
Heavenly Dao Stele

Shen Qian accidentally got a Heavenly Dao Stele, this jade stele can show magical secret skills, from then on, Shen Qian's fate began to change...

x_he · ตะวันออก
12 Chs

Chapter 12: Onboarding

The next day, Shen Qian went to Donggang early to report. A beautiful girl in the personnel department looked at the boy who had come to report curiously, as if wondering if his somewhat thin appearance could also serve as a bodyguard.

The bodyguards in Winter Harbor have no offices, only training grounds and lounges. Shen Qian came to the lounge, and saw the bodyguards in the lounge chatting idly, and Yu Zhenye was sitting on the sofa slowly drinking tea.

Shen Qian walked to Yu Zhen's side and greeted, "Captain." "

"Well, come here, you can rest here when there is no task in the future, you can also go to the training room to train, and do what you want to do." Yu Zhen said lightly.

"Got it." Seeing Yu Zhen's appearance of ignoring his love, Shen Qian was not angry.

"Remind you, if you want to better protect your last name, it's best to train more." After speaking, Yu Zhen got up and left the lounge.

After Yu Zhen left, Shen Qian sat on the sofa and observed the environment of the lounge. This lounge was quite luxuriously decorated, and the few bodyguards who remained in the lounge looked at Shen Qian coldly and did not answer Shen Qian, still chatting about the sky. After a while, Shen Qian felt a little bored and decided to go to the training ground to take a look.

The training ground is very large, there are all kinds of training equipment inside, at this time, the training ground is full of people and very lively.

Shen Qian walked towards the crowd curiously, and saw two strong men competing in martial arts from a distance.

"It's a common thing for bodyguards to compete with each other here, and you will often encounter them in the future." I don't know when, Yu Zhen stood by Shen Qian's side.

"Is it? However, I think that those who cannot bear loneliness will never be able to reach the peak of martial arts. Shen Qian said lightly.

"I don't agree with you, only more exchanges can improve yourself." Yu Zhen listened to Shen Qian's words with a look of disapproval in his eyes.

"Sometimes it's like this, sometimes it's not, and I think being a human being should be unobtrusive." Shen Qian obviously saw the disapproval in Yu Zhen's eyes.

"We martial arts practitioners cultivate the spirit of qi, so we should have a little more blood surname than ordinary people, and a little more edge." Yu Zhen's words obviously carried a tone of teaching Shen Qian.

"As long as the blood surname is in the bones, it will do." Shen Qian still had a nonchalant expression.

Yu Zhen looked at Shen Qian not very happily and did not speak. Shen Qian smiled slightly, and did not care.

"Yu Zhen, come here." A voice came from outside the venue.

Shen Qian looked outside the field and saw a middle-aged man about forty years old standing outside the field, and this middle-aged man smiled faintly. Seeing this person, Yu Zhen's serious face actually showed a faint smile, and walked towards the middle-aged man.

"Triven, why are you here, what is the task?" Yu Zhen seemed to have a good relationship with this middle-aged man named Cui Wen.

"There is a task now, but all the special bodyguards have something to do, they really can't draw people, it seems that they can only trouble you." Triven said with a smile.

Listening to Cui Wen's words, Yu Zhen's brows couldn't help but frown.

"How, are you in trouble?" Triven asked.

"Yes, there are a lot of things that I need to deal with during this time, and I can't get out of the way." Yu Zhen looked helpless.

"That's a bit of a hassle." Cui Wen said to himself.

"Is it an important task?" Yu Zhen asked.

"Well, someone needs to be protected." Cui Wen was also worried when he heard that Yu Zhen didn't have time.

"There is a new person today, I fought him, he should have the strength of a special bodyguard." Yu Zhen thought of Shen Qian and recommended it to Cui Wen.

"Oh? That's great, if it's really the same as you said, let him go on this mission. Triven's eyes lit up.

"Shen Qian, come here." Yu Zhenchong Shen Qian beckoned.

"Captain Yu, you look for me." Shen Qian walked to the sidelines.

"This is Cui Wen, the special bodyguard of our company, and Lao Cui has a task to hand over to you." Yu Zhen introduced Cui Wen to Shen Qian.

"Shen Qian, just call me Brother Cui."

"Brother Cui, I just arrived at the company, I don't understand anything, and I ask you to give me more advice."

"I heard that Lao Yu said that you have good skills, and you have good skills at such a young age, and it seems that the future is promising." Cui Wen said with a smile.

Shen Qian saw that this Cui Wen had a good temper and always looked smiling, but since he met Feng Ying, Shen Qian was very wary of this kind of person who always seemed happy on the surface, and he still remembered Feng Ying's ruthless methods after the accident.

"Shen Qian, you go back and prepare, report to me tomorrow, and I will arrange tasks for you," Cui Wen said to Shen Qian.

"Got it, Brother Cui, I'll be ready."

"Okay, tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, I'll come here to pick you up" After speaking, Cui Wen and Yu Zhen said hello and turned to leave.

"Captain Yu, I've just arrived, and I don't understand anything to go out on a mission, can I?" Shen Qian asked Yu Zhen.

"Why, don't you have confidence?" After Cui Wen left, Yu Zhen returned to his old-fashioned appearance as if wearing a mask.

"It's not that I don't have confidence, I just think this task came too quickly."

"Winter Harbor, not as calm as its name suggests, you won't have much time to prepare. Although you are new and we have different views on some of them, I always feel that you are different from them. Yu Zhen pointed to those on the training ground.

"Oh? Am I any different? Shen Qian didn't expect Yu Zhen to speak so highly of him.

"Perhaps, you are the most extraordinary of all, or perhaps, you are the worst of all."

Looking at Yu Zhenyuan's back, Shen Qian said to himself: "Perhaps, my road is destined to be the most bumpy and long. "

The next time, Shen Qian waited for Cui Wen on the training ground, and after a while, Cui Wen came to the training ground.

"Ready? If you're ready, we're going now. Triven still had that grinning expression.

"Brother Cui, everything is ready, you can go at any time."

"Then let's go."

There is a jeep parked outside Winter Harbor, which looks very nice.

"Can you drive?" Cui Wen asked Shen Qian.

"No, never driven." Shen Qian was a little embarrassed, because as a bodyguard, he couldn't drive, which was really a bit unspeakable.

"It's okay, you can study when you have time, we can provide such conditions in Donggang." It seems that today you are going to be the boss, and I am going to be the driver for you. Cui Wen joked with Shen Qian while sitting in the driver's seat.

"When I learn to drive, I will definitely let you be the boss once," Shen Qian also joked with Cui Wen.

"Brother Cui, who am I going to protect?"

"Do you know the Qian Group?"

"I seem to have heard a little, but I don't know much, how, is it related to them?"

"The Qian Group seems to have gotten into trouble this time, and for the safety of the family members, please protect their important members. This time, the one you want to protect is the granddaughter of the current head of the family, Qian Hang, whose name seems to be Qian Dai. Cui Wen drove while introducing the mission to Shen Qian.

"It's a funny name." Hearing the name of that Qian Hang's granddaughter, Shen Qian said with a smile.

Cui Wen also smiled slightly, and continued: "This Qian Group is developing well, but there is an extremely serious problem. "

"What problem?" Shen Qian asked curiously.

"People are not prosperous, Qian Hang has two sons, but in Qian Dai's generation, there is only Qian Dai, the only seedling, so the whole family holds it like a baby, for fear that something will happen again."

"The Qian Group can also be regarded as a large group, I don't know what kind of opponent it has provoked, so that the Qian family attaches so much importance to it." Shen Qian, who is about to become Qian Dai's bodyguard, still wants to know a little about this opponent who makes the Qian family restless.

"I don't know."

After a while, Cui Wen and Shen Qian's car stopped in front of a mansion that looked large and had several security guards standing at the door. Entering the courtyard, the first thing you see is a rockery, which is very exquisite, which can be appreciated as a scenery and can block the line of sight, so that people can not see the scenery in the courtyard at a glance, giving people the feeling of a different scenery step by step.

In addition, the courtyard has gardens, grasslands, and swimming pools, and Shen Qian is envious of him.

As soon as I reached the door of the hall, I heard the sound of a quarrel in the hall.

"Grandpa, what are you looking for a bodyguard for me, you can't do anything with such a tail, not to mention that now the bodyguards of the security company are incompetent, how can they have any real skills..."