
Heaven Knows: The Fallen Angel

Annabelle is a fallen angel. Her punishment was to live on earth among humans. She so much distastes was the punishment. Her brothers thought she could use it, but they didn't know she would go rampant and start killing people. This caused the US government to step in and trap Anna in an angel trap. Trying to break her mind and spirit to turn her into the perfect weapon. She did what she thought was impossible. Anna fell in love. Then when the world was in danger, the government set up a team to help eradicate the threat. Can Annabelle and her new human lover save the world, or will they die trying?

_BloodyAppleQueen_ · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Everyone believes in something in life. Whether it be morals, religion, or your own beliefs. There isn't a single person in the world who believes in nothing. Believing in nothing makes life boring. It makes it not worth living for anything.

In some religions, some learn that angels are the good guys and the devil is bad. Sometimes Angels go rogue, and they are sent to earth and killed. Others were just demons created to create havoc for the people around them.

But let's go back to the fallen angels for a second. They sometimes believe in their own morals instead of Gods. They think outside the box, so they are sent to be punished. Though, as we all know, sometimes some escape and fake their deaths.

Some people say these angels are bad and need to be killed for not listening to God and his all-mighty wisdom. Though in reality, we all disobey God. So why can't rebellious angels?

That was exactly what Annabelle had done. She had believed in her own morals. For that thinking alone, she was banished and fell from grace. Anna was scared at first, but as each day passed for her on earth. She realized that this world needed to be cleansed.

After a few years of cleansing the world of monsters, Anna was captured by the US government. Thrown into a program for killers and super-powered humans. They called it Bali. Also known as Project Paradise, to keep things under wraps.

The government thought taking in the angel and using her for their own benefit would be the "Safer" option. Taming an angel was not easy. They had only one ruler and one ruler only. Now taming a fallen angel with newfound freedom came at a cost.

That was why they played her. They sent in people to crack her. Break her spirits. Her mind. But she was unbreakable. They thought it was over until they realized she had fallen in love with one of her guards. Grant A. Edwards. Of course, they used him to keep her in line. Threatening him and the entire career he worked so hard to build.

Now having the angel under their power, they had her do many undercover jobs. For ten years, she had to do their dirty work. They stole the wings right off her back, trapping her in a cage with symbols littering the floors. Annabelle only wanted a life for herself and Grant. Then one day, her wish was granted.

The world had a high-level threat putting Project paradise in effect immediately. What could go wrong with Annabelle and Grant leading the way for a group of skilled killers? Anna knew that no matter the outcome, she would break free soon.