to see the young one more courageous than them and gathered up their own braveness and followed after him.

The cavalry men alerted by the stomps of the enemy troop increased their pace in other to match their enemies' energy.

Liam on the frontline kept on with his pace, with a steeled heart and will, he gets a feel of his chained sickles and with a fearful grin, he launches at his first victim.

He jumps high enough and swings at an opponent in front of him.

Not knowing the kind of weapon the enemy had on him, the opponent was relaxed as he sees the blade going to the wrong direction.

Only a few nanoseconds was enough to change his carefree expression into a scared one as the blade's trajectory makes a quick change and comes after his neck.

Too late with his reaction, his head rolled off from his neck, only for his ally's horse behind him to stomp on it.

Liam still on air, manages to structure his body in a way to have his knees forward and ahead of his whole body while having his right thumb hug onto the chain and the other four fingers channelling the sickle to return back to him.

The knees knocks off the first victim's lifeless body while his horse was still in motion and then, surprising the next victim behind the first by hugging his torso and arms inclusive and with the other end's sickle, possessed by his left hand, he strikes it deep into his opponent's skull.

He manages to get hold of his right's end sickle and force out left one from the enemy's skull, causing blood to gush out from his head.

The allies from both sides were alerted with Liam's action and ride their horses towards Liam's position and in response, Liam swings his chained sickles at them, directly at their faces with enough force to make it's movement fast enough and it's penetration deep enough into their skulls.

Suddenly, Liam's heart sank, as if it was weary of something.

All of a sudden, his ears went deaf and only managed to pick up the galloping sounds of a single horse.

He takes a look on which direction only to see a dark winged horse in blue flames and mounted on it was a man whose hair was flowing according to the direction of the wind.

Grey was the long hair's colour, as well as the long beard.

Glossy and magnificent is his dark blue scythe as he brings it out.

Liam's instincts were tingling and his heartbeat's rate increased.

With full force, he drags out his sickles along with the enemies' blood and readies them for defence.

The grey haired man rode his horse perfectly well to easily catch up onto Liam and then makes a full swing at him, causing Liam to get sent off from the horse he was on, to a far off distance, away from the cavalry as he manages to block off the swing.

The swing was indeed heavy, to the extent that Liam's hands are ringing loud.

Liam then sights three horses coming up his way and quickly picks up his chained sickles and gets in a stance.

The first horse approached and Liam dodges the blade and went for the horse's hind limbs, exactly at it's cannons, thereby, immobilising the horse.

The second horse charged against him and Liam manages to have both his blades stick into the opponent's torso and manages to get them stuck to his bones.

He drags off the rider and slams him against the next one, getting him off his own horse.

He forces out his sickles and charged at the third rider who is still on the floor and have his head.

Liam quickly turns and charged against the first rider who was already in motion to cut him down.

With the left sickle, he blocks the incoming blade and with the other, against his neck.

He emerges victorious against his three enemies but his heart sank again when he heard the gallops of the dark horse.

The rider then let's out a grin that sent chills down Liam's backbone for a second before he responds back with a wild grin.