
Chapter 99 - Happy For Everything He Has Now

"Why are you so quiet, Erren? Did you feel awkward about the meeting just now?" asked Aiden, who felt that Erren had been silent all along, and even after they met with Leo and Aleya, Erren was silent.

"Was it wrong of me to be silent? You're the one doing all the talking, Aiden, not me."

Aiden was suddenly annoyed by the words Erren had said to him. He took offense to the fact that Erren had never said anything like that to him.

"Well, you're jealous and still have feelings for her, right?"

Erren didn't answer right away. If he answered, it would be like starting a war with Aiden, and Erren didn't want a fight about an ex. Besides, there was no going back when he saw how Leo had really managed to move on from him.

"I know you still love him, Erren and I know you still wish you could go back, right? Didn't you see how happy he and Aleya looked? Why are you still living for the past?!"