
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

**The War and The New Kingdom**

"The only way to win a war is to avoid it." George Marshall

Soon the sun was high in the sky, and Sebastian had already prepared his supplies and items necessary for the journey. During his visit to the village during the festival, he bought some smoke-releasing fireworks, explaining to the allied army how they worked and stating that this would be the attack signal if negotiations failed.

Everyone approved of the use of the item, and then they began to divide into teams:

**Advance Team 1:**

The hunters designated six men and women who excelled in hunting to lure the monsters out of the forest, where traps already set up by the soldiers awaited them to trap them.

**Advance Team 2:**

People who were injured due to the last battles volunteered to go to Whitefield and stage the arrival of the monsters. Then, four other soldiers would take action and remove them from the scene without arousing suspicions.

**Advance Team 3:**

Still formed by the hunters, this team would release the monsters in emptier areas of the city, but still easily visible, so that the population would see the monsters arriving and being hunted. Then, they should stealthily exit the scene and join Team 4.

**Advance Team 4:**

This team of soldiers would set up the siege around the kingdom of Whitefield. Yoseph ensured that he would surround the port of Whitefield with his ships and men.

**Advance Team 5:**

Formed by Sebastian Von Ashrose, Kraig Von Bluestorm, Caleb Von Greenland, and Leonor D. Alder. If the Whitefields did not surrender, Leonor would activate the smoke signal, and the army would march inside the castle walls.

With each assigned to their tasks, preparations began. First, everyone waited hidden and apprehensive for the hunters to complete their maneuver. The day was already ending when they finally heard a noise coming from the forest: it was the monsters, basilisks, to be exact. They were coming at great speed, and one by one, they fell into the traps.

Then Daren said:

" Wow, I expected strong monsters, but basilisks! I think, without your snakes, Sebastian, we would have died!"

Sebastian, in turn, was amazed by the beasts and also a little worried because they were species of snakes. The soldiers captured and prepared the beasts for transportation. Then the army set out through the kingdom of Greenland toward Whitefield.

During the passage through the kingdom of Greenland, many villagers decided to join the allied army, driven by various reasons. Some were survivors of villages in the kingdom of Whitefield that had been devastated during the battles against the monsters, seeking revenge or protection. Others were adventurers seeking glory and battle experience, attracted by the opportunity to participate in such a significant campaign. Upon reaching Whitefield territory, the army had significantly increased, approximately a quarter of its initial size, demonstrating the solidarity and support of neighboring communities.

Destroyed small villages in Whitefield kingdom territory warmly welcomed the passage of the army, despite the scarcity of resources and the poor conditions in which they found themselves. The arrival of the army brought not only immediate protection but also a sense of hope to those who had suffered from the consequences of the previous battles.

After five days of journeying, with more allies joining along the way, the army finally reached the imposing mountains that preceded the royal port capital of Whitefield. It was at this point that the second advance came into action, with a pre-defined group tasked with a crucial mission. With an old donkey pulling a cart loaded with few supplies, and the wounded people in this caravan conveying a sense of seriousness and urgency, the group approached the city walls.

When questioned by the guards at the city entrance, the members of the group vividly described the horrors they had witnessed, claiming to have barely escaped from a horde of approaching monsters. The account included details of the destruction of villages and entire cities along the way, leaving the soldiers incredulous but visibly shaken. Some immediately abandoned their posts in search of their families, while others tried to warn the subjects about the imminent threat, resulting in a chain reaction of panic and flight by the population.

With the city in a state of chaos and confusion, phase three of the plan went into action. The basilisks, terrifying creatures, were strategically released in the already evacuated areas of the lower city, while the hunters, armed with weapons and stealth skills, intensified their efforts to create an atmosphere of panic and terror among the remaining residents. The result was a frightening display of strength and despair, with many residents fleeing hastily without looking back, while others sought shelter within the castle walls, seeking protection alongside the royal family.

After a few hours, the royal port capital seemed like a desolate and gloomy scene. Empty streets echoed with silence, interrupted only by the distant sound of doors being locked and windows hastily shut. The imposing presence of the allied army, now positioned on the slopes of the surrounding mountains, was a constant reminder of the imminent danger looming over Whitefield.

As promised, the royal ships of Greenland's royal family arrived at the port, blocking all possible sea escape routes and consolidating the siege around the city. This operation, which extended over three distressing days, left the remaining residents of the city isolated and vulnerable, with no hope of external assistance. It was only in this moment of despair that the Whitefield royal family, deprived of supplies and support, finally sent a messenger to the castle gate, seeking a possible truce and peace agreement with the invading army.

With Phase Four efficiently completed, it was time to initiate Phase Five. The noble representatives prepared to enter the castle on an extremely important diplomatic mission. Despite his nervousness, Sebastian noticed that Leonor was pale and trembling, so he approached her and held her hand in a gesture of support. Together, the four young people proceeded to the royal throne room, accompanied by a Whitefield royal guard.

Upon entering the imposing and bright throne room, the young people found some nobles huddled in the corner of the room, their eyes filled with a mixture of hatred and fear. The king and queen, seated on the throne, showed no emotion. Then a voice announced them:

"His Royal Highness King Sebastian Von Ashrose! His Royal Highness Crown Prince Caleb Von Greenland! His Royal Highness Prince Kraig von Bluestorm and Lady Leonor D. Alder!" At the end of the introductions, King Arthur Von Whitefield spoke coldly:

"So, this army marched from afar to here... Ashrose and Bluestorm, both from the south and north of Hartia, respectively, withdrew from their territories to come to our kingdom... To what do I owe the honor?"

Then, before others could speak, Caleb took the lead and said:

"I am Crown Prince Caleb Von Greenland, and we are here to...' before he could continue, the queen reached out her hand and interrupted him, saying sharply:

"It's no surprise that the vipers of the Greenland kingdom are here. We want to know about the Ashrose and Bluestorm kingdoms!" She diverted her gaze from Caleb to Sebastian and Kraig.

Respectfully, Sebastian began to speak:

"Rumors of what was happening in this territory reached the south. Of people being massacred in the war you initiated. It is common knowledge that beasts have their food chain: the big ones feed on the medium-sized ones, who feed on the smaller ones and so on. Interrupting this cycle and mass hunting the smaller and medium-sized monsters would attract the larger monsters directly to the villages! Because of your order, many innocent people died and many became orphans" Sebastian said, coldly.

The king, in a tone of irony, replied:

"I heard that you are also an orphan! Did you sympathize with your equals in our kingdom and decided to attack us?" he said, staring fixedly at Sebastian.

Despite feeling disgusted by the king's words, Sebastian did not show it and continued:

"It wasn't just rumors and gossip. I myself left my lands and secretly visited your kingdom and saw the destruction you caused. That's why I started this revolt."

Sebastian's words shocked even his friends and allies who were with him in the throne room. The regents stared at him as if he were scum. Then the queen spoke:

"So, to protect some wretches, you decided to rise up against your equals?" said the queen, dismissing everyone who was not of royalty.

Many who were present swallowed their words at the queen's words, but Sebastian spoke up, saying:

"You are not my equals! Within the Ashrose family, there have never been parasites that suck from their subjects and leave them to die!" As he said these words, the king got up from his throne and went to Sebastian.

And then he said:

"You, young king, consider yourself superior to our family? We are the oldest royal family in the kingdom of Hartia!"

Sebastian and the king stared deeply at each other, when finally Kraig decided to speak up:

"If it were just a problem between two royal families, we wouldn't be here! News of your deeds has reached the farthest reaches of the North! In our kingdom, we sheltered many who fled from your territory. As you know, we have always had a good relationship with the Ashrose. It was when my father and Sebastian exchanged correspondence and saw that there was a common cause to intervene against the royalty of this country. You may feel confronted, indeed you must, for if you look outside through your windows, you will see the immense army that has formed against the Whitefield family. But, out of respect for your lineage, we have come here to ask you to surrender!"

The queen seemed on the verge of reaching her limit, and her lips trembled with hatred. The king then looked at her with a sadistic gaze and said:

"So, it seems we are going to surrender, my queen!" He said, going towards the queen and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Then, one of the nobles who was in the corner of the throne room said:

"Now that they have agreed to surrender, what are you going to do?" he said, but the king gave him a threatening look that made him shrink.

Then, Caleb said:

"We will inform the army that they surrender and allow their entry into the castle."

The queen, looking shaken, said:

"Since you are going to take our castle, at least let me go to my quarters to get the jewels that belonged to my mother!" Kraig nodded.

And the king bowed in gratitude. But something in his gaze didn't let Sebastian relax. Before he said anything, Leonor intervened:

"I will accompany the queen to her quarters! The rest of you, wait here!"

Sebastian grabbed her hand to try to stop her from going, but she gave him a serious look that made him let go of her hand and then follow her through the castle corridors with the queen.

Leonor had never entered a castle before, so she followed the queen, keeping an eye on her surroundings. They reached a dead-end corridor with a painting of the king and queen. Next to the painting, Leonor noticed a lever. Before she could react, the queen pulled it, causing Leonor to plummet two floors to the dungeon floor. She screamed for Sebastian, but the thick stone walls muffled her voice.

The queen, having rid herself of Leonor, followed another path of the castle to a giant door. She hesitated a bit, apprehensive, but thought to herself, "I cannot let my family be defeated here. They will remember our name for eternity!"

Then, she opened the doors, pulling a huge iron bolt with difficulty. Enormous yellow eyes emerged from the darkness. She murmured:

"I told the king that this abominable beast would be useful to us one day!"

She pulled another lever, releasing the chains that held the beast. The black dragon, covered in wounds inflicted by the soldiers of Whitefield as entertainment for the king, flew out of its cell, full of hatred. With a single bite, it swallowed the queen and then flew towards the sun, flying out of the back of the castle.

The Greenland soldiers at the port were the first to spot the dragon. Horrified, they began to release the ships and retreat as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Sebastian was about to search for Leonor when he heard, coming from above, a terrible roar. The king began to laugh sadistically, while the nobles in the throne room ran desperately.

Suddenly, the ceiling of the throne room was torn off by a brutal force, flying away. Sebastian looked up, paralyzed with fear, and saw the imposing figure of the black dragon, its claws embedded in the castle walls and eyes full of hatred.

The king, who seemed to have lost his sanity, continued to laugh, further infuriating the dragon. The creature began to gather the air around, preparing to set the entire throne room ablaze. Sebastian was frozen, but Kraig quickly pulled him through the doors, closing them just in time to avoid the massive wave of fire the dragon unleashed, burning everything inside.

Kraig realized Sebastian was in shock and slapped him across the face to snap him out of it. Sebastian then uttered the words that were stuck in his throat:

"Leonor! Leonor! I have to find her!" He was utterly desperate.

Kraig, with a sad look, said:

" Dude, if the queen released that thing and Leonor was with her, I think she..."

Sebastian grabbed his friend by the collar and, irritated, said:

"Don't say even another word! Let's go!"

Disconcerted and incredulous, Kraig asked:

" Where are we going?"

Sebastian replied determinedly:

"To stop that beast! Then we'll search for Leonor! Even if I have to turn every stone in this castle upside down!"

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Leonor tried to orient herself in the dark, damp place. The cold stone walls left little room for hope, but she couldn't give up. She tried using her hands to find a way out, feeling every inch of the cell. Her heart was racing, but she knew she needed to stay calm to find a way to escape and warn her friends.

Back in the main corridor of the castle, Sebastian and Kraig ran through the corridors, avoiding debris and trying to devise a plan to face the dragon. The beast's roars echoed through the walls, creating an atmosphere of terror and urgency.

"We need to find a way to get that thing out of here!" Kraig shouted, trying to be heard above the commotion.

" First, we have to make sure everyone is safe. We need to locate the highest point of the castle to have a clear view of what's happening." Sebastian replied, still concerned about Leonor.

On the castle walls, the dragon, now free, soared over the castle and its surroundings, spreading chaos and destruction. The forces of Greenland and the allies retreated in panic, trying to avoid the reach of the flames. The port was in disarray, with ships desperately trying to escape the dragon's clutches. The allies couldn't understand how the plan had unfolded in this way and ran into the city in an attempt to hide from the beast and save their lives.

Meanwhile, Sebastian and Kraig reached the tallest tower of the castle, where they could see the dragon and the chaos it was causing. Kraig, always the strategist, began to formulate a plan.

"We need a distraction big enough to lure the dragon out of the castle and away from the civilians." he said, looking around for something they could use.

Sebastian nodded, but his thoughts were still with Leonor. He knew every second counted, and they needed to act fast.

"Let's use the fortress cannons. If we can hit the dragon, we can at least disorient it and gain some time." Sebastian suggested.

With a plan in mind, the two friends began to descend the tower, determined to save their people and, more importantly, find Leonor before it was too late.

Running through the corridors and avoiding debris, Sebastian and Kraig reached the fortress cannons. Watching the dragon soaring over the city and spewing fire, Sebastian asked:

" Do you know how to use this thing?" He looked at Kraig.

Annoyed, Kraig replied sarcastically:

" Of course I do. In Bluestorm, we used to play with cannons as kids! I thought you would know how to use it, after all, the idea was yours!"

While they argued, they spotted a guard from Whitefield crouched in a corner, trembling in fear of the dragon. The young men approached him, trying to convince him to shoot at the dragon. The soldier, in despair, cried out:

" If we do that, we'll die! It will come here and surely kill us! I can't die!" He trembled uncontrollably.

This time, Sebastian slapped the soldier's face to bring him to his senses. Firmly, he said:

"Your family is out there, right? In the city! If we don't do anything, it will kill everyone!"

The soldier, now more aware, began to gather courage. Then Sebastian cast a mocking look at Kraig, as if to say "I can do it too," referring to the moment they had earlier, and Kraig just rolled his eyes.

The soldier paced back and forth a few times, took a deep breath, and finally decided to use the cannon against the dragon. As he prepared, Sebastian and Kraig began to plan the next step for when they got the attention of the beast.

" As soon as he realizes the attack, we need to be ready to guide him out of the city." Kraig said, helping to adjust the cannon's aim.

"Right. Let's use the signaling towers to lure him to the most deserted area of the castle." Sebastian agreed.

With the plan in mind, the soldier lit the cannon's fuse, adjusting the aim for the dragon. There was a deafening boom as the cannon fired, launching a projectile toward the dragon. The bullet hit the creature in one of its wings, eliciting a roar of pain and anger.

The dragon turned toward the origin of the attack, its yellow eyes glowing with fury. Sebastian and Kraig knew they had caught the beast's attention. Without wasting time, they ran to the next signaling tower, lighting fires to guide the dragon out of the city.

As they ran from one tower to another, the dragon followed them, destroying everything in its path. The city trembled under the creature's power, but the plan was working. Finally, they managed to lure the dragon to a deserted area, far from the civilians.

" We need to bring him down here!" Kraig shouted, preparing another cannon with the help of the soldier, who, even terrified, was following them.

Sebastian, panting, nodded. They were tired, but determined. With precision, the cannon was fired once again, hitting the dragon directly in the chest. The beast let out one last roar before crashing heavily to the ground.

Looking at the defeated dragon, the two young men allowed themselves a brief moment of relief. And the soldier looked at the scene incredulously, unable to believe they had actually succeeded. But Sebastian soon remembered Leonor.

"Now we have to find Leonor!" He said, determined.

"Let's turn every stone in this castle if we have to, my friend." Kraig replied.

They returned to the castle, ready to continue the search for Leonor and face any other challenges that came their way.

On their way back to the royal castle, the young men had to perform some acrobatics to navigate through the places the dragon had destroyed. When they reached the interior of the castle, they heard movement from outside. Some men from the allied army had entered the castle to help, in case there was still something to be done.

Kraig quickly briefed them on the battle with the dragon and the urgent need to find Leonor. The men, along with the young nobles, split up and began to search. Kraig went with some soldiers to the upper part of the castle, while Sebastian, with others, descended to the underground areas. The castle seemed on the verge of collapsing, so Sebastian instructed his men to spread out and to leave immediately at the slightest sign of collapse, taking care of possible enemies.

Although he had little hope of finding Leonor in the underground, Sebastian persisted. On the upper floor of the dungeon, he found some soldiers who, upon seeing him, grabbed their weapons.

"You shouldn't be here, kid," one of them said.

-Amid the cries of warriors and the metallic clang of weapons, a young blond-haired man, his face smudged with soot and sweat, acentuara-me his blue eyes, stood out, fighting with desperation and courage. His blade cut through the air, meeting flesh and bone, as he shouted, trying to fend off the fear growing in his chest.

Sebastian faced and defeated the three dungeon guards. Covered in blood and soot, he continued descending. In the darkness, he stumbled upon an abandoned helmet, which made a loud noise. From afar, he heard a female voice:

"Is someone there? Help"

Sebastian ran towards the voice and found Leonor trapped in a cell. Upon seeing him, she couldn't hold back the tears and asked what had happened. Before he could answer, a rumble shook the castle walls. Sebastian hurried to open the cell, forcing the lock with his sword. When he finally succeeded, Leonor jumped into his arms. He hugged her quickly, checking if she was okay, and then guided her out of the dungeon.

Dodging debris, they found the men who had descended with him. Together, they began to clear a path to leave the castle before it collapsed. Outside the castle, Sebastian looked for Kraig but didn't spot him. Daren informed that Kraig was still on the upper floor looking for Leonor.

Desperate to find his friend, Sebastian was restrained by the men. Leonor had an idea: to use fireworks to signal to Kraig that Leonor was safe. They lit the smoke and anxiously awaited. The eastern side of the castle began to collapse, and the men had to once again hold back Sebastian. From the smoke emerged Kraig, wounded in the head but alive, accompanied by his men. Sebastian finally relaxed a little, but only for a brief moment, before a shout warned of the imminent collapse of the castle. Everyone ran to get away.

Moments later, where once stood a castle, there were only dust and rubble. Allied soldiers and remaining armies cheered, celebrating the fall of Whitefield. Later, they began to count the casualties. Many were injured by the dragon's flames, but only a few nobles of Whitefield, who didn't know how to hide during the attack, had died. Greenland's ships had retreated, "a problem for another day."

They set up a large camp in the port city and began to treat the wounded. A few days later, soldiers, along with villagers and builders, began to rebuild the city and the castle. The D. Alder family led the reconstruction and would inherit those lands, becoming nobles. After recovering, Sebastian returned to his territory, leaving men to help in the reconstruction. He had saved Leonor's life, and his brothers allowed him to take her to the kingdom of Ashrose, away from the war scene.

Kraig also returned north, a few days before Sebastian, to report to his father the details of the battle. Greenland's kingdom did not return to the former territory of Whitefield. Only the local families, soldiers, and the new rulers of the desert remained. Gradually, those who had left the kingdom during the rule of the old family began to return. With so much manpower, the kingdom was rebuilt in about two years.

Sebastian was now 18 years old, and Leonor, 16. She lived in Ashrose territory as a visiting noble. Sebastian hired tutors to teach her the privileges and obligations of nobility, maintaining a close friendship until she came of age and he could ask for her hand in marriage.

Two years later, when the D. Alder kingdom was prosperous and Sebastian was 18 years old, he returned to the territory with Leonor to ask for her hand in marriage, an idea that still terrified him because of the story told about his brothers. Upon arriving, they found a completely different scene. The people were happy, and the kingdom prospered. The new castle, unlike the previous one, had a less hostile and more inviting atmosphere. As they descended from the carriage, they were greeted by Daren.

They greeted each other warmly, but the moment was interrupted by Daren's comment:

"Ah, so today I'm going to see my noble friend die?" he said with a malicious look at Sebastian.

Leonor replied:

"Enough of that, Daren! You'll scare away my fiancé!" She winked at Sebastian.

Daren raised his hands, surrendering, and accompanied them to the new throne room. Leonor had three brothers, and to govern the kingdom efficiently, Dorian took care of defense, Isaac was the financial adviser, and Drake, the eldest, was the king.

In the throne room, the brothers were sitting at a semicircular table with three thrones. Leonor ran to greet them, while Sebastian made a formal bow. Isaac broke the ice and said:

"We know why you're here."

The brothers nodded.

"We have nothing against your choice, unless our sister has any complaints" said Dorian, fixing his eyes on Sebastian.

"Our only concern is that, if you two marry and Leonor has a child of yours, another D. Alder will ascend to the throne, which may be a problem for the other kingdoms" said Drake, the king.

"If that's the concern, I want to assure you that, for me, there's only your sister! And if any kingdom opposes, they'll have to face the serpents of Ashrose! My relationship with them has improved greatly!" said Sebastian.

The brothers seemed surprised. Isaac asked:

"You made friends with those creatures?"

Laughing, Sebastian replied:

"No living being can resist my charm!"

Leonor cleared her throat and said:

"Sebastian, remember why we're here."

Embarrassed, he looked at her, lowered his head, and then asked her brothers seriously:

"Do you permit me to marry Leonor D. Alder and make her my queen, Leonor D. Alder Von Ashrose?"

A knife flew towards him, and he barely dodged it. The brothers laughed, and Drake said:

"In that case, I see no problem!"

Sebastian seemed happy, but Leonor looked at her brothers angrily. The moment was interrupted by the comment from the leader of the guards, Daren:

"Is that all? Where's the blood and the battle to the death?"

Leonor turned to him and asked:

"How are Glenda and Olivia?"

Daren swallowed hard and fell silent.

At Sebastian's insistence, they decided to celebrate the wedding right there, in the D. Alder kingdom, that week.

Here, we see that Sebastian, driven by his determination to marry Leonor, influences the decision to immediately hold the wedding, without further delay. This indicates his strong emotional bond with Leonor and his desire to formalize their commitment as soon as possible. Days later, they returned to Ashrose, married.

After celebrating the wedding in the D. Alder kingdom, Sebastian and Leonor returned to Ashrose already as husband and wife. This return marks the beginning of a new phase in their lives as a couple, where they will start building their life together in Sebastian's territory. This transition symbolizes the consolidation of their relationship and the formalization of their mutual commitment.