

Forsaken by God. Devoured by the unholy. Humanity has been damned. Yet, they have the hope to fight back. CHAPTER 17 OUT! New chapter soon.

imblest · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter Three: Introspection.

Lucius awakened to the comfort of a bed, the pain of his injuries without adrenaline, and the sight of Noel seated in a chair at his bedside. He tried rising to his feet, but the only thing he could do was let a pained groan escape his lips. His head turned to face Noel, who just stared at him with a grin that made the guy uncomfortable. Thus, he spoke up to break the silence.

"This is your house?"

"Yep. You're not gonna ask what happened?"

"Looks like a cabin you'd find out in the wild," Lucius noted while studying the house's interior. From within the room, he peered out into the living room. He was able to make out a fireplace, a rug, the wood infrastructure– was it a cabin?

"It is. I live close to that town."

"Right. What happened?"

"Thought you'd never ask. While I was explaining the whole church cult thing, you passed out. I had to carry you aaaaalll the way to this cabin. Did you know a human's body is much heavier when it's limp?"

"Yes. I thought you lived close to that town," Lucius replied with squinted eyes.

"I do! I'm just messin' with you."

No response from Lucius. Only a blank stare.

"Anyway. I'll make us tea. Be right back." With that, Noel rose out of his chair and left the room.

And Lucius was left to his own thoughts. Silence. How many demons had he enjoyed killing? He did not bother to count. He thought back to the church, and what that place really symbolized. He wondered if redemption was possible for a man like him. He's someone who's heart is in the right place, but beats in the body of a monster. He used to ponder: was he an evil man trying who sought to be better, or was he an inherently good man forced to be evil by the environment around him?

The answer had been evident to him now: he is an evil person. The only way to improve, he figured, was to acknowledge this fact. He had self-reflecting to do. So, Lucius got to his feet, popped his shoulder into place with an agonized groan, and made his way out the cabin's door.

Not without Noel noticing.

"Hey, hey, HEY! Where are you going?" he called out while speed-walking to follow Lucius into the frostbitten forest that enveloped his cabin. The cold could not shake the warmth of either demon hunter.

"For a walk. I need to think. Don't follow me."

"Wha-? Why not? We're buddies, aren't we? I could've left you alone in that church, y'know."

"No. I'm not interested in making friends. Stop following me."

Noel, of course, did not comply, in fact; he was now in front of Lucius, walking backwards as they trekked deeper into the forest.

"You certainly look like you need one."

"I don't for a reason," he retorted.

"What's the reason?"

No response.

"Come on, what's the reason?"

The sound of snow being crunched with each step stopped. Lucius and Noel shared a moment of silence with eye contact; Noel returned Lucius's glare with a sheepish grin. The brooding demon hunter surmised Noel wouldn't leave without an answer.

"Because you'll have to worry more about me than any other demon."

Only silence filled the forest, and Noel's face went from upbeat to horrified.

Only for him to burst into laughter.

"What are you, a teenager? No way you thought that would scare me."

An annoyed grunt was all Lucius could muster before continuing his path– of course, Noel followed.

"So, you ever been to the demon hunter hideout?"


"Aw, what? Never? I gotta show you. It's real close to where I live. You have to meet Michael. Dude's the strongest."

"Not interested."

"Really? Looks like you aren't going anywhere. Honestly, it looks like you're walking aimlessly until I leave. Which I'm not, by the way. You might as well come with me."

A begrudged sigh followed by a few expletives escaped Lucius's lips.

"Alright. Take me there."

"Cool! Follow me." A wide grin encompassed Noel's face as he shot finger guns at Lucius. The latter, surprisingly, did not return the enthusiasm.

And so the duo began their path–shoulder-to-shoulder–towards the covert gathering of demon hunters.