
Fevernt Roars

[: Daniel POV :] 

Seeing the disciples and sect elders react with such amazement and enthusiasm, I couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

The hall was filled with a palpable sense of hope and excitement, a far cry from the doubt and uncertainty that had lingered earlier.

With a voice brimming with power and enthusiasm, I raised it to declare, "Now, who wants to be my disciple!?''

My words rang out loudly and resonated with undeniable authority, causing a ripple of energy that swept through the hall.

The impact of my voice was profound, and chaos broke out as all of the disciples, and even some of the elders, couldn't contain their excitement.

The hall erupted into a cacophony of eager voices, each disciple and sect elder shouting their intentions with heartfelt yearning.

"I want to join!"

"I'm in, without a doubt!"

"Master, accept me as your disciple!"