
Make One


Mu Fei tilted her head slightly to dodge Yang Fei's desperate punch. With swift movements, she counterattacked, punching Yang Fei in the stomach 3 times in quick succession.


Yang Fei took several steps backwards, clutching her stomach in pain. Gritting her teeth, she tried to go for a kick with her right foot, only for Mu Fei to hug her leg close and twist with her entire body.


Yang Fei found herself being pressed against the ground as Mu Fei kept her legs around hers and trapped her upper body.


She gnashed her teeth when she felt Mu Fei's superior assets press against her back. Despite being a lot shorter, Mu Fei's body definitely did not lose out to Shang Yu Hong or Xiao Hua. In fact, being shorter allowed those assets to really display themselves.

'This bitch and her massive fucking mountains!! I swear she's just doing this to show off!'