
Baleful Yin


Xiao Hua tried to get close to Yue Ling'er, but was pushed back by the yin energy. She tried to cover herself in fire, but it only managed to protect her slightly from the yin energy.

Bing Xue on the other hand had it much worse. Her ice energy is already high, but the yin energy coming from Yue Ling'er's body was causing an imbalance in Bing Xue's body. Both of them were noticeably paler when they came into contact with the yin energy.

The devilish woman chuckled, "No one has been able to endure the Baleful Yin for more than a few hours. Your precious master is as good as dead"

Yin and Yang are required to be in harmony. While women had more Yin and men had more Yang, an excessive amount not obtained through proper training could be dangerous, and even fatal. 

Not to mention, the devilish woman's curse was emitting a unique type of Yin Qi, one that was colder and sickening to feel.