
Was I Asking?

Even Zhou Yang's eyes constricted when he heard Sheng Tian say the name of the most notorious danger zone within the area. 

The last time that he himself had gone to the Dark Enchantment Forest, Zhou Yang was with a team of 5 senior disciples who had plenty of combat experience. In just 3 days however, they were unable to get even halfway through the outer region, forcing them to thus give up and go back to the sect in shame.

Yet now, Sheng Tian wanted all of them to go into the Dark Enchantment Forest as a form of training.

"Are you crazy?!" he shouted, "Even I was pushed back when I went in that hellhole, yet you want a huge group of 8,000 disciples to enter a place filled with terrifying magical beasts?!"

For once, everyone agreed with Zhou Yang. 8,000 disciples was a rather large number, and even a place as large as the Dark Enchantment Forest would experience quite the commotion once they enter.