

A single week of school felt like a whole day she felt as if she was trapped in a prison. As compared to Kara who seemed to enjoy it to some degree, Hekate hated it.

The classes were too easy, barely gave a challenge. She already knew how to program computers as they followed a universal binary language.

So she sat there on the roof staring towards the sky. It was Friday night, she had just come home from school about three hours ago. Her mind was going back towards the offer she was given in the beginning of the week.

Her satchel still remained on her shoulder, it was as if she was never going to let it out of her sight.

Just what was going to happen in her life? If she got involved with this D.E.O. she would be controlled by the government. Unless that Manhunter wanted to use her for other things?

Maybe an off the books agent?

She scratched her chin slightly. There were movies similar to that of James Bond and other fantastic spy movies present on Krypton. Though they weren't as sexually glorified or cheap.

She had already gone through the Star Wars original trilogy, and many other classical pieces of entertainment. She even binge watched an entire first season of Star Trek The Next Generation. So far her favorite character is Captain Picard.

He was a man of true justice, he was poetic and not afraid to kill for the greater good if need be. He even had the audacity to go against the Prime Directive, and she admired him. He bent the rules in the name of his own justice and went as far as moral code would permit.

Patrick Stewart was her hero, it was undeniable, impossible to refute that fact.

The man played so many different roles from Hero to Villain, or even a side character. Many times though he was the mentor type which she could admire even more.

A fictional father she would never have. She had lost a good chunk of her childhood, and now there was so little of her teenage life to go through with. This world... Despite it constantly threatened by its own populace and secretly from those beyond, was boring.

Though she knew that his reality wasn't something she would ever grasp. Humans going into the stars? Exploring where no man had gone before? The only things humans have is the ability to adapt genetically over time and abnormally fast technologically. Peaceful interactions with humanity was going to be hard. Especially with all of the movies centered around alien invasions. It was quite clear that they were being pushed towards a bias idea towards all extraterrestrial life.

Superman however seemed to be bringing people hope. That was the meaning of his symbol afterall.

She remembered the information which was on the business card which had been given to her by the janitor, the Martian in Disguise. She began to think of what she could possibly do here. She already thought of being some form of Hero, but she couldn't tell what her motivation was behind it.

Superman was a person who fought for the righteous, the hopeful, the oppressed. He was a grandiose symbol, but he was also someone who refused to kill.

Focusing on the interface, she brought up the status screen and looked over the Virtual Shop and V-Coin buttons. She decided to open the shop to see what was there. She was curious of what this whole thing was and what it could even do. It was like playing one of those HoloRPG games back on Krypton and those premium stores.

As she opened the shop, a screen took the place of the status one.

『Virtual Shop Screen | Kryptonian Edition | MK I 』

『V-Coins』0 『』0『Vouchers』0

『5000 US/Canadian Dollars』500 V-Coins

『Elastic Supersuit』0 V-Coins

『Protective Supersuit』500 V-Coins

『Battledress Supersuit』1,000 V-Coins

『Stealth Supersuit』1,500 V-Coins

『500 EXP Serum』10,000 V-Coins

『Additional Meta-Physiology』100,000 V-Coins

『Upgrade to Guardian-2』1,000,000 V-Coins


She stared at this shop for a few moments before closing it as she thought to herself. How was she going to get V-Coins? She saw how much they were worth to the United States Dollar. Five hundred V-Coins were literally five thousand dollars.

With just that thought she got a notification, more information in the form of a nameless window. It was the same color as always and it was just as if it was giving information on an item or person she was looking at.

『In order to obtain V-Coins, there are a multitude of ways. Completing personal milestones by setting goals. I, the Guardian-1 will weigh these goals and given the appropriate reward. Another way is completing quests, these could be as mediocre as doing daily chores to something grandiose that improves your quality of life. Another easily way of obtain V-Coins is by literally selling raw, processed or used materials, resources and assets. In a sense, you could go around absorbing items for virtual cash.』

She stared forward as she read the last bit given to her and she slowly nodded. She had a chance to get a lot of money. She could go out at night, steal things, absorb other people's assets. While it was considered unlawful, it definitely sounded like something she could do in order to gain money.

Given this weird system thing that was attached to her, it appeared she could become near-invincible, more than she already was. However she was now curious of what she could get from taking a car, or something akin to a tractor trailer.

『When transmuting assets the V-Coins ratio is based on the weight and mass of the material used. It also takes into account the rarity of the material such as Gold, which is theorized to be solidified pieces of a new or dead star. It also takes into account for the users location and exotic minerals. An average sedan would go for twenty-five hundred V-Coins which is akin to 25,000 dollars.』

Nodding to the words she read on the screen, she turned to look at the open window beside her as she remained on the roof. Pursing her lips, this was usually around the time Kara came up here, yet she was sleeping.

"I can't wait until this school thing is over.." She muttered to herself and shook her head. She'd slide off the roof and land on her feet with a silent thud. Dust and dew picking up from the ground from her impact.

Taking a step forward, she bent one knee and then kicked off the ground. The trees and bushes, the grass and the rocks, wavered and shook.

Hekate was airborne, flying through the skies directly towards the address which she had seen on the business card. However she didn't go very high, she remained low to the ground, below the tree tops, avoiding being seen in the suburbs.

Once she entered the limits of National City, she landed on her feet in front of the sign that stated the population and welcoming message. Just like in Earth 38, Midvale had been in the suburbs of Metropolis, this meant she had flown across the entire Country from one end to another.

Stuffing a hand into her satchel with her left hand, she pulled out a Motorola Razr V3 which Eliza had given her her third day at the Danvers house. She stared at it for a few moments before flipping it open. "Hm..." Switching on the Camera, she took a picture of the five o'clock skyline and cityscape.

A smile grew across her lips as she looked over the picture before saving it to her phone. In the very center of the image in the distance was the CatCo building. It was sure to make Kara Danvers excited or even jealous should she send it to her. All she could do is talk about that company, and Hekate always motivated the conversation by comparing it with the Daily Planet.

"They're so going to be rivals in the fourth estate," she snickered quietly to herself as she walked along the side of the road towards the city. Of course there were some people who stopped at the side of the road, tried to find out if she was a run away or needed a lift.

That wasn't the case, so she just ignored them half the time.