
heaven in her

the shadow -mafia -and me let's see who she chooses to love her ( her pov) He was crying like a lost child who need to find his home ,but he's the one who make me hate him the most and love him hardly i love him but can't forgive him . he was begging infront of me for stay with him but he forgot he's the one who pushed me away from him .... ( his pov) i love her more than anything and anyone but I'm the one who pushed her away from me , I can't see her going away from me her every step giving me a heartache . i feel like my heart is going to blast, I'm going to die if she hate me the way . she's my home ,my heaven,my comfort and everything, she's only one who love and like me ,find a human in me. it's feel like someone is cutting my heart in millions pieces and my every piece of heart want to touch by hear every part of my heart screaming her name . I can't breath i want to hold her and cry hardly for her forgiveness . i want to hold her feet and force her to stay with me but ..... but i can't...... I'm the one who hurt her ...... I'm the one ............ ~~~~ Devil Worship him...... Kim jung ~~~~ Ishu Roy like every day she escaped from her Mcmansion to the club ,by misled guards and her parents she don't know after this night she can't be live her life freely like she's living right know, she is going to embrace a big trouble for her. A big change in her life , a beautiful handcuffs waiting for her . someone who love her harder with a years of obsession. someone in waiting for her in his hell..........

Gungun_97 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

it's her

It's 8 am in morning.....

"Ishu , Ishu , open the door girl you have to go University, its 8 am you are late " her mom is yelling from the outside of her door while banging the door.

She put pillow on her face for avoiding the sound that her mom was creating.

Her mom stop banging door and walk in her room for the key , she open her key box and pull out one of the key .

" What happened now ? " Mr Roy asked her wife when he saw her pulling out key , " nothing she is still sleeping" Mrs roy make a long face and look Mr Roy he nod slowly, she walk upstairs towards the Ishu room.

She unlocked the door and walk in , a red blanket Ishu wrap around her more like hugging.

" Ishu , what is this ? " Mrs Roy try to pull the blanket but her daughter's grip is more tight around the blanket.

" Ewww , Ishu leave this blanket it's too dirty and look" Mr Roy is still holding the blanket, Ishu seat on her bed while pulling blanket edge from her mother's hand .

" Where you find this ? , whose is this ?"

Mrs roy continue asking her , " mom please just leave this " she hug the blanket.

" Be on dining table "

" Yaa I'm coming "

Mrs roy close the door behind her , Ishu hug the blanket and walk towards her almirah and hide the blanket in her clothes so her mom can't find.


" Are you okay" Elena ask and Ishu just nod her head in answer .

" I don't think are you okay"

" I'm - "

" did he come again last night ? "

" Yaa "

" Did you see his face that time?"

" No I can't, but he's man with masculine body and sharp jawline"

" Ohh so he remove his blanket "

" Yess " a perfect smile touch Ishu lips with excitement.

" Are you smiling? " Elena ask ,

" what no why I - "

" No you were smiling when you say yes "

" Maybe " Ishu touch her cheeks.

" Did you guys talk or anything else what happened last night tell me everything" Elena is ready for tea that her best friend going to spill .

" He leave a message "

" What kind of message,did he give you death threats? "

" No why are you talking nonsense let me finish my sentance first "

" Take a good nap don't think about daddy " Ishu cover her face with her palm .


After a long conversation they both sigh in realife, Elena was looking suprise and happy.

" Can you ask him for one night? " Elena give a dirty smirked. Ishu roll her eyes.

" Let's go we have to go club" Elena grab her things, " I can't " Ishu bow her head down.

" Don't be dramatic, se both know you never miss a single opportunity to go out " Elena make Ishu stand .

" Dude I'm not in mood , go with your third boyfriend " Ishu make her way to walk out .

" Bitch " Elena shout.

" Yaa I'm" ishu shout back.


Ishu hold the blanket and wrap around her again, the unknown feeling is so comfortable for her .

She close her eyes in comfort, she never felt something lovable like this blanket, she continues sniffing .

It's already mid night, the weather change in rainy but there is no sign to rain drops and thunder, she stand near her window to get a little glim of her , he was seeting on his fix place like every time .

She feels his eyes on her , her cheeks turn red a smile appear on her face .

She wave her hand towards him , he did same and move his head two times .

Her phone was continuously ringing,she know it's her friend Elena she is calling for clubbing, she don't want to ruin her beautiful moments with her stalker or maybe her caretaker or something she don't know.

He point his finger inside of her room , she don't understand, he did the same still she can't understand.

So he write in his phone and show her ,she can't read because the gap is big between them so she hold her phone and zoom on his phone display.

" Are you okay? "

She nod and said yaa I'm in sign language.

" Now the rainy season is over, you do not need to be afraid " she zoom again and read , a satisfied smile come to her lips .

She wants to talk with him hear his voice,see his face , maybe she is in love with him and now her heart is beating like gun shoot after his question , no one know about her condition except her family and they don't care that much they think it's normal but there is he who always came every monsoon for her .

How can she stop falling for him after this .

" You should take a nap" he write again, she said no and move her head so speed .

He laugh , she can't see his face but his body tell he is laughing, he run his hand in his hair so smoothly .

" Why " he asked again throw the phone screen.

She look his phone screen for some second and start typing in her phone .

" Because i don't want" she show him her screen.

He look and nod , he place his palm both side of his body and continue looking at her , they both doing same .

She don't want him to go , because their is no rainy season that's means she can't see him from now , it's last day maybe , she want to beg infront of him to stay with her .

" Can you come in my room ? " She saw him her screen with excitement.

" What do you want from me " he ask

" You " she show him without hesitation she knows there is so many way to take her words maybe he will take them wrong or right she don't care .

" Miel , i think you are horny" he show his screen.

Like she is thinking he took her on wrong way she don't care , miel she whisper and translat the word it's french word it's mean honey ,

' so I'm his honey but he can't come for me asshole ' she whisper slowly, is he teasing me , should I do the same ? Yaa ofcourse.

" What is your dick size ? 👀" She look her screen two more time before showing him .

He laugh , he laugh again I want to hear his laugh ohh my god how can I be there and hearing his laugh she place her phone to her chest while thinking about him .

" It's enough to make you cry and beg for your life , you can feel my dick in your stomach baby don't worry about that 😏" he show with a smirk emoji.

She feels all butter fly in her stomach , she hide her self behind the curtain.

After five minutes she move out , and read " are you blushing? Miel " she nod her head .

He bow his head maybe he is smiling or something else.

" You have exam on next week go and study for that " she read .

Wth how he know about that , does he know everything but how .

" Are you stalking me ? 😯" The emoji is overrated I know but I love that , I type and show him .

He nod freely.

" So you know everything about me ? " I type again he nod his head again.

" Everything ? " i type and show him

He nod five times.

" What is my panty colour? " I asked him .

He look at my phone screen and then me and laugh after some time he type something.

" It's probably dark black " i read , I hide behind curtain again and check the colour is brown I sigh in realife.

" Lier 😪"

He laugh , I love every second when he laugh his body move like a perfect dancing ball who always stay happy.

" I don't think I need to know what colour of panty you are wearing, because if I was there I rip them off "

I read my heart stop for second,he is teasing me I need a sex with this man wtf is he doing with me .

" Okay it's 3 am go and sleep " I read yaa it's 3 am but I want to talk with him more maybe till morning.

She nod sadly, " look beside your bed" she read and turn to look , " wth" she said in excitement.

How can I not notice such beautiful flowers ( tiger Lily) and candy , a little flower bouquet and some old times candy on her table , she grab flower in her hand and sniff them , does he smell like this or something else, she eat one candy or he test like this or thought running in her mind .

She turn to window to say him thank you but he's not there anymore.

A sad wave hit her , i can't see him for a whole year until the rain comes ,why why God I want it to rain really hard I want him to seat there for me until I fall asleep I want him to wait for me but here I'm the one who is waiting for him.

I wish it would rain , Please God make it rain with very strong lightning she is continuously praying for rain it's first time in her life she was praying for rain.

Otherwise she wished it never rained she used to hate rain so much.

She hold flower tightly and hug them , tear are flowing from her eyes she can't control her emotions a unknown feeling for him is getting to hard to control herself.

Her heart is crying for him , her chest start arching so hard she need him right now like a human need oxygen fir their life ...