

At this moment, small stone platforms rose up from the chasm and were scattered along the side of the circular pillar. They reminded Sheng Tian of stairs, only these ones were not connected, and grew smaller as they rose in elevation.


Suddenly, several streaks of light could be seen approaching the area in all directions. A moment later, one can see that they were talents from various sects.

There was Xue Li Xian as well as 2 of his people. It seems that he either decided to split up or lives were lost in the process of battle.

After them was surprisingly 3 Sea Beasts, two of which being part of the group that Yu Man had killed, with the other likely being an ally they had found.

Then Mo Tie came alone, and Sheng Tian and his group were able to see that he was much stronger than normal, and that there seemed to me an illusion covering his body.