

Harumi woke up to the sun shining in her face. She wanted to turn around and keep sleeping when she felt something heavy laying on top of her. Nobunaga had one arm tightly wrapped around her while he wast fast asleep. Then she remembered last night and her head turned red. Her stomach filled itself with a thousand butterflies and she couldn't stop smiling. Then she noticed that the bucked she had placed next to Nobunaga's side of the futon was gone as well as their clothes. Her maids had probably come by to wake her up. She wanted to crawl in a hole as embarrassed as she was. She grunted while hiding her face in Nobunaga's shoulder who also slowly woke up.

"Good morning, my darling wife." He smiled with still sleepy eyes while he gave her a kiss.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" Harumi asked while she put a strand of his hair behind his ear.

"Better than expected, thanks to your amazing gift." He said while hugging her tightly.

"Do you like the images? I know they aren't very well made but I tried my hardest." Harumi said while she stoped resisting his hug.

"Well, that too...." Nobunaga said with a smug grin. Harumi had finally calm herself down before he help her remind her of last night, again! Her face turned red again while she buried it in her hands.

"No reason to be shy." Nobunaga said while he removed her hands so he could look at her face. "Last night was perfect."

"Come on, we have to get up." Harumi said, not willing to talk about last night. It was her first time and she still wasn't really comfortable with her sexuality. So she definitely didn't want to talk about it. Nobunaga struggled a bit before he gave in and started to dress himself. After he was done dressing himself he helped Harumi with the finishing touches of putting on her clothes. She had gotten better in dressing herself bus she still couldn't do it as neatly as her maids. When they were fully clothed they went to Harumi's living quarters. A big and nutritious breakfast was waiting for them, accompanied by three maids with smiles from ear to ear on their faces. But they didn't say a word. In silence Harumi and Nobunaga sat at the low table across from each other and started to eat. Nobunaga didn't like small talk during dinner itself so as always they ate in silence. Not that Harumi minded that at the moment, she had no idea what to talk about or even where to look.

"I have to go." Nobunaga sighted when he finished his meal. Harumi had noticed that he had taken a longer time to finish his breakfast.

"Do you have a lot to do?" Harumi asked while putting her own chopsticks down.

"Not really, but just some tedious tasks." Nobunaga said while rubbing his eyes. "Are we still on for this afternoon?" He asked. Since Harumi had been abducted and Nobunaga found out the truth about her he had decided that Harumi should learn some selfdefense, even though she officially wasn't aloud to learn that. Nobunaga had one condition, he was the one that would teach her. So for the last couple of weeks they had been training together for two to three times a week.

When the afternoon rolled around Nobunaga came to Harumi's quarters again. In the meantime he had changed as well as Harumi. She wore some sort of pants with a shirt jacket on top. It was better than the kimono's she usually had to wear but compared to twenty first century work out clothes it was very restricting and not really made for training. Not tho mention that she didn't have a sports bra. Maybe she wasn't blessed with a large bust, it still hurt when she was running and such.

First they stretched and then they started jogging in the garden for a warm up. Harumi had been in the athletics club so in no time she was a lot faster than Nobunaga. After they were properly warmed up they began. Usually they started with a little hand to hand combat of strengthen her muscles. After that they would practice with the sword. Because Harumi was so fast she did okay in the hand to hand combat part, but the parts based on strength weren't for her. Those were clearly Nobunaga's forte. Although he was incredibly good at everything, Harumi noticed that swinging a sword around was a special talent of her husband. Beads of sweat were rolling down her temples and back while she tried to lift the sword and swing it around but even after weeks of training, the sword was still way to heavy for her.

"I was afraid it would come to this." Nobunaga sighted while he took the sword from Harumi.

"Wait, I'm not done jet. I know I'll manage to use it properly eventually." She begged. She didn't want to go back to being defenseless and this was the only way for her to get stronger and for her to learn how to protect herself.

"Harumi, please. Your not stupid!" Nobunaga said while losing his patience. "You know as well as me that this will never work."

Harumi knew he was right, but she refused to go back to the way she was before. She wanted to be able to not only protect herself but everyone who was dear to her and Nobunaga was about to take that away from her again.

Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience with my horrible update schedule. I'm sorry. For some reason I wasn't in a writing mood these last couple of days but now that I've finished this chapter it is hard to stop again. Hopefully I'll write the next chapter soon! In the meantime, leave a comment, rating and vote. Plus, don't forget to add to your library!

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