
Heavenly Soul [BL]

Status: Fully Completed ________________________________________________ Feng Qinghe, a renowned disciple of the prestigious Heavenly Peak Sect, is used to bearing his burdens alone and throwing himself into danger for others’ benefit. While exploring a hidden realm, his unique way of doing things garners the interest of Wei Xiang, a feared senior officer from the cultivation world’s judicial force, who starts to observe him from the shadows. But the inexplicably astute Feng Qinghe is not an easy person to deal with, while Wei Xiang is found intriguing by the disciple in turn. After the two become lovers, they aid friends, take on new adventures, and help each other heal from old wounds, all the while growing ever closer to uncovering Feng Qinghe‘s unknown past and the significance of a heavenly soul. ____________ A glimpse into their day-to-day life– Qinghe, when he is in mortal danger: Oh dear. *sighs* I hope I won’t lose my right arm this time or I can’t help Master with paperwork later. Qinghe, when his friends are in the slightest trouble: *rushing onward with cold determination* Who has the time to worry about injuries when my friends need me! Wei Xiang: *lifting him up by the waist* Not so fast, love. Your friends can handle themselves. And they have their own powerful lovers to help, so they can afford to spare mine when he’s recuperating. Qinghe: *dangling limply in his hold and blinking entreatingly* But Xiaaang… Wei Xiang softens and puts Qinghe down, then kisses him on the forehead. Wei Xiang: How about this? If you agree to rest, I’ll let you have one session with me afterwards. Qinghe: *perking up* Do you mean a sparring session? Or… Wei Xiang: *charmed by his enthusiasm* Whichever my darling little lover wants. Qinghe: *smiling hopefully* Both? Wei Xiang: *chuckling* Then let’s spar after you get better and the winner this time gets to choose what we do in bed. Qinghe thus focuses on recovering with single-minded concentration, and later, Wei Xiang happily sacrifices his body and skills to both their enjoyment. On the other hand– Wei Xiang: *growling* Senior Brother, I warned you that the next time you leave such a big pile of work for me to finish, I’ll make you pay for it in the training arena. *drags him off to spar* His Senior Brother: *leaving a trail of nail marks on the floor* Junior Brother, mercy! Nooo!!! The Other Officers: *turning to Qinghe hopefully* Um…aren’t you going to do something about your lover? Qinghe: Ah? Oh! *takes out a large banner and starts waving it enthusiastically* Xiang, you can do it! My lover is the most handsome! My Xiang is undefeatable! Wei Xiang pauses terrorizing his senior brother in the guise of training and blows his beloved a kiss. Everyone: …… They should’ve known that someone their Senior Officer Wei chose wouldn’t be normal! ________________________________________________ A slightly better version of this story is available at ScribbleHub. ________________________________________________ Please Note: This story will include explicit sexual content and is a BL/Yaoi/Danmei/Gay Romance novel. You have been warned.

crimson_carnation · LGBT+
162 Chs


A/N: Please make sure that you've read the final extra posted today before this~


Dear Readers,

This afterword will contain my expressions of gratitude to you, my plans for the future regarding this story and writing in general, and an important announcement.

I would like to start by saying: Thank you!

Thank you for accompanying me on the journey of Heavenly Soul. Thank you for your presence, comments, reviews, power stones, and other forms of encouragement. And most of all, thank you for being here to read this!

Heavenly Soul was my first ever attempt at seriously planning and writing a story, and it was undoubtedly very challenging. Especially so because I never considered writing BL or in a Chinese setting before this. Though now I can see places where I could improve the story, overall, I'm still proud of what I've written so far. A few of the concepts in this story are very dear to my heart, and I'm glad to see it being received so warmly. I'm grateful to have been able to meet you through this story and for the opportunity of getting to know some you more.

I feel that I've developed a lot as both a writer and a person since I started Heavenly Soul and posted it on an impulse due to Yan-jie's encouragement barely more than a year ago on the 2nd of December, 2018. Since then, it has made me endlessly happy to see that it was able to brighten at least a few people's days, bring a smile to their faces, or touch them in some way. And I naturally couldn't have come this far without all of your support. So once again, thank you!

Now, onto what's in store for the future~

As I've informed before, An YaLing and Li Yingzi will get their own spin-off. I'm not planning for it to be even nearly half as long as Heavenly Soul, but since series lengths have a way of overthrowing my expectations, we'll have to wait and see how it goes. I might also add new extras to Heavenly Soul itself if I come up with any ideas I feel worth adding to the story.

Other spin-offs from this world that I'm actually not yet sure if I'll write are:

1. A grown-up Wei Yuan's story, possibly containing romance, and with the Feng household and a few other characters from the main story showing up. Possibly also Wu Jiyue and Shang Riyao as a side couple~

2. A small and easygoing story about Hei NingYu and Chen Xiande, while also detailing the unrevealed aspects of Hei NingYu's past

3. A romance with Zhuo Ye (the half-beast phoenix from the Black Fang arc) as the MC

If you'd like to see any of these stories written, then feel free to tell me in the comments and I'll very seriously consider it :)

Of course, apart from these spin-offs, I have a few other stories planned as well that are unrelated to Heavenly Soul. There might be a lot of short stories and maybe even a long world-hopping one coming up in the future~

Now onto the bad news.

I regret to inform you that I will no longer continue posting on Webnovel. I feel creatively constrained here, and Webnovel's way of tackling a few things has made me feel very uneasy. The only reason I have continued updating here is due to my gratitude for your support and my need to responsibly finish what I started. I realize that it might seem unfair to you, and I sincerely apologize, but I am not comfortable in this site. As guilty as it makes me, I have decided to stop posting here in the future. I will miss you all terribly. And thank you very much for your understanding :)

If you are still interested in reading the stories I will write in the future, you can find me at ScribbleHub under the same name. Following me on my profile page there will let you know whenever I post a new story or announcement by way of notifications. If you choose not to continue with me, then that is fine as well :) I sincerely thank you for all your support this far!

To wrap up this long string of words, I'd like to thank everyone reading this one more time: Thank you very, very much! I hope to see you again in my other stories~

With heartfelt regards and lots of hugs,

Crimson Carnation