
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

A Broken Confidence.

"Ladies first…" before Gerald could finish up with his statement, Brianna launches forward to offer an attack.

In an instant, Brianna ends up being right in front of Gerald and pushes on for a full swing on him.

Gerald on the other hand took on the attack with no form of blockage or signs of a counter attack.

The warhammer sends him flying hitting against the trees.

Brianna was confused that she actually succeeded in landing the hit on him since she already prepared the next step to take.

Although the hit was successful, she had no time to be in a trance and immediately, she went after Gerald to land another hit in him.

As soon as Gerald hits the ground, his view of the moon and its light got suddenly obstructed by the sight of Brianna with her warhammer as she was about to land another hit on him.

Gerald let's out a smile before disappearing out of nowhere, appearing right behind Brianna with his spear.

Brianna was at first, stunned to see Gerald disappear out of nowhere and after feeling his aura behind her, she couldn't help but be beyond shocked at the realization.

"Greetings, I'm the unknown of the grey shadows, the possessor of the spears of the broken blacksmith, the spear knight parader, Gerald!!"

Immediately after introducing himself, with full force, he sent the spear straight at Brianna's back which she couldn't avoid as she was taken by surprise.

The spear wasn't able to penetrate but its impact was enough to send Brianna into the ground, face first, creating a spread out of dust all over the area where she landed.

"Miss Brianna, daughter of the …"

"Daughter of this, daughter of that, for fuck's sake I am not my father!!" Brianna interrupted out of being annoyed by the comparison being placed on she and her father.

"Sorry for not taking you seriously Gerald, I'll conduct myself in an appropriate manner from now on.

Allow me to dance with you again." Brianna suggested as she gets into a stance.

In response, Gerald resummons his first spear and gets into a stance just like his opponent.

"Once again, ladies first." Gerald uttered while using his left fingers to gesture her to come at him.

"My pleasure." Words spoken by Brianna before she launches forward again but this time around, she makes a little jump and spins before delivering a hit.

Unlike the last exchange, Gerald readies himself in defence and as the warhammer comes in contact with his spear, a resounding echo was made, creating a sound wave, powerful enough to uproot every surrounding trees.

As for Gerald, he lets out a smile admits the whole chaos. He quickly pulls back from Brianna and throws his spear like a javelin at Brianna.

She quickly blocks it off to her right and chased after him.

Gerald stomps on the ground with his right feet and then arises a trail of multiple spears, all lining up like spikes.

The trail was channelled to hit Brianna's position but instead, with her hammer, she hits and breaks in half the incoming spears while still sprinting towards him.

Liam summons back his first spear and with full force, just like the first time, throws it at her once more.

Brianna clenches onto the handle of her warhammer tightly as she readies her mind to deflect the incoming attack.

As the spear came closer, Brianna swings her hammer and deflects it, surprisingly with ease.

With a smirk on his face, Gerald giggles and transforms into a grey mist and quickly approached Brianna with his palm holding onto her head.

As counter, Brianna quickly stomps her feet into the ground, causing a shockwave that blows off everything close to her.

As the wave takes Gerald with it, she quickly swings her hammer and hit it on his right rib, sending him off to a far distance by his left.

Still on pursuit, she readies herself for another swing but in a matter of a single second, Gerald, still on mid-air, disappeared and appeared once again.

He places his palm on Brianna's head and takes hold of it.

"Don't interrupt me." He says as he slams her head into the ground.

Still pinning her into the ground, he resummons his first spear and was about to strike her with it but with a snap of her right fingers, a magic circle appeared under her feet and swallowed her up.

Gerald giggles as he gets up but as soon as he turned, Brianna's Warhammer gave him a kiss on the cheek, sending him off again.

Unlike the other times, Brianna decided to not go after him but rather, stay in a place and ready herself for the next attack or counter.

Few seconds passed by and she could already observe a grey mist coming at her. She quickly surrounds the head of her warhammer with some magical inscriptions.

As soon as the mist came closer, her hammer lit up in blue flames and she hops up to give a downward swing on the mist.

Once again, Gerald shamelessly sneaked up behind her but she already had expected that.

As soon as she notices his movement, she tucked her legs towards her stomach and made a three-sixty spin instead, making the hammer to meet up with Gerald's jaw behind her.

Gerald on the other hand was quick to react and held down the hammer with his hand into the ground, thereby, forcing Brianna to get stuck to the ground.

He quickly summons his second spear and as he raises it high to strike her with it, a shadowy image of a serpent showed up and crawled around the spear to its tip, revealing its fang.

In response, Brianna smirked and let go of her hammer, aids herself with her two palms on the ground as she mentions, "blue wave."

Suddenly a blue magic circle to appeared and lit up, causing a shockwave as it blows off Gerald from her.

Seeing the result of her action, Brianna let ease of herself and lays back down before getting back up with her hammer.

At that moment, the whole area got covered up with thick grey mist.

Brianna quickly casts the same magic circle, creating another shockwave to clear out the mist but to her surprise, what now surrounds her, irrespective of the shockwave, were clones of Gerald, all with different spears.

Some at mid-air, some on foot, while the rest are far away and have already thrown out their spears against her.

At the sight of the clones, her heart sank, "am I going to die here?" she questions herself before gritting her teeth and quickly stick the handle of her hammer into the ground, causing it to stand upright.

The inscriptions appeared once more but fell onto the ground.

With a loud shout, she echoed "screeching flare!"

A loud screech sounded all over the whole green forest and a magnificent blue flare followed after.

At first, it was just a small fire dancing on top of the hammer's head but it rapidly grew and swallowed up both she and Gerald's clones and setting the whole forest ablaze.

This caused the other participants to look for cover or run for their lives.

The ones who tried conquering the flames only got swallowed up by it and it was the same for the beasts.

After some few seconds, the flames died down and what was left in the area was Brianna and her hammer and Gerald, whose condition is surprisingly okay.

"I applaud you on your resolve but sadly, that is not enough to take me down." Said Gerald as he began stepping closer to her as slowly as one could be.

While in motion, he was simultaneously summoning the third spear.

This spear itself is so thin that it could be acknowledged as an arrow if not for its length.

Some strange inscriptions circled round the spear while its tip glows in a beautiful green light.

He poses up and readies himself to give it his all in this throw.

Brianna, whose heart beats as rapidly as one could think of, she is scared, frightening of the phenomenal, death.

With the last strength but kinetic and potential, she grabs hold of her hammer while simultaneously casting several magic circles around her.

"Odin's Shield." She calmly spoke out as she manages to find a way to compose herself.

Then appeared layers of neon blue barriers that encircled her like a ball, six to be precise.

"Last struggle, I see but that's just it, a fancy defence. God's stigma." Said Gerald as he throws the spear at her.

The spear clashed with the first barrier, broke it, clashed with the second, same result, the third was the same, so was the fourth.

As it made contact with the fifth, Brianna fell to her feet in total defeat as she is currently now traumatized.

"Come on, no, not like this." She murmured under her breath as she stared at the spear's tip breaking the fifth barrier wand making its way to the sixth and final barrier.

"For Axonia!!" Gerald chants out loud in total victory.