
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Chapter-51: Realisation

As the man was laughing in extreme happiness, he noticed that those two have once again started their erotic kissing.

He stopped his laugh and his eyes reddened with extreme anger. He had already decided that Althea will become his own property. And now he was seeing that his property was kissing someone else so passionately.

He shouted loudly at Althea," Fucking bitch. What are you doing with that brat without my permission. You are my slave woman and you will only serve the one who i tell you to.

If you don't stop this at once, i will fu*k you till you beg for mercy."

Ashmus, who heard his wicked words, separated from Althea and looked at the man with an icy-cold look.

Althea was totally nauseated by his words and started at this revolting man with a furious look. She couldn't believe this man was arrogant to this degree.

She then turned towards Ashmus and said," Ashmus, you can do anything you want with this guy. I will not stop you. I'm sick of hearing his disgusting blabber."

Ashmus heard her words and said," Then i hope you will be able to bear the upcoming scene."

"Mn." She nodded her head and her expression relaxed a bit.

After saying this to her, Ashmus turned to look at the man with an extremely ferocious killing intent.

The man saw his murder filled eyes and his heart shuddered a bit.

But this moron didn't notice the warning his heart was giving him and shouted at Ash with an that same arrogant voice," What are you looking at, weakling. Are you angry? Hahahaha... What can you do to me with your puny strength, hah? Are you going to beg me to let you go?

Well, my answer is no. I will fu*k your woman infront of your own eyes untill i break her. Hahahahaha..... What are you going to do to stop me? You can do nothing but watch as i ra*e your woman. Hahahahaha..."

Ashmus, who heard his revolting words, felt his heart burn with blazing anger. He has never been this much angry before. Looks like he has to give this guy some extra lesson.

He took a deep breath and subdued the fire in his heart for now. After doing this, he rised his right hand towards the red sword and the sword that was hovering a bit far from him returned to his hand with a terrifying speed.

The man was shocked when he saw this. He had never thought that this weak brat can wield that Heavenly artifact.

But a second later, his shocked look changed into a furious look and he shouted at Ashmus," How dare you take my sword? You are not even worthy to look at that sword. Only someone like me is allowed to wield it. If you don't return the sword to me, i will make you die a horrible death."

Ashmus didn't say anything and advanced towards him with the sword in his hand and a devilish look on his face.

Seeing him not answering, the man shouted again," Did you not hear my words? I said give me back my sword."

"Barking dogs don't bite. Is the only thing you can do is bark like a fucking dog. If you say one more daunting word, i will double the number of your torture days." Ashmus said to him in a low but cold voice.

"How dare you call me a dog? I will make sure you die a frightening death." The man didn't take his words seriously and once again shouted at Ashmus.

"Hmm..... Looks like you are a masochist. You sure are begging to be tortured more and more. Then i will make sure to grant your wish." Ashmus heard his words and decided to just triple his torturous days.

After saying this, he ran towards that person and with all his speed.

"Heh.... So what if you have the sword with you. It's useless if you cannot even use its power."

The man said scornfully and took out his own spiritual artifact blade to confront him. Even though he was a fool, he atleast knew that fighting with a spiritual artifact holder with bare hands is just pure foolishness.

But he didn't know that fighting face to face with the red sword in its own domain is nothing else but courting death.

After getting near that person, Ash jumped and rose his sword over his head and attacked him vertically with all his strength.

The man couldn't dodge the attack because of the pressure of this dome of blood. He also wanted to test the power of that heavenly artifact so he just decided to block the blow with his artifact.

When the strike landed on his artifact, his blade directly broke into two halves. He was forced back dozen steps and coughed out fresh blood.

With the spiritual artifact, the mask he was wearing also broke into two and fell down.

The man was shocked when he saw his artifact break this easily. This blade has been with him for more than 40 years and it has never been broken to this day. But now it broke into two halves by just a single strike.

After landing his attack, Ashmus distanced himself from that man looked at his face which was now clear to see.

He looked like a 25-30 year old man with a snake like and a arrogant expression on his face. Ashmus could make out that arrogance has been seeped into that person's very bones.

Even though this person looked like a 25-30 year old man, Ashmus knew that this was not his real age. His age must be much higher than he looks.

When one half of his blade fell to the ground with his broken mask, the man finally came out of his shock.

He looked at the broken blade in his hand and his face paled. All the arrogance on his face disappeared and a dreadful look appeared on his face.

After he came out of his pride and arrogance, he was starting to realise the kind of situation he was in.

He remembered those large amount of rotten skeletons and that skeleton which was wearing the darkmoon outfit.

He remembered that ginormous dome of blood and that suffocating pressure.

He finally realised that the reason for all the confusing things he had seen before was that red sword and this brat who was supposed to be a weakling.

Kenzo's warning and mockery filled laugh started appearing in his mind. He remembered his words about someone still being tortured by that blue flame.

When he thought of that, he slowly turned his head towards the place where the flame was and saw that there really was someone being burnt by that flame.

But he saw that there wasn't even a single burn mark on his body but that person was still trembling violently like he was in a gut-wrenching pain. And he couldn't scream because his mouth was sealed by a sphere like object.

That man's body started shaking violently when he saw this scene.

And the final thing he remembered was that how he had insulted and threatened that woman.

When that thought came into his mind, his mind started spining and he felt dizzy. His heart was pounding fiercely as all these thoughts came into his mind.