
Chapter 2


"Should I build an underground shelter? Or just a normal house..."

*Boop, I recommend the host build a house because it won't attract unnecessary attention

"I never thought about that! Alright then we shall get to building"


"Wait a minute..."

*Boop, The system can answer basic questions while it is going through the activation process

"I understand, Let's get to gathering the wood"


"Alright looks like we're almost finished!"

"Doesn't the house look amazing?"

*Ding, no it doesn't.


"Now that I have a shelter to live in I need to hunt food."

Jale picked up his wooden spear

"Lucky me there's a deer right beside the lake."

Jale silently sneaked towards the deer and prepared to throw the spear.

"Alright Jale you got this, I have to eat something if not I'll starve.."

Jale prepared to throw the spear


The spear hit the deers neck making it fall

Jale got up and walked towards the deer

"Did I just kill an animal? I feel bad.. But this is just the natural cycle of life."

Jale dragged the deer to his house

"I did some mining off screen and I made myself a stone knife"

Jale started skinning the deer

It took him 2 hours to figure it out

"I did a horrible job."

"Atleast I get to, not starve"

Jale picked up his stone knife

"Alright, now to cut it up and cook it"


Jale sat on a log beside a fire roasting meat

"I'm so damn hungry I can't wait to eat this."

But unfortunately for Jale, he heard sounds coming from a bush that does not sound like a sound that bushes would make come from behind him!

"Who goes there!"

Jale picked his spear up and pointed it towards the bush.

Soon a boy came out

Jale stood up and looked at him warily

'A trap? Can't be, he looks like a noble. But does he speak my language?'

"#£&#!?" Said the boy

'huh?!' jale thought

*Ding system is 5% loaded! The system can help the host with translation if the host decides to sacrifice the 5% progress!

Jale spoke in his head

'Do it'

*Boop, the translation skill has been unlocked!

The boy spoke again

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jale and you?"

"I'm Theo Vithurard.."

Jale put down his wooden spear

"Why are you here Theo? Did you get lost."

"No.. People came to my home and.."

Jale interrupted him "Ah I get it, bandits?"

"No, it was another kingdom"

Jale pondered for a while

'So there's war in this kingdom I'm in and there are other people out there'

Jale sat back down

"So where are you going now?"

"I have no where to go"

"Well goodluck"


Theo came up to him

"Can I follow you?"

Jale looked at him in surprise

"Okay then! You hungry?"

Jale pointed at the cooked meat placed on a tree stump

"Can I?"

Jale nodded "why else would I be pointing at the food and asking you if you were hungry?"

"Oh okay then"

"So Theo, can you tell me abit about this kingdom?"

"You're a foreigner?"


Theo looked at him and cleared his throat

"You are in the kingdom of B'henn Th'ell the relatively small kingdom and it's being attacked by a larger kingdom which is the Yonandrim Kingdom"

Theo continued "The royal family has most of the power here, because the powerful noble families moved to better kingdoms."

"This kingdoms military power is also quite lacking, the most powerful person they have is a 5th circle mage and 6th layer knight"

Jale looked intrigued 'So this world isn't a immortal cultivation world..'

Theo looked at Jale "This land used to be prosperous until the new king came into power."

"Hm, it's getting dark let's head inside" Jale stood up

While walking Jale said "For a noble you are surprisingly quite chill, not arrogant."

Theo spoke "My father taught me well."

Jale and Theo entered the house